Item Item Name Column Name Required Definition Code Set Data Type Length Precision
005 Collection Version CollectionVersion Required Collection version should contain this value '2023ALL1.0ASVAB' for the 2023 June Cycle ASVAB File Layout.
Text 50
010 Current School Year CurrentSchoolYear Required The ending year of the current school year. For example, use '2023' for the 2022-2023 school year.
Integer 4
025 Reporting District Code ReportingDistrictCode Required DESE assigned 6 digit county district code for the district reporting. DESE_District_Codes Text 6
030 Reporting School Code ReportingSchoolCode Required DESE assigned 4 digit school code where the student is being reported from. DESE_School_Codes Text 4
050 MOSIS Student ID StateID Required State assigned student identifier. See for more information.
Text 10
055 Local Student ID LocalStudentID Optional Local student id maintained by the district. Allows for data to be associated to local systems from DESE source systems.
Text 20
060 Legal Last Name LastName Required Legal last name.
Text 60
065 Legal First Name FirstName Required Legal first name.
Text 60
070 Legal Middle Name MiddleName Optional Legal middle name.
Text 60
075 Legal Name Suffix Suffix Optional Legal name suffix. E.g. Jr, Sr
Text 10
080 Date of Birth DateOfBirth Required Date of birth.
Text 10
095 Student Grade Level StudentGradeLevel Required Grade level as of the time data is being submitted unless otherwise specified. Student_Grade_Level_Codes Text 3
100 Gender Gender Required Gender Gender_Codes Text 1
105 Race/Ethnicity RaceEthnicity Required Pre-defined Race / Ethnic code. Race_Ethnicity_Codes Text 1
110 ASVAB Test Date TestDate Required Test Date reported on student's ASVAB Summary Results
Text 10
115 Verbal Skills VerbalSkills Optional ASVAB Grade Standard Score for Verbal Skills
Integer 2
120 Math Skills MathSkills Optional ASVAB Grade Standard Score for Math Skills
Integer 2
125 Science and Tech Skills SnTSkills Optional ASVAB Grade Standard Score for Science and Tech Skills
Integer 2
130 General Science GeneralScience Optional ASVAB Grade Standard Score for General Science
Integer 2
135 Arithmetic Reasoning ArithmeticReasoning Optional ASVAB Grade Standard Score for Arithmetic Reasoning
Integer 2
140 Word Knowledge WordKnowledge Optional ASVAB Grade Standard Score for Word Knowledge
Integer 2
145 Paragraph Comprehension ParaComprehension Optional ASVAB Grade Standard Score for Paragraph Comprehension
Integer 2
150 Mathematics Knowledge MathKnowledge Optional ASVAB Grade Standard Score for Mathematics Knowledge
Integer 2
155 Electronics Information ElectronicsInfo Optional ASVAB Grade Standard Score for Electronics Information
Integer 2
160 Auto and Shop Information AutoShopInfo Optional ASVAB Grade Standard Score for Auto and Shop Information
Integer 2
165 Mechanical Comprehension MechComprehension Optional ASVAB Grade Standard Score for Mechanical Comprehension
Integer 2
170 Military Entrance Score EntranceScore Required ASVAB Grade Standard Score for Military Entrance Score
Integer 2