Item Item Name Column Name Required Definition Code Set Data Type Length Precision
005 Collection Version CollectionVersion Required Collection version should contain this value '2025Jun1.0StuCRSComp' for the 2025 June Student Course Completion Collection.
Text 50
010 Current School Year CurrentSchoolYear Required The ending year of the current school year. For example, use '2025' for the 2024-2025 school year.
Integer 4
025 Reporting District Code ReportingDistrictCode Required DESE assigned 6 digit county district code for the district reporting. DESE_District_Codes Text 6
030 Reporting School Code ReportingSchoolCode Required DESE assigned 4 digit school code where the student is being reported from. DESE_School_Codes Text 4
032 Receiving Coll/Dist Code ReceivingCollDistCode Conditional Required if student was sent to another institution. 6 digit code for site at which instruction of normal or college credit (dual credit) course is given.
Text 6
034 Sending District Code SendDistCode Conditional Required if student was sent to another institution. 6-digit number and name of sending district else null. DESE_District_Codes Text 6
036 Sending School Code SendSchoolCode Conditional Required if student was sent to another institution. 4-digit number and name of sending high school else null. DESE_School_Codes Text 4
045 MOSIS ID StateID Required State assigned student identifier. See for more information.
Text 10
055 Student Local Student ID LocalStudentID Optional Local student id maintained by the district. Allows for data to be associated to local systems from DESE source systems.
Text 20
060 Student Legal Last Name StudentLastName Optional Legal last name as appears on certificate of birth.
Text 60
065 Student Legal First Name StudentFirstName Optional Legal first name as appears on certificate of birth.
Text 60
070 Student Legal Middle Name StudentMiddleName Optional Legal middle name as appears on certificate of birth.
Text 60
075 Student Legal Name Suffix StudentNameSuffix Optional Legal name suffix as appears on certificate of birth. E.g. Jr, Sr
Text 10
080 Student Date of Birth StudentDateofBirth Required Date of birth as appears on certificate of birth.
Text 10
095 Student Grade Level StudentGradeLevel Required Required for all students who are not adults taking special adult programs. Grade level at the time of completion of the course. Student_Grade_Level_Codes Text 3
111 ED SSN EDSSN Conditional Required if the Reporting and Receiving district are the same or if there is no Receiving district. Educator Social Security Number. Formats allowed '999999999'.
Text 9
113 Educator Last Name EDLastName Optional Educator's Legal last name.
Text 60
115 Educator First Name EDFirstName Optional Educator's Legal first name.
Text 60
117 Position Code PosCode Required Position code of educator’s assignment. Position_Codes Text 2
119 CTE Program Type CTEProgType Conditional Required for approved career education courses. Program type code of CTE approved program. CTE_Program_Type_Codes Text 4
120 Assignment Number AssignNum Required The number used to uniquely identify an instance of an educators course assignment also used to link that course to the records of students within the course.
Text 20
121 Local Section Number LocSecNum Optional Local Section Number
Text 6
123 Local Course Number LocCourseNum Optional Course code that identifies assignment. Every assignment must be identified by a course code except pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and elementary classes in self-contained classrooms. If a teacher has more than one grade in a self-contained elementary classroom or is teaching morning and afternoon pre-kindergarten or kindergarten classes, show as separate assignments.
Text 12
125 Local Course Name LocCourseName Optional Course name abbreviation.
Text 60
130 State Course Number CourseNum Required Required if not a self-contained classroom. Course code that identifies assignment. Every assignment must be identified by a course code except pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and elementary classes in self-contained classrooms. If a teacher has more than one grade in a self-contained elementary classroom or is teaching morning and afternoon pre-kindergarten or kindergarten classes, show as separate assignments. State_Course_Codes Text 6
190 Course Time Unit CourseTimeUnit Required The unit of time for which the grade and credit earned was for. (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, S1, S2, T1, T2, T3, YL) Course_Time_Unit_Codes Text 2
191 Dual Credit Site DualCreditSite Conditional Required if RecevingColDistCode is not equal to ReportingDistrictCode and the RecevingColDistCode is a college. Site at which instruction of college credit (dual credit) course is given. Enter DIST if instruction is provided at district attendance center, COLL if instruction is provided on college campus, or ITV if instruction is provided by college through instructional television to students in district classroom else null. Dual_Credit_Site_Codes Text 4
192 Course Semester CourseSem Optional Semester (0 - full year, 1 - first semester, 2 - second semester, 3 - third semester) else null. Superceded by Item 190 Course Time Unit. Course_Semester_Codes Text 1
193 Student Credits Earned CreditEarned Required The amount of credit earned by the student for the course in the unit of time specified in CourseTimeUnit.
Number 4 2
195 Student Credits Scheduled CreditScheduled Required The amount of credit the student was scheduled to earn. If the student signed up for 1 semester of a 2 semester course and earned full credit from the 1 semester completed then credit earned and credit scheduled would have the same value.
Number 4 2
201 Student Grade Earned GradeEarned Required Grade the student earned for the course in the unit of time specified in CourseTimeUnit. Grade_Codes Text 2
205 Advanced Placement AdvPlacement Required Course is designated as an advanced placement course (AP). Yes_No Text 1
207 Honors Honors Optional Course is designated as a honors level course. Yes_No Text 1
233 Course Completion Comment CrsCompComment Optional Free-form notes.
Text 70
235 Course Sequence Number CourseSeqNum Conditional Sequence number that identifies the content of courses taught at more than one level. If only one level of course content is offered, leave SEQ blank. Course_Seq_Num_Codes Text 1
236 Credit Type CreditType Required Credit awarded to a student for science, or math in a computer science course. Credit_Type_Codes Text 2
237 Virtual Provider VirtualProvider Conditional Required if course is reported as virtual in the prior October Course Assignment file. Provide the code that identifies the entity responsible for the development of the virtual course content. Virtual_Provider_Codes Text 2
238 Other Virtual Provider OtherVirtualProvider Conditional Required if code 15-Other is reported in Virtual Provider field. If the entity is not listed in the virtual provider code list, please provide further details in this field.
Text 60