Item Item Name Column Name Required Definition Code Set Data Type Length Precision
005 Collection Version CollectionVersion Required Collection version should contain this value '2025Jun1.0StuEnrlAttnd' for the 2025 Student Enrollment Attendance June Cycle File Layout.
Text 50
010 Current School Year CurrentSchoolYear Required The ending year of the current school year. For example, use '2025' for the 2024-2025 school year.
Integer 4
015 Attending District Code AttendingDistrictCode Required DESE assigned 6 digit county district code for the district being exited. DESE_District_Codes Text 6
020 Attending School Code AttendingSchoolCode Required DESE assigned 4 digit school code for the school being exited. DESE_School_Codes Text 4
025 Reporting District Code ReportingDistrictCode Required DESE assigned 6 digit county district code for the district reporting. DESE_District_Codes Text 6
030 Reporting School Code ReportingSchoolCode Required DESE assigned 4 digit school code where the student is being reported from. DESE_School_Codes Text 4
035 Resident District Code ResidentDistrictCode Required DESE assigned 6 digit county district code for the district of residence. E.g. K-8 Resident II student attending high school in a different district would have Resident District Code populated with xxxxxx and the “Attending District Code” populated with yyyyyy representing the district of enrollment. DESE_District_Codes Text 6
040 Resident School Code ResidentSchoolCode Required DESE assigned 4 digit school code for the school of residence. DESE_School_Codes Text 4
045 MOSIS Student ID StateID Required State assigned student identifier. See for more information.
Text 10
050 Local Student ID LocalStudentID Optional Local student id maintained by the district. Allows for data to be associated to local systems from DESE source systems.
Text 20
055 Legal Last Name LastName Optional Legal last name.
Text 60
060 Legal First Name FirstName Optional Legal first name.
Text 60
065 Legal Middle Name MiddleName Optional Legal middle name.
Text 60
070 Legal Name Suffix Suffix Optional Legal name suffix. E.g. Jr, Sr
Text 10
075 Date of Birth DateOfBirth Required Date of birth.
Text 10
080 Student Grade Level StudentGradeLevel Required Grade level as of the time data is being submitted unless otherwise specified. Student_Grade_Level_Codes Text 3
090 Residency Status ResidencyStatus Required DESE assigned residency status code for student being reported. E.g. Resident I, Resident II, Non-Resident. Resident_Status_Codes Text 2
095 Regular Hrs Attended RegHrsAttended Conditional Required if student is not grade PK and did not enter and exit on the same day. Number of full-time and part-time hours the student spent in attendance at the attending district.
Number 9 4
100 Regular Hrs Absent RegHrsAbsent Required Number of hours the student was absent at the attending district.
Number 9 4
105 Remedial Hrs Attended RemHrsAttended Required Number of remedial hours outside the normal school day in accordance with Sections 167.340, 167.640, 167.345 RSMo, the student spent in attendance at the attending district.
Number 9 4
110 Hours in Session HrsInSession Conditional Required for resident II students. Total number of actual hours student could have attended at the attending school if they attended the entire regular school year. In no case should this be less than 1,044 hours.
Number 7 2
115 Summer Attendance SummerAttendance Not Allowed Hour's student attended summer school.
Number 9 4
120 Summer Membership SummerMembership Not Allowed Total hour's available for student to attend.
Number 9 4
125 Entry Date EntryDate Required Date student entered the attending school.
Date 10
130 Entry Code EntryCode Required Type of Entry corresponding to the date the student entered the attending school. Entry_Codes Text 4
135 Exit Date ExitDate Required Date student left the attending school.
Date 10
140 Exit Code ExitCode Required Type of Exit corresponding to the date the student left the attending school. Exit_Codes Text 4
145 Exit Destination District Code ExitDestDistrictCode Conditional DESE assigned 6 digit county district code of the district the student was confirmed to be transferred to. This field is required if a student is marked as Transfer Out to another school or district in state. (If this field is left blank then exit destination comment must be provided.) DESE_District_Codes Text 6
150 Exit Destination School Code ExitDestSchoolCode Conditional DESE assigned 4 digit school code of the school the student was confirmed to be transferred to. This field is required if a student is marked as Transfer Out to another school or district in state. (If this field is left blank then exit destination comment must be provided.) DESE_School_Codes Text 4
155 Exit Destination Comment ExitDestComment Conditional Detailed comment describing students exit from the school or district.
Text 150
156 School Choice SchoolChoice Optional Identify if a student is eligible, has been offered, applied for but was denied, or received School Choice. Children enrolled in a Title I school are eligible for school choice when their school is in the first and subsequent years of school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring. Any child attending such a school must be offered the option of transferring to a public school in the district not identified for school improvement, unless such an option is prohibited by state law. No Child Left Behind requires that in some circumstances priority in providing school choice be given to the lowest achieving children from low-income families. School_Choice_Codes Text 1
157 Extended School Hours ExtSchlHours Not Allowed Number of extended school year hours of special education and related services provided to a child with a disability. These hours are beyond the normal school year of the public agency, are in accordance with the child's IEP, are at no cost to the parents of the child, and meet the standards of the State Education Agency.
Number 9 4
158 Chronic Absenteeism ChronicAbsent Required Report the number of days the student was absent for more than 50 percent of the school day between the begin date and end date. Include those absenses whether excused or unexcused.
Integer 3