Item_Number Item_Name Collection_Rule_ID Severity Business_Rule Short_Title General_Message Detailed_Message
005 Collection Version GRD00001 E Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. One or more required fields are missing Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. The record is missing the field {0}.
005 Collection Version GRD00201 E Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length. The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s).
005 Collection Version GRD00401 E CollectionVersion must match '2025Feb1.0StuGradFllw' CollectionVersion must be '2025Feb1.0StuGradFllw' The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the CollectionVersion must be '2025Feb1.0StuGradFllw'.
005 Collection Version GRD01600 E There must be at least one record There are no Graduate Follow-up records There must be at least one Graduate Follow-up record.
005 Collection Version GRD01613 E If (Jun.STC.CareerEd is ( 'CHS', 'CNP') and June SEA ExitCode is in (‘D05’,’G01’,’G03’)) for the ReportingDistrictCode and StateID then CTEAttendingDistrictCode, CTEAttendingSchoolCode, IEP/Disabled, Disadvantaged, CTEPlaceRelation, CIPCode, CTEProgramCode cannot be blank or null. {Compare against the certified prior year June Student Core.} Career Ed Fields are required for student Your District’s prior year June Student Core indicates this student was reported as a CHS, or CNP Career Education student. Please provide career education follow-up information in these fields. (CTEAttendingDistrictCode, CTEAttendingSchoolCode, IEP/Disabled, Disadvantaged, CTEPlaceRelation, CIPCode, CTEProgramCode).
005 Collection Version GRD01614 E If (Jun.STC.CareerEd is  ('LTO','PHS') and Feb.GRD.CTEProgramCode is not 0604 and June SEA ExitCode is in (‘G01’,’G03’)) for the ReportingDistrictCode and StateID then CTEAttendingDistrictCode, CTEAttendingSchoolCode, IEP/Disabled, Disadvantaged, CTEProgramCode cannot be blank or null. {Compare against the certified prior year June Student Core.} Career Ed Fields are required for student Your District’s prior year June Student Core indicates this student was reported as an LTO, or PHS Career Education student. Please provide career education follow-up information in these fields. (CTEAttendingDistrictCode, CTEAttendingSchoolCode, IEP/Disabled, Disadvantaged, CTEProgramCode).
010 Current School Year GRD00402 E CurrentSchoolYear must match '2025' CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025' The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025'.
025 Reporting District Code GRD00421 E ReportingDistrictCode cannot be less than 116000 if CTEProgramCode ends with 07. ReportingDistrictCode is not allowed ReportingDistrictCode is not allowed since CTEProgramCode ends with 07.
025 Reporting District Code GRD00441 E ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
025 Reporting District Code GRD00700 E ReportingDistrictCode must match the SRM user's district code. The student is not from this district The student's ReportingDistrictCode does not equal that of the trial.
030 Reporting School Code GRD00602 E ReportingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (Reporting District Code) for the prior year. Use MOSIS Attendance Center tables. ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for ReportingDistrictCode ReportingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the ReportingDistrictCode.
030 Reporting School Code GRD00701 E If both ReportingSchoolCode and CTEAttendingSchoolCode begin with 11 Then ReportingDistrictCode is must equal CTEAttendingDistrictCode. Student cannot be sent from one Area Career Center to another Cannot send student to another Area Career Center.
030 Reporting School Code GRD00702 W If both ReportingSchoolCode and CTEAttendingSchoolCode begin with 11 then ReportingDistrictCode must not equal CTEAttendingDistrictCode. Area Career Center students must be reported coming from High School Must report Area Career Center students coming from High School unless students are parochial, adult, or college.
030 Reporting School Code GRD00703 E Present an error for the reportingschoolcode (ReportingDistrictCode and ReportingSchoolCode) if there are 6 or more prior year graduates with followupstatus of 2YR or 4YR that do not match a record in DESE_NSC matching on stateid, making up more than 25% of prior year graduates. Prior year graduates includes StateIDs existing in the prior year June Student Enrollment and Attendance file with an (SEA.exitcode of G01 or G03) and (SEA.residencystatus in 'R1','NR','FL','DI','PT') matching on the reporting district code and reporting school code. Too many graduates not found in NSC. The number of graduates allowed not matching the National Student Clearinghouse has been exceeded. For reporting school code (ReportingSchoolCode) the number of graduates allowed not matching the National Student Clearinghouse has been exceeded.
030 Reporting School Code GRD00704 W Present a warning for the reportingschoolcode (ReportinDistrictCode and ReportingSchoolCode) if there are 6 or more prior year graduates with followupstatus of 2YR or 4YR that do not match a record in DESE_NSC matching on stated, making up between 10% and 25% (inclusive) of prior graduates. Prior year graduates includes StateIDs existing in the prior year June Student Enrollment and Attendance file with an (SEA.exitcode of G01 or G03) and (SEA.residencystatus in 'R1','NR','FL','DI','PT') matching on the reporting district code and reporting school code. Too many graduates not found in NSC. The number of graduates allowed not matching the National Student Clearinghouse has been exceeded. For reporting school code (ReportingSchoolCode) the number of graduates allowed not matching the National Student Clearinghouse has been exceeded.
030 Reporting School Code GRD00888 W ReportingSchoolCode cannot begin with 102 or 103 unless (ReportingDistrictCode is 002017) or (ReportingDistrictCode/ReportingSchoolCode combination is 010093/1020 or 090078/1030). ReportingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 ReportingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 since school codes which begin with 102 and 103 are reserved for schools which do not have enrollments.
035 CTE Attending District Code GRD00442 E CTEAttendingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in v_DESE_ DISTRICT_PUB_HIGH_ACC table. Invalid CTEAttendingDistrictCode code CTEAttendingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
035 CTE Attending District Code GRD00443 E CTEAttendingDistrictCode must be not be null if CTEProgramCode is not null. CTEAttendingDistrictCode is required when CTEProgramCode is not null CTEAttendingDistrictCode is required when CTEProgramCode is not null.
035 CTE Attending District Code GRD00450 E CTEAttendingDistrictCode is required when CTEAttendingSchoolCode is not null. CTEAttendingDistrictCode is required when CTEAttendingSchoolCode is not null CTEAttendingDistrictCode is required when CTEAttendingSchoolCode is not null.
035 CTE Attending District Code GRD00452 E If CTEProgramCode is blank or null then CTEAttendingDistrictCode must be blank or null CTEAttendingDistrictCode is not allowed CTEAttendingDistrictCode is not allowed unless CTEProgramCode is provided.
040 CTE Attending School Code GRD00451 E CTEAttendingSchoolCode is required when CTEAttendingDistrictCode is not null. CTEAttendingSchoolCode is required when CTEAttendingDistrictCode is not null CTEAttendingSchoolCode is required when CTEAttendingDistrictCode is not null.
040 CTE Attending School Code GRD00603 E CTEAttendingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (Reporting District Code) for the current school year or any of the prior 3 years. Boundary clarification: If current school year is 2025 then school code can exist 2025, 2024, 2023. CTEAttendingSchoolCode is not valid for CTEAttendingDistrictCode CTEAttendingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the CTEAttendingDistrictCode.
040 CTE Attending School Code GRD00604 E CTEAttendingSchoolCode must be not be null if CTEProgramCode is not null. CTEAttendingSchoolCode is required when CTEProgramCode not null CTEAttendingSchoolCode is required when CTEProgramCode not null.
040 CTE Attending School Code GRD00605 E If CTEProgType is 07 or 10 and CTEAttendingSchoolCode is not null it must begin with 00 or 11. CTEAttendingSchoolCode must be a valid Area Career Center code CTEAttendingSchoolCode must be a valid Area Career Center code and begin with 11 or 00.
045 MOSIS Student ID GRD01001 E State ID must match a Student ID in the MOSIS ID system SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) StateID not found in MOSIS ID The State ID was not found in the MOSIS ID system.
045 MOSIS Student ID GRD01010 E StateID must be unique across all records in the submission. (No Duplicates allowed) Multiple records with the same StateID The StateID must be unique across all records in the submission. The same StateID was found on more than one record. No Duplicates allowed.
045 MOSIS Student ID GRD01011 E StateID is required if StateID exists in the prior year June Student Enrollment and Attendance file with an ((SEA.exitcode of G01 or G03) or (STC.CareerED in ('CHS', 'CNP', 'CTP', 'CNT') and SEA.ExitCode = D05) or (STC.IEPDisability <> 00 and StudentGradelevel in 09,10,11,12 and SEA.ExitCode beginning with D)) and SEA.residencystatus in ('R1','NR','FL','DI','PT'). Follow-up is required for StateID Graduates, IEP Dropouts, or Perkins Concentrator GED Dropouts have been found in your prior year June Student Enrollment and Attendance certified submission that do not have February follow-up records. Please refer to the Missing Graduates Report located with your February Graduate Follow-up trial for a list of missing students.
045 MOSIS Student ID GRD01012 E If (GRD.CTEAttendingSchoolCode and GRD.ReportingSchoolCode both do not begin with 11) and GRD.CTEProgType does not end with 10 then GRD.StateID must exist in the prior year certified June Student Enrollment and Attendance/Student Core files matching on prior year reportingdistrictcode, reportingschoolcode, and StateID with an ((SEA.exitcode of G01 or G03) or (STC.CareerED in ('CHS', 'CNP', 'CTP', 'CNT') and SEA.ExitCode = D05) or (STC.IEPDisability <> 00 and StudentGradelevel in 09,10,11,12 and SEA.ExitCode beginning with D)) and SEA.residencystatus in ('R1','NR','FL','DI','PT'). Follow-up not allowed for StateID Follow-up is not allowed for this student since they are not reported as a graduate, IEP dropout, or Perkins Concentrator GED Dropout from your district in your district's prior year June Student Enrollment and Attendance certified submission.
045 MOSIS Student ID GRD01013 W Matching on StateID check the DESE_NSC table for a matching record. If a record is found and followupstatus is not 2YR or 4YR then show a warning. Informational Only: Student found in Postsecondary National Student Clearinghouse has found this student in a 2Yr or 4Yr postsecondary institution. This warning is intended to aid in reporting, and may be ignored if other information is available. {stateid} was found in {two_year_four_year} institution.
045 MOSIS Student ID GRD01014 W Matching on StateID check the DESE_NSC table for a matching record.  If a record is found and followupstatus is 2YR and DESE_NSC is 4Yr then show a warning. Informational Only: Student found in 4Yr postsecondary National Student Clearinghouse has found this student in a four year postsecondary institution, but two year follow-up status was reported. This warning is intended to aid in reporting, and may be ignored if conflicting information is available.
045 MOSIS Student ID GRD01015 W Matching on StateID check the DESE_NSC table for a matching record.  If a record is found and followupstatus is 4YR and DESE_NSC is 2Yr then show a warning. Informational Only: Student found in 2Yr postsecondary National Student Clearinghouse has found this student in a two year postsecondary institution, but four year follow-up status was reported. This warning is intended to aid in reporting, and may be ignored if conflicting information is available.
045 MOSIS Student ID GRD01016 W Matching on StateID check the DESE_NSC table for a matching record.  If no record is found then followupstatus cannot be 2YR or 4YR. Informational Only: No postsecondary record found for student National Student Clearinghouse has not found this student in a two or four year postsecondary institution, but a follow-up status was reported. This warning is intended to aid in reporting, and may be ignored if conflicting information is available.
045 MOSIS Student ID GRD01017 E StateID is required if  StateID exists in the prior year PS-Adult Perkins Core file with a PerkRetentionLeftCode beginning with G. Follow-up is required for StateID Graduates have been found in your prior year PS-Adult Perkins Core certified submission that do not have February follow-up records.
055 Legal Last Name GRD02100 E LastName is required when CTEProgramCode is in ('0110','0210','0410','0510','0610','0710','0810') LastName is required for the specified CTEProgramCode LastName is required when CTEProgramCode is 0110, 0210, 0410, 0510, 0610, 0710, or 0810.
060 Legal First Name GRD02110 E FirstName is required when CTEProgramCode is in ('0110','0210','0410','0510','0610','0710','0810') FirstName is required for the specified CTEProgramCode FirstName is required when CTEProgramCode is 0110, 0210, 0410, 0510, 0610, 0710, or 0810.
075 Date of Birth GRD00446 E DateOfBirth must be a valid date DateOfBirth is not a valid date The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date.
075 Date of Birth GRD01020 E Date of Birth verified against ID system (in conjunction with State ID) SIDMASTER (Date_of_Birth) and SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) DateOfBirth does not match MOSIS ID The date of birth reported does not match the date of birth in the MOSIS ID system.
080 Social Security Number GRD00447 E Social Security Number must be 9 digits SSN must be 9 digits Social Security Numbers are specified as 9 digits with no dashes.
080 Social Security Number GRD02230 E SSN can not be null if CTEProgramCode is in ('0110','0210','0410','0510','0610','0710','0810', ('0107','0207','0407','0507','0607','0707','0807') SSN is required for the specified CTEProgramCode SSN is required when CTEProgramCode is 0110, 0210, 0410, 0510, 0610, 0710, 0810, 0107, 0207, 0407, 0507, 0607, 0707, or 0807.
080 Social Security Number GRD02231 E SSN must be unique if CTEProgramCode is in ('0110','0210','0410','0510','0610','0710','0810') SSN must be unique SSN must be unique.
080 Social Security Number GRD02300 E SSN must be null unless CTEProgramCode in ('0110','0210','0410','0510','0610','0710','0810', ('0107','0207','0407','0507','0607','0707','0807') SSN is not allowed unless the CTEProgramCode ends with 07, or 10 SSN is not allowed unless CTEProgramCode is 0110, 0210, 0410, 0510, 0610, 0710, 0810, 0107, 0207, 0407, 0507, 0607, 0707, or 0807.
085 Gender GRD00403 E Must be in code set: (Gender_Codes). Gender must be M or F Gender must be M or F.
090 Race/Ethnicity GRD00404 E Must be in code set: (PAP_Race_Ethnicity). Invalid RaceEthnicity code RaceEthnicity must be A, B, H, I or W, P, M or O.
090 Race/Ethnicity GRD00454 E RaceEthnicity cannot be O (alpha) unless CTEProgType ends with 10 or 07. RaceEthnicity cannot be O RaceEthnicity cannot be O since CTEProgtType does not end with 10 or 07.
095 Perkins Concentrator GRD00405 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). PerkinsConcentrator must be Y or N PerkinsConcentrator must be Y or N.
095 Perkins Concentrator GRD02130 E PerkinsConcentrator is required when CTEProgramCode is in ('0110','0210','0410','0510','0610','0710','0810', '0107','0207', '0407','0507','0607','0707','0807') PerkinsConcentrator is required for the specified CTEProgramCode PerkinsConcentrator is required when CTEProgramCode is 0110, 0210, 0410, 0510, 0610, 0710, 0810, 0107, 0207, 0407, 0507, 0607, 0707, or 0807.
100 IEP/Disabled GRD00406 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). IEP/Disabled must be Y or N IEP/Disabled must be Y or N.
100 IEP/Disabled GRD00608 E If record exists in the prior year June Student Core matching on ReportingDistrictCode and StateId and that record has STC.IEPDisability not equial to 00 then GRD.IEP/Disabled must be Y. IEP/Disabled must be Y IEP/Disabled must be Y if the student had STC.IEPDisability <> 00 in the prior year June Student Core
105 Disadvantaged GRD00407 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). Disadvantaged must be Y or N Disadvantaged must be Y or N.
105 Disadvantaged GRD02140 E Disadvantaged is required if (IEP/Disabled is 'N' or Null and CTEProgramCode is not Null.) Disadvantaged is required Disadvantaged is required since CTEProgramCode is not null and IEP/Disabled is not 'Y'.
110 Nontraditional Student GRD00408 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). NonTradStudent must be Y or N NonTradStudent must be Y or N.
110 Nontraditional Student GRD00455 E If NonTradStudent is Y and Gender does not match NONTRADITIONAL_GENDER in the dese_dc_program_type table for the year and CTE_program_type. NonTradStudent code is not valid NonTradStudent code is not valid since the Gender reported is the traditional gender expected.
110 Nontraditional Student GRD02150 E NonTradStudent must not be null if CTEProgramCode is in ('0110','0210','0410','0510','0610','0710','0810', '0107','0207', '0407','0507','0607','0707','0807') NonTradStudent is required for the specified CTEProgramCode NonTradStudent is required when CTEProgramCode is 0110, 0210, 0410, 0510, 0610, 0710, or 0810, 0107, 0207, 0407, 0507, 0607, 0707, or 0807.
115 Single Parent GRD00409 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). SingleParent must be Y or N SingleParent must be Y or N.
115 Single Parent GRD02160 E SingleParent must not be null if CTEProgramCode is in ('0110','0210','0410','0510','0610','0710','0810', '0107','0207', '0407','0507','0607','0707','0807') SingleParent is required for the specified CTEProgramCode SingleParent is required when CTEProgramCode is 0110, 0210, 0410, 0510, 0610, 0710, or 0810, 0107, 0207, 0407, 0507, 0607, 0707, or 0807.
120 Displaced Homemaker GRD00410 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). DisplacedHomemaker must be Y or N DisplacedHomemaker must be Y or N.
120 Displaced Homemaker GRD02170 E DisplacedHomemaker must not be null if CTEProgramCode is in ('0110','0210','0410','0510','0610','0710','0810') DisplacedHomemaker is required for the specified CTEProgramCode DisplacedHomemaker is required when CTEProgramCode is 0110, 0210, 0410, 0510, 0610, 0710, or 0810.
125 Other Barriers GRD00411 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). OtherBarriers must be Y or N OtherBarriers must be Y or N.
130 LEP / ELL GRD00412 E Must be in code set: (LEP_Codes). Invalid LEPELL code LEPELL must be a valid code in the LEP Codes.
130 LEP / ELL GRD02190 E LEPELL must not be null if CTEProgramCode is in ('0110','0210','0410','0510','0610','0710','0810', '0107','0207', '0407','0507','0607','0707','0807') LEPELL is required for the specified CTEProgramCode LEPELL is required when CTEProgramCode is 0110, 0210, 0410, 0510, 0610, 0710, or 0810, 0107, 0207, 0407, 0507, 0607, 0707, or 0807.
135 Follow-Up Status GRD00413 E Must be in code set: (Followup_Status_Codes). Invalid FollowUpStatus code FollowUpStatus must be a valid code in the Followup_Status_Codes codes.
140 CTE Placement Relation GRD00414 E Must be in code set: (Followup_Placement_Relation_Codes) Invalid CTEPlaceRelation code CTEPlaceRelation must be R, NR, or ER.
140 CTE Placement Relation GRD00453 E If CTEPlaceRelation is ER then FollowupStatus must be NOC, 2YR, or 4YR. Invalid CTEPlaceRelation code for FollowupStatus Invalid CTEPlaceRelation code for FollowupStatus. FollowupStatus must be 2YR, 4YR, or NOC if CTEPlaceRelation is ER.
140 CTE Placement Relation GRD03005 E CTEPlacementRelation is required if CareerEd is CHS or CNP in the prior year June Student Core matching on State ID. Required for students with a career ed status of CHS or CNP CTE Placement Relation is required for students with a career ed status of CHS or CNP in the prior June Student Core.
145 CIP Code GRD00415 E If CTEProgType ends in 04 then verify CIP code against DC_APPROVED_VOC_COURSES table. Ensure the CIP_CODE exists where (FK_DIST_YEAR >= (currentschoolyear - 4) and FK_DIST_CNTY_DIST = reportingdistrictcode and FK_SCHOOL_CODE = reportingschoolcode and FK_PROGRAM_TYPE = CTEProgramType) OR (FK_DIST_YEAR >= (currentschoolyear - 4) and FK_DIST_CNTY_DIST = CTEAttendingDistrictCode and FK_SCHOOL_CODE = CTEAttendingSchoolCode and FK_PROGRAM_TYPE = CTEProgramType). CIPCode is not approved CIP Code does not match any approved CIP code for the ReportingDistrictcode and ReportingSchoolCode or the CTEAttendingDistrictCode and CTEAttendingSchoolCode and CTEProgType in the previous 4 years.
145 CIP Code GRD00418 E If CTEProgType ends in (07, 10) then verify CIP code against DESE_DC_POST_SECONDARY_ADULT_APPROVED_PROGRAMS table. Ensure the CIP_CODE exists where (FK_DIST_YEAR >= (currentschoolyear - 4) and FK_DIST_CNTY_DIST = reportingdistrictcode and PROGRAM_TYPE = CTEProgramType). CIPCode is not approved CIP Code does not match any approved CIP code for the ReportingDistrictcode and CTEProgType in the previous 4 years.
145 CIP Code GRD03006 E CIPCode is required if CareerEd is CHS or CNP in the prior year June Student Core matching on State ID. Required for students with a career ed status of CHS or CNP CIP Code is required for students with a career ed status of CHS or CNP in the prior June Student Core.
150 CTE Program Code GRD00416 E Must be in code set: (CTE_Program_Codes) Invalid CTEProgramCode code CTEProgramCode is not a valid code.
150 CTE Program Code GRD00417 E CTEProgramCode is required if one or more of the following fields have data. (CIPCode, or CTEPlaceRelation) CTEProgramCode is required CTEProgramCode is required since one or more of the following fields have data. (CIPCode, or CTEPlaceRelation)
150 CTE Program Code GRD00420 E If CTEProgramCode ends with 10 or 07 then a record cannot exist in the prior year June Student Core/ Student Enrollment Attendance file matching on State ID. Record is not allowed in prior year June Student Core/Student Enrollment Attendance State ID is not allowed in prior June Student Core/Student Enrollment Attendance file since Graduate Followup CTEProgramCode ends with 10 or 07.
150 CTE Program Code GRD00425 E If CTEProgramCode is reported, make sure StateID exists in the prior year June Student Core file with STC.CareerED not equal to NHS or blank matching on ReportingDistrictCode and StateID unless CTEProgramCode ends with 10 or 07. CTE Program Code is not valid CTEProgramCode is not valid since StateID is not reported as a Career Ed student in the prior June Student Core file.
150 CTE Program Code GRD03000 E If CTEProgramCode is reported, make sure StateID exists in the prior year PS Adult Perkins Core file matching on ReportingDistrictCode and StateID unless CTEProgramCode ends with 04. CTE Program Code is not valid CTEProgramCode is not valid since StateID is not reported in the prior PS Adult Perkins Core file.
155 Placement Zip Code GRD00449 E Placement Zip Code must be 5 digits FollowUpZip must be 5 digits Zip Codes are specified as 5 digits. 9 digit zip codes are not accepted.
160 Educator SSN GRD00448 E Educator SSN format must be 9 digits EducatorSSN format must be 9 digits Social Security Numbers are specified as 9 digits with no dashes.
162 SPED Follow-up Definition Met GRD00606 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). SPEDMetDefinition must be Y or N SPEDMetDefinition must be Y or N
162 SPED Follow-up Definition Met GRD00607 E SPEDMetDefinition is required if IEP/Disabled = Y and FollowUpStatus is in ('EMP','2YR','4YR','NOC','ENC','ADV','NPC'). SPEDMetDefinition is required SPEDMetDefinition is required since IEP/Disbaled is Y and FollowUpStatus is one of 'EMP', '2YR', '4YR', 'NOC', 'ENC', 'ADV', or 'NPC'.
165 NSC Comment GRD00705 E If StateID exists in the prior year June Student Enrollment and Attendance file with an (SEA.exitcode of G01 or G03) and SEA.residencystatus in ('R1','NR','FL','DI','PT') then Comment is required if student with followupstatus of 2YR or 4YR was not found in DESE_NSC table matching on StateID. Comment is required Comment is required since student was not found in National Student Clearinghouse.