005 |
Collection Version |
SDI00001 |
E |
Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. |
One or more required fields are missing |
Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. |
The record is missing the field {0}. |
005 |
Collection Version |
SDI00201 |
E |
Field exceeds its maximum length |
Field exceeds its maximum length |
Field exceeds its maximum length. |
The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s). |
005 |
Collection Version |
SDI00401 |
E |
CollectionVersion must match '2025Jun1.0StuDiscipline' |
CollectionVersion must be '2025Jun1.0StuDiscipline' |
The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the CollectionVersion must be '2025Jun1.0StuDiscipline'. |
010 |
Current School Year |
SDI00402 |
E |
CurrentSchoolYear must match '2025' |
CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025' |
The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025'. |
015 |
Attending District Code |
SDI00414 |
E |
AttendingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in v_DESE_DISTRICT_PUB_HIGH_STATE matching the current school year. |
Invalid AttendingDistrictCode code |
AttendingDistrictCode is not a valid district code. |
020 |
Attending School Code |
SDI00601 |
E |
Value must be a valid school code in the Attending District (Attending District Code). Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. |
AttendingSchoolCode is not valid for AttendingDistrictCode |
AttendingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the AttendingDistrictCode. |
020 |
Attending School Code |
SDI00611 |
E |
If AttendingSchoolCode = 1000 then StudentGradeLevel must be 'PK' |
AttendingSchoolCode is not valid for StudentGradeLevel |
AttendingSchoolCode of 1000 is not allowed for grades K-12. |
020 |
Attending School Code |
SDI00887 |
E |
ReportingSchoolCode cannot begin with 102 or 103 unless (ReportingDistrictCode is 002017) or (ReportingDistrictCode/ReportingSchoolCode combination is 010093/1020 or 090078/1030). |
AttendingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 |
AttendingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 since school codes which begin with 102 and 103 are reserved for schools which do not have enrollments. |
025 |
Reporting District Code |
SDI00415 |
E |
ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in v_DESE_DISTRICT_PUB_HIGH_STATE matching the current school year. |
Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code |
ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code. |
025 |
Reporting District Code |
SDI00700 |
E |
Reporting District Code must match the SRM users district code. |
The student is not from this district |
The student's ReportingDistrictCode does not equal that of the trial. |
030 |
Reporting School Code |
SDI00602 |
E |
Value must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (Reporting District Code) Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. |
ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for ReportingDistrictCode |
ReportingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the ReportingDistrictCode. |
030 |
Reporting School Code |
SDI00612 |
E |
If ReportingSchoolCode = 1000 then StudentGradeLevel must be 'PK' |
ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for StudentGradeLevel |
ReportingSchoolCode of 1000 is not allowed for grades K-12. |
030 |
Reporting School Code |
SDI00888 |
E |
ReportingSchoolCode cannot begin with 102 or 103 unless (ReportingDistrictCode is 002017) or (ReportingDistrictCode/ReportingSchoolCode combination is 010093/1020 or 090078/1030). |
ReportingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 |
ReportingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 since school codes which begin with 102 and 103 are reserved for schools which do not have enrollments. |
035 |
Resident District Code |
SDI00416 |
E |
ResidentDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in v_DESE_DISTRICT_PUB_HIGH_STATE matching the current school year. |
Invalid ResidentDistrictCode code |
ResidentDistrictCode is not a valid district code. |
040 |
Resident School Code |
SDI00603 |
E |
Value must be a valid school code in the Resident District Code. Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. |
ResidentSchoolCode is not valid for ResidentDistrictCode |
ResidentSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the ResidentDistrictCode. |
040 |
Resident School Code |
SDI00613 |
E |
If ResidentSchoolCode = 1000 then StudentGradeLevel must be 'PK' |
ResidentSchoolCode is not valid for StudentGradeLevel |
ResidentSchoolCode of 1000 is not allowed for grades K-12. |
045 |
MOSIS Student ID |
SDI01001 |
E |
State ID verified against ID system SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) |
StateID not found in MOSIS ID |
The State ID was not found in the MOSIS ID system. |
075 |
Date of Birth |
SDI00417 |
E |
The DateOfBirth must be a valid date |
DateOfBirth is not a valid date |
The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date. |
075 |
Date of Birth |
SDI01020 |
E |
Date of Birth verified against ID system (in conjunction with State ID) SIDMASTER (Date_of_Birth) and SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) |
DateOfBirth does not match MOSIS ID |
The date of birth reported does not match the date of birth in the MOSIS ID system. |
075 |
Date of Birth |
SDI01050 |
W |
If Age is outside the range for the grade level then a WARNING is given. Reference the Age Grade Range excel document for more information. |
Unexpected student age for grade level |
The age of the student falls outside the expected bounds. |
Birth dates for grade {0} are expected to fall between {2} and {3}. |
080 |
Student Grade Level |
SDI00403 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Student_Grade_Level_Codes). |
Invalid StudentGradeLevel code |
Student Grade Level must be a valid code in the Student Grade Level Codes. |
080 |
Student Grade Level |
SDI01060 |
E |
Reference MO-2007-21-2007-K8 Indicator Business Rules-V1.2-JY.doc |
StudentGradeLevel not taught in attending school |
The StudentGradeLevel is not taught in the school the student is attending. |
080 |
Student Grade Level |
SDI01061 |
E |
The StudentGradeLevel must be taught in the resident school. Reference MO-2007-21-2007-K8 Indicator Business Rules-V1.2-JY.doc |
StudentGradeLevel not taught in resident school |
The StudentGradeLevel is not taught in the student's resident school. |
080 |
Student Grade Level |
SDI01062 |
W |
If StudentGradeLevel = KA then verify record exists in Calendar_Header table where reportingdistrictcode = fk_dist_cnty_dist and currentschoolyear = fk_dist_year and begin_grade = (space K) and end_grade = (space K) and KINDERGARTEN_INDICATOR = A |
StudentGradeLevel does not exist in Calendar |
StudentGradeLevel KA does not exist in Core Data Calendar. |
080 |
Student Grade Level |
SDI01063 |
W |
If StudentGradeLevel = KP then verify record exists in Calendar_Header table where reportingdistrictcode = fk_dist_cnty_dist and currentschoolyear = fk_dist_year and begin_grade = (space K) and end_grade = (space K) and KINDERGARTEN_INDICATOR = P |
StudentGradeLevel does not exist in Calendar |
StudentGradeLevel KP does not exist in Core Data Calendar. |
085 |
Gender |
SDI00404 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Gender_Codes). |
Gender must be M or F |
Gender must be M or F |
090 |
Race/Ethnicity |
SDI00405 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Race_Ethnicity_Codes). |
RaceEthnicity must be one of A, B, H, I, W, P, or M |
RaceEthnicity must be one of A, B, H, I, W, P, or M |
095 |
Offense Date |
SDI00418 |
E |
The OffenseDate must be a valid date |
OffenseDate is not a valid date |
The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date. |
095 |
Offense Date |
SDI00614 |
W |
Multiple incidents cannot exist for the same OffenseDate and State ID |
Multiple incidents in same day |
A student should have only one incident reported per day |
095 |
Offense Date |
SDI01070 |
W |
Valid date in the Current School Year (July 1 - June 30) |
OffenseDate is not in school year |
The student's offense date must be a valid date within the current school year. |
The school year begins on {0} and ends on {1}. |
100 |
Offense Type |
SDI00406 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Discipline_Offense_Type_Codes). |
OffenseType must be a valid code |
OffenseType must be a valid code in the Discipline Offense Type codes. |
105 |
Weapon Type |
SDI00407 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Discipline_Weapon_Type_Codes). |
WeaponType must be one of F, H, K, N, R or W |
WeaponType must be one of F, H, K, N, R or W. |
105 |
Weapon Type |
SDI01200 |
E |
If OffenseType does not equal 'W' then WeaponType must equal 'N' |
WeaponType must be 'N' when OffenseType is not 'W' |
A weapon type can only be specified when offense type is weapon (W). |
105 |
Weapon Type |
SDI01210 |
E |
If OffenseType equals 'W' then WeaponType must not equal 'N' |
WeaponType cannot be 'N' when OffenseType is 'W' |
A weapon type must be specified when offense type is weapon (W). |
110 |
Discipline Removal |
SDI00408 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Discipline_Removal_Codes). |
DisciplineRemoval must be one of EXP, ISS, OSS or UR |
DisciplineRemoval must be one of EXP, ISS, OSS or UR. |
115 |
Length Removed |
SDI00409 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Discipline_Length_Removed_Codes). |
Invalid LengthRemoved code |
LengthRemoved must be one of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11+, 46+, 90+ or 1yr. |
115 |
Length Removed |
SDI00615 |
E |
If DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP' then LengthRemoved cannot be 1, 2, 3, or 4 |
Expulsion of very short length |
If DisciplineRemoval = Expulsion then the LengthRemoved cannot be less than five days |
115 |
Length Removed |
SDI00616 |
W |
If DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP' then LengthRemoved cannot be 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 |
Expulsion of short length |
If DisciplineRemoval = Expulsion then the LengthRemoved should be greater than 10 days |
120 |
Modified Length |
SDI00410 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Yes_No). |
ModifiedLength must be one of Y or N |
ModifiedLength must be one of Y or N. |
120 |
Modified Length |
SDI01400 |
E |
Value is required if DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP'. |
ModifiedLength is required when DisciplineRemoval is 'EXP' |
ModifiedLength must be reported if the student was expelled (EXP). |
120 |
Modified Length |
SDI01425 |
E |
Value is required to be null unless DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP' |
ModifiedLength is not allowed unless DisciplineRemoval is 'EXP' |
Modified length cannot be reported unless the student was expelled (EXP). |
125 |
Alternate Placement Indicator |
SDI00411 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Yes_No). |
API must be one of Y or N |
API must be one of Y or N. |
125 |
Alternate Placement Indicator |
SDI01500 |
E |
Value is required if DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP'. |
API is required when DisciplineRemoval is 'EXP' |
Alternate Placement Indicator (API) must be reported when the student was expelled (EXP). |
125 |
Alternate Placement Indicator |
SDI01525 |
E |
Value is required to be null unless DisciplineRemoval = 'EXP'. |
API is not allowed unless DisciplineRemoval is 'EXP' |
Alternate Placement Indicator cannot be reported unless the student was expelled (EXP). |
130 |
SDI00412 |
E |
Must be in code set: (LEP_Codes). |
Invalid LEPELL code |
LEPELL must be a valid code in the LEP Codes. |
135 |
IEP Disability |
SDI00413 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Disability_Codes). |
Invalid IEPDisability code |
IEPDisability must be one of 00, 01, 02, 04, 06, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 or 18. |