Item_Number Item_Name Collection_Rule_ID Severity Business_Rule Short_Title General_Message Detailed_Message
005 Collection Version EDC00001 E Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. One or more required fields are missing Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. The record is missing the field {0}.
005 Collection Version EDC00201 E Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length. The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s).
005 Collection Version EDC00401 E CollectionVersion must match '2025Oct1.0EdCore' CollectionVersion must match '2025Oct1.0EdCore' The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the CollectionVersion must be '2025Oct1.0EdCore'.
005 Collection Version EDC01600 E There must be at least one Educator Core record There are no Educator Core records There must be at least one Educator Core record.
010 Current School Year EDC00402 E CurrentSchoolYear must match '2025' CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025' The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025'.
025 Reporting District Code EDC00441 E ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
025 Reporting District Code EDC00700 E ReportingDistrictCode must match the SRM user's district code. ReportingDistrictCode does not match that of the trial Invalid ReportingDistrictCode. The ReportingDistrictCode is not the same as the trial's district.
050 ED SSN EDC00445 E The Social Security Number must 9 digits with no extra characters such as spaces and dashes. EDSSN must be 9 digits The Social Security Number must be specified as 9 digits.
050 ED SSN EDC00451 E EDSSN must be unique in the file. Duplicate EDSSN There can be only one entry for each educator. An educator is defined by their social security number.
050 ED SSN EDC00452 E At least 1 record matching EDSSN must exist in the Educator School file. Match on EDSSN, ReportingDistrictCode, CurrentSchoolYear. EDSSN is missing Educator School record. No matching record for the EDSSN can be found in the Educator School file.
080 ED Date of Birth EDC00446 E DateOfBirth must be a valid date EDDateOfBirth is not a valid date Dates are specified using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
080 ED Date of Birth EDC01100 W The educator's age, based on EDDateOfBirth, cannot be older than 80 or younger than 18 on Oct 15 of the current school year. EDDateOfBirth is outside the expected range EDDateOfBirth is outside expected range. The age is expected to be between 18 to 80 on Oct 15.
100 ED Gender EDC00405 E Must be in code set: (Gender_Codes). Invalid Gender code Gender must be M or F.
105 ED Race/Ethnicity EDC00406 E Must be in code set: (PAP_Race_Ethnicity). Invalid RaceEthnicity code RaceEthnicity must be A, B, H, I, W, P, M, or O.
110 ED Email EDC00450 W EDEmail must match a valid email format. A valid email address is one or more characters, a ampersand, one or more characters, a period, one or more characters. EDEmail has an invalid email format EDEmail has an invalid email format.
120 Extended Contract Duration EDC00421 E EDExtConDur must be an Integer EDExtConDur must be an integer EDExtConDur must be an integer containing only digits.
120 Extended Contract Duration EDC05010 E EDExtConDur (ED Extended Contract Duration) must be greater than 0 if EDExtConSal (ED Extended Contract Salary) is greater than 0 EDExtConDur must be greater than zero Extended Contract Duration must be greater than zero if Extended Contract Salary is greater than zero.
120 Extended Contract Duration EDC05020 W If EDExtConDur (ED Extended Contract Duration) greater than 100 EDExtConDur is greater than 100 days Extended Contract Duration is greater than 100 days. This value has surpassed a threshold and should be verified to be correct.
130 Extended Contract Salary EDC00422 E EDExtConSal must be an Integer EDExtConSal must be an integer EDExtConSal must be an integer containing only digits.
130 Extended Contract Salary EDC05100 W EDExtConSal (ED Extended Contract Salary) greater than EDRegTermSal (ED Regular Term Salary). EDExtConSal should not exceed EDRegTermSal Extended Contract Salary should not exceed Regular Term Salary.
130 Extended Contract Salary EDC05110 W EDExtConSal (ED Extended Contract Salary) should not exceed 50000. EDExtConSal should not exceed 50000 Extended Contract Salary should not exceed 50000. This value has surpassed a threshold and should be verified to be correct.
140 Regular Term Salary EDC00423 E EDRegTermSal must be an Integer EDRegTermSal must be an integer EDRegTermSal must be an integer containing only digits.
140 Regular Term Salary EDC05200 W If EDRegTermSal (ED Regular Term Salary) exceeds 200000. EDRegTermSal should not exceed 200000 Regular Term Salary should not exceed 200000. This value has surpassed a threshold and should be verified to be correct.
140 Regular Term Salary EDC05201 W EDRegTermSal must be null or zero if EDC.EDFiscAgentCoDist <> EDC.ReportingDistrictCode. EDRegTermSal must be null or zero EDRegTermSal must be null or zero if EDFiscAgentCoDist is not the same as ReportingDistrictCode.
140 Regular Term Salary EDC05202 E EDRegTermSal is required to be greater than zero if EDC.EDFiscAgentCoDist = EDC.ReportingDistrictCode and Sum of FTE is greater than zero. EDRegTermSal is required to be greater than zero EDRegTermSal is required to be greater than zeros since the educators total FTE is greater than zero.
150 Extra Duty Salary EDC00424 E EDExtDutySal must be an Integer EDExtDutySal must be an integer EDExtDutySal must be an integer containing only digits.
150 Extra Duty Salary EDC05300 W EDExtDutySal (Extra Duty Salary) should not exceed EDRegTermSal (ED Regular Term Salary). EDExtDutySal should not exceed EDRegTermSal Extra Duty Salary should not exceed Regular Term Salary.
160 Min. Salary Supplement EDC00425 E EDMinSalSupplmt must be an Integer EDMinSalSupplmt must be an integer EDMinSalSupplmt must be an integer containing only digits.
160 Min. Salary Supplement EDC05600 W EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero if sum of EDS.FTE is zero for that EDSSN. EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero if total FTE is zero for educator.
160 Min. Salary Supplement EDC05601 W If EDMinSalSupplmt is greater than zero then the sum of EDS.FTE must be greater than zero for that EDSSN. Educator total FTE must be greater than zero Educator total FTE must be greater than zero if EDMinSalSupplmt is greater than zero
160 Min. Salary Supplement EDC05602 E If the Educator’s EDS.Salary for records in which the (EDC.EDHighDegree is in (MAST, SPEC, DOCT) and EDS.PosCode is in (40, 50, 60) and EDC.EDYrExpPublic > 10) is greater than or equal to [the amount in DC_EDUCATOR_MINIMUM_SALARY times EDS.FTE] where currentschoolyear matches the year and Minimum_Salary_Type = ‘10PLUSMASTER’ then EDC.EDMinSalSupplmt for that educator must be null or zero. (Key between EDC and EDS is CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN or Trial_ID and EDSSN.) EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero since the educator is already paid at or above the minimum salary established in section 163.172.1, RSMo.
160 Min. Salary Supplement EDC05603 E If Educator’s EDS.Salary (for records that are PosCode 40, 50, or 60) is greater than or equal to [the amount in DC_EDUCATOR_MINIMUM_SALARY times EDS.FTE] where currentschoolyear matches the year and Minimum_Salary_Type = ‘MIN’ and edHighDegree not in ('MAST', 'SPEC', 'DOCT') then EDC.EDMinSalSupplmt for that educator must be null or zero. (Key between EDC and EDS is CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN or Trial_ID and EDSSN.) EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero since the educator is already paid at or above the minimum salary established in section 163.172.1, RSMo.
170 Career Ladder Stage EDC00407 E Must be in code set: (Educator_Career_Ladder_Stages) Invalid EDCareerLadr code EDCareerLadr must be 1, 2, or 3.
170 Career Ladder Stage EDC02080 E If EDEarlyTermDate (Early Termination Date) is valid and not null then EDCareerLadr (Career Ladder Stage) must be Null. EDCareerLadr must be null when EDEarlyTermDate is supplied When an Educator is an early termination the EDCareerLadr must be null.
170 Career Ladder Stage EDC02090 E If EDLateHireDate (Late Hire Date) is valid and not null then EDCareerLadr (Career Ladder Stage) must be null. EDCareerLadr must be null when EDLateHireDate is supplied If Educator was a Late Hire then EDCareerLadr must be null.
170 Career Ladder Stage EDC03000 E If EDCareerLadr (Career Ladder Stage) is 1 then EDYrExpMO must be >= 3. Educator must have 3 or more years of MO Public school experience Stage 1 - Educator must have 3 or more years of teaching experience in Missouri Public Schools.
170 Career Ladder Stage EDC03010 E If EDCareerLadr (Career Ladder Stage) is 2 then EDYrExpMO must be >= 4. Educator must have 4 or more years of MO Public school experience Stage 2 - Educator must have 4 or more years of teaching experience in Missouri Public Schools.
170 Career Ladder Stage EDC03020 E If EDCareerLadr (Career Ladder Stage) is 3 then EDYrExpMO must be >= 6. Educator must have 6 or more years of MO Public school experience Stage 3 - Educator must have 6 or more years of teaching experience in Missouri Public Schools.
170 Career Ladder Stage EDC03030 E If EDCareerLadr is not null then ReportingDistrictCode must be an approved Career Ladder district as indicated in the DESE_District table with a Y in Column Career_Laddar_Indicator where the column Year matches CurrentSchoolYear. EDCareerLadr must be null EDCareerLadr must be null since ReportingDistrictCode is not an approved career ladder district.
170 Career Ladder Stage EDC03040 E If EDCareerLadr is not null then the total FTE (across all records for the EDSSN in the Districts EDSchool file) must equal 1.0 EDCareerLadr not allowed if Total FTE is less than one EDCareerLadr is not allowed since the sum of educators FTE is less than one.
170 Career Ladder Stage EDC03050 E If EDCareerLadr is not null then the EDSSN must have at least .01 FTE (in the EdSchool File) in at least one of these PosCode (40, 50, 60, 70, 90) EDCareerLadr must have at least 0.01 FTE Educator must have at least 0.01 FTE in the EDSchool file in at least one of these positions (40, 50, 60, 70, or 90)
180 Highest Degree EDC00408 E Must be in code set: (Educator_Highest_Degree) Invalid EDHighDegree code EDHighDegree is not one of the valid codes.
190 Public School Years - District EDC00426 E EDYrExpDist must be an Integer EDYrExpDist must be an integer EDYrExpDist must be an integer containing only digits.
190 Public School Years - District EDC00430 E Check prior year October Educator Core EDC and prior year Educator School EDS certified submissions matching the EDSSN unless the prior year EDC.EDEarlyTermDate contains a valid date or EDS.PosCode is 70 or 80, ensure the value for Public School Years - District increased by 1 in the current year. This rule ensures if an educator was reported in the district the prior year, they have a record in the current year with an additional year added to the years of experience. EDYrExpDist must be 1 greater than the prior year The number of years teaching public school in the district (EDYrExpDist) must be 1 greater than the prior year.
190 Public School Years - District EDC04000 E EDYrExpDist (Public School Years - District) must be 1 or greater. EDYrExpDist must be 1 or greater The number of years teaching public school in the district (EDYrExpDist) must be 1 or greater.
190 Public School Years - District EDC04010 E EDYrExpDist (Public School Years - District) cannot exceed EDYrExpMO (Public School Years - MO) EDYrExpDist cannot exceed EDYrExpMO The number of years teaching public school in the district (EDYrExpDist) cannot exceed the number of years teaching public school in Missouri (EDYrExpMO).
195 Public School Years - Missouri EDC00427 E EDYrExpMO must be an Integer EDYrExpMO must be an integer EDYrExpMO must be an integer containing only digits.
195 Public School Years - Missouri EDC00431 E Check prior year October Educator Core EDC and prior year Educator School EDS certified submissions matching the EDSSN unless the prior year EDC.EDEarlyTermDate contains a valid date or EDS.PosCode is 70 or 80, ensure the value for Public School Years - Missouri increased by 1 in the current year. This rule ensures if an educator was reported in the district the prior year, they have a record in the current year with an additional year added to the years of experience. EDYrExpMO must be 1 greater than the prior year The number of years teaching public school in Missouri (EDYrExpMO) must be 1 greater than the prior year.
195 Public School Years - Missouri EDC04100 E EDYrExpMO (Public School Years - MO) cannot exceed EDYrExpPublic (Public School Years - Public) EDYrExpMO cannot exceed EDYrExpPublic The number of years teaching public school in Missouri (EDYrExpMO) cannot exceed the number of years teaching public school (EDYrExpPublic).
200 Public School Years -Public EDC00428 E EDYrExpPublic must be an Integer EDYrExpPublic must be an integer EDYrExpPublic must be an integer containing only digits.
200 Public School Years -Public EDC00432 E Check prior year October Educator Core EDC and prior year Educator School EDS certified submissions matching the EDSSN unless the prior year EDC.EDEarlyTermDate contains a valid date or EDS.PosCode is 70 or 80, ensure the value for Public School Years - Public increased by 1 in the current year. This rule ensures if an educator was reported in the district the prior year, they have a record in the current year with an additional year added to the years of experience. EDYrExpPublic must be 1 greater than the prior year The number of years teaching public school (EDYrExpPublic) must be 1 greater than the prior year.
200 Public School Years -Public EDC04200 W EDYrExpPublic (Public School Years - Public) should not exceed 55. EDYrExpPublic should not exceed 55 The number of years teaching public school (EDYrExpPublic) should not exceed 55.
210 Late Hire Date EDC00447 E EDLateHireDate must be a valid date EDLateHireDate is not a valid date Dates are specified using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
210 Late Hire Date EDC02050 E EDLateHireDate must be a valid date between and including July 1 of the current school year minus 1 and June 30 of the current school year. EDLateHireDate must be a date within the Current School Year EDLateHireDate must be a date within the current school year (July 1 to June 30).
220 Early Termination Date EDC00448 E EDEarlyTermDate must be a valid date EDEarlyTermDate is not a valid date Dates are specified using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
220 Early Termination Date EDC02060 E EDEarlyTermDate must be a valid date between and including July 1 of the current school year minus 1 and June 30 of the current school year. EDEarlyTermDate must be a date within the Current School Year EDEarlyTermDate must be a date within the current school year (July 1 to June 30).
220 Early Termination Date EDC02070 E EDEarlyTermDate cannot occur prior to EDLateHireDate. EDEarlyTermDate is before EDLateHireDate EDEarlyTermDate must be on or after the EDLateHireDate.
240 Fiscal Agent County District EDC00409 E Must be in code set: (Fiscal_Agent_District) Invalid EDFiscAgentCoDist code EDFiscAgentCoDist is not valid.
250 Min. Salary Days Worked EDC00429 E EDMinSalDaysWrkd must be an Integer EDMinSalDaysWrkd must be an integer EDMinSalDaysWrkd must be an integer containing only digits.
250 Min. Salary Days Worked EDC05500 E EDMinSalDaysWrkd (Minimum Salary Days Worked) cannot be null if EDMinSalSupplmt (Minimum Salary Supplement) is not null. EDMinSalDaysWrkd is required if EDMinSalSupplmt is not null Minimum Salary Days Worked is required if Minimum Salary Supplement is not null.
250 Min. Salary Days Worked EDC05510 E EDMinSalDaysWrkd (Minimum Salary Days Worked) must be null if EDMinSalSupplmt (Minimum Salary Supplement) is null. EDMinSalDaysWrkd must be null if EDMinSalSupplmt is null Minimum Salary Days Worked must be null if Minimum Salary Supplement is null.
250 Min. Salary Days Worked EDC05521 W If EDC.EDMinSalDaysWrkd is greater than zero and not equal to DESE_District.Contract_Days and EDC.EDLateHireDate and EDC.EDEarlyTermDate are both null. EDMinSalDaysWrkd does not match contract days EDMinSalDaysWrkd does not match contract days and no late hire or early term date has been entered.
250 Min. Salary Days Worked EDC05522 W If EDC.EDMinSalDaysWrkd is greater than 185 EDMinSalDaysWrkd is greater than 185 EDMinSalDaysWrkd is greater than 185
260 Baseline Salary Grant EDC05610 E BaselineSalaryGrant must be an Integer BaselineSalaryGrant must be an integer BaselineSalaryGrant must be an integer containing only digits.
260 Baseline Salary Grant EDC05615 E If BaselineSalaryGrant is not null or 0, then at least one Educator School record must exist where EDS.PosCode must equal 40, 50, or 60 matching on currentschoolyear, reportingdistrictcode, EDSSN. BaselineSalaryGrant is not allowed BaselineSalaryGrant is only allowed to be reported for position codes 40, 50, or 60.
260 Baseline Salary Grant EDC05620 W Sum of EDC.EDRegTermSal + EDC.BaselineSalaryGrant records cannot exceed 40,000 or the appropriate ratio of EDS.FTE to 40,000, matching on currentschool year, reportingdistrictcode, EDSSN. (Example: 1.0 FTE cannot exceed $40,000. If FTE is 0.5, cannot exceed $20,000. If FTE 0.75, cannot exceed $30,000, etc.) Sum of RegularTermSalary and BaselineSalaryGrant is not valid based on FTE The sum of the Regular Term Salary in the Educator Core and the Baseline Salary Grant in the Educator School does not equal 40,000 or the appropriate ratio of FTE to 40,000. The Educator's Total FTE from the EdSchool file is {0}.