Item Item Name Column Name Required Definition Code Set Data Type Length Precision
005 Collection Version CollectionVersion Required Collection version should contain this value '2025ALL1.0PSACourseAssign' for the 2025 Annual Post Secondary Course Assignment file.
Text 50
010 Current School Year CurrentSchoolYear Required The ending year of the current school year. For example, use '2025' for the 2024-2025 school year.
Integer 4
025 Reporting District Code ReportingDistrictCode Required DESE assigned 6 digit county district code for the district reporting. DESE_District_Codes Text 6
030 Reporting School Code ReportingSchoolCode Required DESE assigned 4 digit school code where the student is being reported from. DESE_School_Codes Text 4
050 ED SSN EDSSN Required Required if the Reporting and Receiving district are the same or if there is no Receiving district. Educator Social Security Number. Formats allowed '999999999'.
Text 9
060 Educator Last Name EDLastName Required Educator's Legal last name.
Text 60
065 Educator First Name EDFirstName Required Educator's Legal first name.
Text 60
070 Position Code PosCode Required Position code of educator’s assignment. (10) Administrator, (50) Counselor, (60) Teacher. Position_Codes Text 2
100 Local Course Number LocCourseNum Optional Local course code that identifies assignment.
Text 12
110 Local Course Name LocCourseName Required Local course name abbreviation.
Text 60
120 Local Section Number LocSecNum Optional Local section number
Text 6
130 CIP Code CIPCode Conditional Required if position code is 60. Classification of Instructional Programs Code
Text 6
190 Course Semester CourseSem Required Semester being reported. (0) Full Year, (1) Fall Semester, (2) Winter Semester, (3) Summer Semester. Course_Semester_Codes Text 1
210 CTE Program Code CTEProgramCode Required The Career Education program where the students main concentration is. Career Education program code. Exhibit 9 in Core Data Manual. CTE_Program_Codes Text 4
220 Contact Hours ContactHours Conditional Number of contact hours for the given amount of time reported in the CourseSem field. (Adult Programs)
Integer 4
230 Credit Hours CreditHours Conditional Number of credit hours for the given amount of time reported in the CourseSem field. (Postsecondary Programs)
Integer 2
235 Caseload (Enrollment) Caseload Conditional Required if position code is 60. Number of students served in the assignment.
Integer 3
240 Adult Term Length AdultTermLength Conditional Career Education Area Career Centers or Career Education Community Colleges teaching full-time (500+ clock hour) programs or short-term (less than 500 clock hour) programs. Adult_Term_Length_Codes Text 2