Item_Number Item_Name Collection_Rule_ID Severity Business_Rule Short_Title General_Message Detailed_Message
005 Collection Version SDI00001 E Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. One or more required fields are missing Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. The record is missing the field {0}.
005 Collection Version SDI00201 E Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length. The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s).
005 Collection Version SDI00401 E CollectionVersion must match '2025Jun1.0StuDiscipline' CollectionVersion must be '2025Jun1.0StuDiscipline' The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the CollectionVersion must be '2025Jun1.0StuDiscipline'.
010 Current School Year SDI00402 E CurrentSchoolYear must match '2025' CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025' The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025'.
015 Attending District Code SDI00414 E AttendingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in v_DESE_DISTRICT_PUB_HIGH_STATE matching the current school year. Invalid AttendingDistrictCode code AttendingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
020 Attending School Code SDI00601 E Value must be a valid school code in the Attending District (Attending District Code). Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. AttendingSchoolCode is not valid for AttendingDistrictCode AttendingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the AttendingDistrictCode.
020 Attending School Code SDI00611 E If AttendingSchoolCode = 1000 then StudentGradeLevel must be 'PK' AttendingSchoolCode is not valid for StudentGradeLevel AttendingSchoolCode of 1000 is not allowed for grades K-12.
020 Attending School Code SDI00887 E ReportingSchoolCode cannot begin with 102 or 103 unless (ReportingDistrictCode is 002017) or (ReportingDistrictCode/ReportingSchoolCode combination is 010093/1020 or 090078/1030). AttendingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 AttendingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 since school codes which begin with 102 and 103 are reserved for schools which do not have enrollments.
025 Reporting District Code SDI00415 E ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in v_DESE_DISTRICT_PUB_HIGH_STATE matching the current school year. Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
025 Reporting District Code SDI00700 E Reporting District Code must match the SRM users district code. The student is not from this district The student's ReportingDistrictCode does not equal that of the trial.
030 Reporting School Code SDI00602 E Value must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (Reporting District Code) Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for ReportingDistrictCode ReportingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the ReportingDistrictCode.
030 Reporting School Code SDI00612 E If ReportingSchoolCode = 1000 then StudentGradeLevel must be 'PK' ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for StudentGradeLevel ReportingSchoolCode of 1000 is not allowed for grades K-12.
030 Reporting School Code SDI00888 E ReportingSchoolCode cannot begin with 102 or 103 unless (ReportingDistrictCode is 002017) or (ReportingDistrictCode/ReportingSchoolCode combination is 010093/1020 or 090078/1030). ReportingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 ReportingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 since school codes which begin with 102 and 103 are reserved for schools which do not have enrollments.
035 Resident District Code SDI00416 E ResidentDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in v_DESE_DISTRICT_PUB_HIGH_STATE matching the current school year. Invalid ResidentDistrictCode code ResidentDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
040 Resident School Code SDI00603 E Value must be a valid school code in the Resident District Code. Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. ResidentSchoolCode is not valid for ResidentDistrictCode ResidentSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the ResidentDistrictCode.
040 Resident School Code SDI00613 E If ResidentSchoolCode = 1000 then StudentGradeLevel must be 'PK' ResidentSchoolCode is not valid for StudentGradeLevel ResidentSchoolCode of 1000 is not allowed for grades K-12.
045 MOSIS Student ID SDI01001 E State ID verified against ID system SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) StateID not found in MOSIS ID The State ID was not found in the MOSIS ID system.
075 Date of Birth SDI00417 E The DateOfBirth must be a valid date DateOfBirth is not a valid date The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date.
075 Date of Birth SDI01020 E Date of Birth verified against ID system (in conjunction with State ID) SIDMASTER (Date_of_Birth) and SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) DateOfBirth does not match MOSIS ID The date of birth reported does not match the date of birth in the MOSIS ID system.
075 Date of Birth SDI01050 W If Age is outside the range for the grade level then a WARNING is given. Reference the Age Grade Range excel document for more information. Unexpected student age for grade level The age of the student falls outside the expected bounds. Birth dates for grade {0} are expected to fall between {2} and {3}.
080 Student Grade Level SDI00403 E Must be in code set: (Student_Grade_Level_Codes). Invalid StudentGradeLevel code Student Grade Level must be a valid code in the Student Grade Level Codes.
080 Student Grade Level SDI01060 E Reference MO-2007-21-2007-K8 Indicator Business Rules-V1.2-JY.doc StudentGradeLevel not taught in attending school The StudentGradeLevel is not taught in the school the student is attending.
080 Student Grade Level SDI01061 E The StudentGradeLevel must be taught in the resident school. Reference MO-2007-21-2007-K8 Indicator Business Rules-V1.2-JY.doc StudentGradeLevel not taught in resident school The StudentGradeLevel is not taught in the student's resident school.
080 Student Grade Level SDI01062 W If StudentGradeLevel = KA then verify record exists in Calendar_Header table where reportingdistrictcode = fk_dist_cnty_dist and currentschoolyear = fk_dist_year and begin_grade = (space K) and end_grade = (space K) and KINDERGARTEN_INDICATOR = A StudentGradeLevel does not exist in Calendar StudentGradeLevel KA does not exist in Core Data Calendar.
080 Student Grade Level SDI01063 W If StudentGradeLevel = KP then verify record exists in Calendar_Header table where reportingdistrictcode = fk_dist_cnty_dist and currentschoolyear = fk_dist_year and begin_grade = (space K) and end_grade = (space K) and KINDERGARTEN_INDICATOR = P StudentGradeLevel does not exist in Calendar StudentGradeLevel KP does not exist in Core Data Calendar.
085 Gender SDI00404 E Must be in code set: (Gender_Codes). Gender must be M or F Gender must be M or F
090 Race/Ethnicity SDI00405 E Must be in code set: (Race_Ethnicity_Codes). RaceEthnicity must be one of A, B, H, I, W, P, or M RaceEthnicity must be one of A, B, H, I, W, P, or M
095 Offense Date SDI00418 E The OffenseDate must be a valid date OffenseDate is not a valid date The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date.
095 Offense Date SDI00614 W Multiple incidents cannot exist for the same OffenseDate and State ID Multiple incidents in same day A student should have only one incident reported per day
095 Offense Date SDI01070 W Valid date in the Current School Year (July 1 - June 30) OffenseDate is not in school year The student's offense date must be a valid date within the current school year. The school year begins on {0} and ends on {1}.
100 Offense Type SDI00406 E Must be in code set: (Discipline_Offense_Type_Codes). OffenseType must be a valid code OffenseType must be a valid code in the Discipline Offense Type codes.
105 Weapon Type SDI00407 E Must be in code set: (Discipline_Weapon_Type_Codes). WeaponType must be one of F, H, K, N, R or W WeaponType must be one of F, H, K, N, R or W.
105 Weapon Type SDI01200 E If OffenseType does not equal 'W' then WeaponType must equal 'N' WeaponType must be 'N' when OffenseType is not 'W' A weapon type can only be specified when offense type is weapon (W).
105 Weapon Type SDI01210 E If OffenseType equals 'W' then WeaponType must not equal 'N' WeaponType cannot be 'N' when OffenseType is 'W' A weapon type must be specified when offense type is weapon (W).
110 Discipline Removal SDI00408 E Must be in code set: (Discipline_Removal_Codes). DisciplineRemoval must be one of EXP, ISS, OSS or UR DisciplineRemoval must be one of EXP, ISS, OSS or UR.
115 Length Removed SDI00409 E Must be in code set: (Discipline_Length_Removed_Codes). Invalid LengthRemoved code LengthRemoved must be one of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11+, 46+, 90+ or 1yr.
115 Length Removed SDI00615 E If DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP' then LengthRemoved cannot be 1, 2, 3, or 4 Expulsion of very short length If DisciplineRemoval = Expulsion then the  LengthRemoved cannot be less than five days
115 Length Removed SDI00616 W If DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP' then LengthRemoved cannot be 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Expulsion of short length If DisciplineRemoval = Expulsion then the  LengthRemoved should be greater than 10 days
120 Modified Length SDI00410 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). ModifiedLength must be one of Y or N ModifiedLength must be one of Y or N.
120 Modified Length SDI01400 E Value is required if DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP'. ModifiedLength is required when DisciplineRemoval is 'EXP' ModifiedLength must be reported if the student was expelled (EXP).
120 Modified Length SDI01425 E Value is required to be null unless DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP' ModifiedLength is not allowed unless DisciplineRemoval is 'EXP' Modified length cannot be reported unless the student was expelled (EXP).
125 Alternate Placement Indicator SDI00411 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). API must be one of Y or N API must be one of Y or N.
125 Alternate Placement Indicator SDI01500 E Value is required if DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP'. API is required when DisciplineRemoval is 'EXP' Alternate Placement Indicator (API) must be reported when the student was expelled (EXP).
125 Alternate Placement Indicator SDI01525 E Value is required to be null unless DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP'. API is not allowed unless DisciplineRemoval is 'EXP' Alternate Placement Indicator cannot be reported unless the student was expelled (EXP).
130 LEP / ELL SDI00412 E Must be in code set: (LEP_Codes). Invalid LEPELL code LEPELL must be a valid code in the LEP Codes.
135 IEP Disability SDI00413 E Must be in code set: (Disability_Codes). Invalid IEPDisability code IEPDisability must be one of 00, 01, 02, 04, 06, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 or 18.