Instructions For Missouri Practice Guide Continuing Education Exam

  • This exam must be completed in one session. If you have problems with connectivity or do not complete the examination, you will be unable to access the incomplete examination.

  • The Board has approved 6 (.60 CEU) of continuing education (CE) credit for successful completion of this exam. CE credit will only be recognized once per pharmacist license renewal cycle. Licensees will not be given duplicate credit for completing multiple examinations.

  • The exam consists of sixty-five (65) multiple choice questions and should be taken after you have reviewed the Missouri Pharmacy Practice Guide. You may use your browser's "back" button to review previous questions.

  • When you are finished with the entire exam, click "Submit & Grade." Each question must be answered. You may not change your answers after your exam has been submitted. A score of 75% is required for CE credit.

  • Your examination will be immediately scored on the screen and a final score report displayed. DO NOT EXIT THE EXAMINATION UNTIL YOUR FINAL SCORE REPORT IS DISPLAYED.

  • PRINT AND SAVE YOUR SCORE REPORT WITH YOUR CE RECORDS. Your successful score report will serve as documentation of your CE credit. The Board will not send a separate CE certificate. Contact the Board if your score report does not print.