005 |
Collection Version |
CTO00001 |
E |
Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. |
One or more required fields are missing |
Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. |
The record is missing the field {0}. |
005 |
Collection Version |
CTO00201 |
E |
Field exceeds its maximum length |
Field exceeds its maximum length |
Field exceeds its maximum length. |
The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s). |
005 |
Collection Version |
CTO00401 |
E |
CollectionVersion must match '2025Jun1.0CTSO' |
CollectionVersion must be '2025Jun1.0CTSO' |
The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the CollectionVersion must be '2025Jun1.0CTSO'. |
010 |
Current School Year |
CTO00402 |
E |
CurrentSchoolYear must match '2025' |
CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025' |
The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025'. |
025 |
Reporting District Code |
CTO00441 |
E |
ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. |
Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code |
ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code. |
025 |
Reporting District Code |
CTO00700 |
E |
ReportingDistrictCode must match the SRM user's district code. |
The student is not from this district |
The student's ReportingDistrictCode does not equal that of the trial. |
030 |
Reporting School Code |
CTO00602 |
E |
ReportingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (Reporting District Code) Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. |
ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for ReportingDistrictCode |
ReportingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the ReportingDistrictCode. |
030 |
Reporting School Code |
CTO00888 |
E |
ReportingSchoolCode cannot begin with 102 or 103 unless (ReportingDistrictCode is 002017) or (ReportingDistrictCode/ReportingSchoolCode combination is 010093/1020 or 090078/1030). |
ReportingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 |
ReportingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 since school codes which begin with 102 and 103 are reserved for schools which do not have enrollments. |
035 |
Sending District Code |
CTO00447 |
E |
Must be in code set: (DESE_District_Codes). |
Invalid SendDistCode code |
SendDistCode is not a valid district code. |
035 |
Sending District Code |
CTO01402 |
E |
If ReportingDistrictCode is not 048078, 096119 or 115115 and ReportingSchoolCode = (1100-1199 or 0000) then SendingDistrictCode is required. |
SendingDistrictCode is required with ReportingSchoolCode |
SendingDistrictCode is required since ReportingSchoolCode is 0000 or 1100-1199. |
040 |
Sending School Code |
CTO01403 |
E |
SendingSchoolCode is required if SendingDistrictCode is not null. |
SendingSchoolCode is required with SendingDistrictCode |
SendingSchoolCode is required with SendingDistrictCode. |
040 |
Sending School Code |
CTO01404 |
E |
SendingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Sending District (Sending District Code). Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. |
SendingSchoolCode is not valid for SendingDistrictCode |
SendingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the SendingDistrictCode. |
050 |
MOSIS Student ID |
CTO01001 |
E |
State ID verified against ID system SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) |
StateID not found in MOSIS ID |
The State ID was not found in the MOSIS ID system. |
050 |
MOSIS Student ID |
CTO01010 |
E |
StateID must be unique across all records by reportingdistrictcode and reportingschoolcode. (No duplicates allowed in same school code) |
Multiple records with the same StateID |
The StateID must be unique across all records in the submission unless the reporting school code does not match. The same StateID was found on more than one record. No Duplicates allowed in same building. |
080 |
Date of Birth |
CTO00446 |
E |
DateOfBirth must be a valid date. |
DateOfBirth is not a valid date |
The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date. |
080 |
Date of Birth |
CTO01020 |
E |
Date of Birth verified against ID system (in conjunction with State ID) SIDMASTER (Date_of_Birth) and SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) |
DateOfBirth does not match MOSIS ID |
The date of birth reported does not match the date of birth in the MOSIS ID system. |
095 |
Student Grade Level |
CTO00404 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Student_Grade_Level_Codes). |
Invalid StudentGradeLevel code |
Student Grade Level must be a valid code in the Student Grade Level Codes. |
100 |
Gender |
CTO00405 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Gender_Codes). |
Gender must be M or F |
Gender must be M or F. |
105 |
Race/Ethnicity |
CTO00406 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Race_Ethnicity_Codes). |
Invalid RaceEthnicity code |
RaceEthnicity must be A, B, H, I, W, P or M. |
110 |
CTO00407 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Participation_Level_Codes). |
Invalid DECA code |
DECA must be a valid Participation Level Code. |
115 |
CTO00408 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Participation_Level_Codes). |
Invalid FBLA code |
FBLA must be a valid Participation Level Code. |
120 |
CTO00409 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Participation_Level_Codes). |
Invalid FCCLA code |
FCCLA must be a valid Participation Level Code. |
125 |
CTO00410 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Participation_Level_Codes). |
Invalid HOSA code |
HOSA must be a valid Participation Level Code. |
130 |
SkillsUSA |
CTO00411 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Participation_Level_Codes). |
Invalid SkillsUSA code |
SkillsUSA must be a valid Participation Level Code. |
135 |
CTO00412 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Participation_Level_Codes). |
Invalid TSA code |
TSA must be a valid Participation Level Code. |
140 |
CTO00413 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Participation_Level_Codes). |
Invalid FFA code |
FFA must be a valid Participation Level Code. |
145 |
Educators Rising |
CTO00414 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Participation_Level_Codes). |
Invalid EdRising code |
Educators Rising must be a valid Participation Level Code. |
150 |
Pathways |
CTO00415 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Participation_Level_Codes). |
Invalid Pathways code |
Pathways must be a valid Participation Level Code. |