Renewal Application Request

To obtain a renewal application or your ONLINE pin #, please provide the Office of Tattooing, Body Piercing & Branding with the information requested below and click submit.

To change your address, phone #'s, or email address, please complete the ADDRESS CHANGE FORM.

Note: If you do not know your license number, go to Online Services and click on Licensee Search. Leave the County Name and Profession Name fields set to ALL. Click on Licensee Name and type your name in the text box provided. Be sure to enter your name specifically as requested (i.e. Doe, John). Click the Search button. When your license record is found, click on Detail to obtain the license number.

Your renewal form will be emailed. You may print, complete and mail this form OR obtain your pin # from this form and go to ONLINE RENEWAL ( to complete.

Name as it appears on the license

Request Type