Item_Number Item_Name Collection_Rule_ID Severity Business_Rule Short_Title General_Message Detailed_Message
005 Collection Version STA00001 E Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. One or more required fields are missing Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. The record is missing the field {0}.
005 Collection Version STA00201 E Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length. The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s).
005 Collection Version STA00401 E CollectionVersion must match '2025Oct1.0StuAssign' CollectionVersion must match '2025Oct1.0StuAssign' CollectionVersion must match '2025Oct1.0StuAssign'
010 Current School Year STA00402 E CurrentSchoolYear must match '2025' CurrentSchoolYear must match '2025' CurrentSchoolYear must match '2025'
025 Reporting District Code STA00441 E ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
025 Reporting District Code STA00700 E ReportingDistrictCode must match the SRM user's district code. The student is not from this district The student's ReportingDistrictCode does not equal that of the trial.
030 Reporting School Code STA00602 E ReportingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (Reporting District Code) Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. Reporting School Code is not valid The Reporting School Code is not a valid school code in the Reporting District Code.
045 MOSIS ID STA01001 E State ID verified against ID system SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) StateID not found in MOSIS ID The student's State ID was not found in the MOSIS ID system.
045 MOSIS ID STA01002 E State ID cannot exist more than once in this key. (CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, Edssn, PosCode, CTEProgType, AssignNum) StateID reported for this Course Assignment more than once The student's State ID was reported more than once for this Course Assignment.
080 Student Date of Birth STA01200 E StudentDateOfBirth must be specified as mm/dd/yyyy StudentDateOfBirth is not a valid date The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date.
095 Student Grade Level STA00442 E Must be in code set: (Student_Grade_Level_Codes). Invalid StudentGradeLevel code Student Grade Level must be a valid code in the Student Grade Level Codes.
095 Student Grade Level STA01062 W If StudentGradeLevel = KA then verify record exists in Calendar_Header table where reportingdistrictcode = fk_dist_cnty_dist and currentschoolyear = fk_dist_year and begin_grade = (space K) and end_grade = (space K) and KINDERGARTEN_INDICATOR = A StudentGradeLevel does not exist in Calendar StudentGradeLevel KA does not exist in Core Data Calendar.
095 Student Grade Level STA01063 W If StudentGradeLevel = KP then verify record exists in Calendar_Header table where reportingdistrictcode = fk_dist_cnty_dist and currentschoolyear = fk_dist_year and begin_grade = (space K) and end_grade = (space K) and KINDERGARTEN_INDICATOR = P StudentGradeLevel does not exist in Calendar StudentGradeLevel KP does not exist in Core Data Calendar.
095 Student Grade Level STA01065 E STA.StudentGradeLevel is required if STA.Adult is 'N' or Null. StudentGradeLevel is required Student Grade Level must be a valid code in the Student Grade Level Codes when STA.Adult is 'N' or Null.
095 Student Grade Level STA01066 E STA.StudentGradeLevel must be Null if STA.Adult is 'Y'. StudentGradeLevel is not allowed for Adults StudentGradeLevel is not allowed since Adult is marked 'Y'.
100 Student Gender STA00443 E Must be in code set: (Gender_Codes). Invalid StudentGender code StudentGender must be one of M or F.
105 Race/Ethnicity STA00444 E Must be in code set: (Race_Ethnicity_Codes). Invalid StudentRaceEthn code StudentRaceEthn must be one of A, B, H, I or W, P, or M.
110 Assignment Number STA03000 E If STA.ReceivingCollDistCode is equal to STA.ReportingDistrictCode or STA.ReceivingCollDistCode is null then a record must exist in the current Course Assignment with the same AssignNum, EDSSN, CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, PosCode, CTEProgType. No matching record in Course Assignment file Since ReceivingCollDistCode is the same as ReportingDistrictCode or is blank a matching record must exist in the Course Assignment file. Records are matched using the fields AssignNum, EDSSN, CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, PosCode and CTEProgType.
110 Assignment Number STA03001 E If STA.ReceivingCollDistCode is not equal to STA.ReportingDistrictCode and is not null then a record must exist in the current Course Assignment with the same AssignNum, CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, PosCode, CTEProgType. No matching record in Course Assignment file Since ReceivingCollDistCode is not the same as ReportingDistrictCode a matching record must exist in the Course Assignment file. Records are matched using the fields AssignNum, CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, PosCode and CTEProgType.
120 Dual Credit Site STA00445 E Must be in code set: (Dual_Credit_Site_Codes). Invalid DualCreditSite code DualCreditSite must be one of ACC, DIST, COLL, or ITV.
120 Dual Credit Site STA01500 E If DualCreditSite is null then the combination of ReportingDistrictCode and ReportingsSchoolCode must be different than the combination of SendingDistrictCode and SendingSchoolCode. Reporting district and school cannot be the same as sending district and school ReportingDistrictCode and ReportingSchoolCode cannot match SendingDistrictCode and SendingSchoolCode since DualCreditSite is not provided.
120 Dual Credit Site STA01501 E If RecevingColDistCode does not equal the ReportingDistrictCode and the RecevingColDistCode exists in srm.dbo.v_dese_district_high (is a college) then DualCreditSite is required. DualCreditSite is required DualCreditSite is required since ReportingDistrictCode is a school district and the RecevingColDistCode is a college.
120 Dual Credit Site STA01502 E If ReportingDistrictCode is not (‘126126’, ‘145145’, ‘166166’, ‘640121’) and DualCreditSite is Null and RecevingColDistCode is in (‘126126’, ‘145145’, ‘166166’, ‘640121’) then record is not allowed to be reported. DualCreditSite is expected This record should be removed. Only area career centers report students attending area career center classes.
120 Dual Credit Site STA01503 E DualCreditSite cannot be 'DIST', 'COLL', or 'ACC' unless ReceivingColDistCode exists in srm.dbo.v_DESE_DISTRICT_HIGH. Matching ReceivingColDistCode to CNTY_DIST_CODE and currentschoolyear to Year. DualCreditSite is not valid DualCreditSite is not valid since ReceivingCollDistCode is not a college.
120 Dual Credit Site STA01504 E DualCreditSite cannot be 'ITV' if ReportingDistrictCode = SendDistCode and ReportingSchoolCode = SendSchoolCode unless ReceivingColDistCode begins with 999 or exists in srm.dbo.v_DESE_DISTRICT_HIGH or. Matching ReceivingColDistCode to CNTY_DIST_CODE and currentschoolyear to Year. DualCreditSite is not valid DualCreditSite cannot be ITV since Reporting District and School information match Sending District and School information and ReceivingCollDistCode is not a college.  You cannot send students to an ITV class that you broadcast.
126 Receiving Coll/Dist Code STA00446 E ReceivingCollDistCode must match a valid District Code in v_DESE_DISTRICT_PUB_PRIV_STATE_HIGH matching the CurrentSchoolYear. Invalid ReceivingCollDistCode code ReceivingCollDistCode is not valid.
126 Receiving Coll/Dist Code STA01300 E ReceivingDistrictCode is required if DualCreditSite is 'COLL', 'DIST', or 'ACC'. ReceivingDistrictCode is required ReceivingDistrictCode is required when DualCreditSite equals'COLL', 'DIST', or 'ACC'.
126 Receiving Coll/Dist Code STA01301 E If ReceivingColDistCode is not null then SendingDistrictCode is required. SendingDistrictCode is required SendingDistrictCode is required with ReceivingCollDistCode
126 Receiving Coll/Dist Code STA01302 E RecevingColDistCode is required if DualCreditSite is not null DualCredSiteCode is required DualCredSiteCode is required with DualCreditSite.
126 Receiving Coll/Dist Code STA01303 W ReportingSchoolCode is not (1100-1199 or 0000) then RecevingColDistCode, ReportingDistrictCode, and SendingDistCode cannot be the same. ReportingDistrictCode, SendingDistrictCode, and ReceivingCollDistCode should not match ReportingDistrictCode, SendingDistrictCode, and ReceivingCollDistCode should not match unless the student is being sent to an area career center or another high school in your district.
130 Sending District Code STA00447 E Must be in code set: (DESE_District_Codes). Invalid SendDistCode code SendDistCode is not a valid district code.
130 Sending District Code STA01400 E If SendingDistrictCode is not null then ReceivingColDistCode is required. ReceivingCollDistCode is required ReceivingCollDistCode is required with SendingDistrictCode
130 Sending District Code STA01401 E SendingDistrictCode is required if DualCredSite is not null. SendingDistrictCode is required SendingDistrictCode is required with DualCreditSite.
130 Sending District Code STA01402 E If ReportingDistrictCode is not 048078, 096119 or 115115 and ReportingSchoolCode = (1100-1199 or 0000) then SendingDistrictCode is required. SendingDistrictCode is required with ReportingSchoolCode SendingDistrictCode is required since ReportingSchoolCode is 0000 or 1100-1199.
140 Sending School Code STA01403 E SendingSchoolCode is required if SendingDistrictCode is not null. SendingSchoolCode is required with SendingDistrictCode SendingSchoolCode is required with SendingDistrictCode.
140 Sending School Code STA01404 E SendingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Sending District (Sending District Code). Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. SendingSchoolCode is not valid for SendingDistrictCode SendingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the SendingDistrictCode.
150 ED SSN STA00460 E The Social Security Number must 9 digits with no extra characters such as spaces and dashes. EDSSN must be 9 digits The Social Security Number must be specified as 9 digits.
150 ED SSN STA00461 E EDSSN is required if (STA.ReportingDistrictCode is not 118118 and ((STA.PosCode is not 60) or (STA.ReceivingCollDistCode is equal to STA.ReportingDistrictCode or STA.ReceivingCollDistCode is null))) and October CRS.VirtualInstruction is not MOCAPI matching on CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, EDSSN, PosCode, CTEProgType, AssignNum. EDSSN is required EDSSN is required since ReceivingCollDistCode is equal to ReportingDistrictCode or ReceivingCollDistCode is null and VirtualInstruction code is not MOCAPI.
150 ED SSN STA00500 E EDSSN is not allowed if DualCreditSite is COLL and CRS.CourseDeliverySys is not (V, VH, or begins with S) matching on CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, Edssn, PosCode, CTEProgType, AssignNum. EDSSN is not allowed EDSSN is not allowed since DualCreditSite is COLL.
160 Position Code STA00448 E Must be in code set: (Position_Codes). Invalid PosCode code PosCode must be one of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, or 90.
170 CTE Program Type STA00449 E Must be in code set: (CTE_Program_Type_Codes). Invalid CTEProgType code CTEProgType is not valid.
180 Disadvantaged STA00450 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). Disadvantaged must be Y or N Disadvantaged must be Y or N.
270 IEP Disability (Primary) STA00451 E Must be in code set: (Disability_Codes). Invalid IEPDisability code IEPDisability is not valid.
280 Adult STA00452 E STA.Adult must be 'N' or null if STA.CTEProgType is null. Adult must be N or Blank Adult must be 'N' or Blank since CTEProgType is not provided.
280 Adult STA00456 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). Adult must be Y or N Adult must be Y or N.
280 Adult STA01407 E STA.Adult is required if CTEProgType is not null. Adult is required Adult is required since CTEProgType is not null.
288 State Course Number STA00463 E Must be in code set: (State_Course_Codes) Invalid CourseNum code CourseNum is not valid.