Item_Number Item_Name Collection_Rule_ID Severity Business_Rule Short_Title General_Message Detailed_Message
005 Collection Version PAC00001 E Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. One or more required fields are missing Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. The record is missing the field {0}.
005 Collection Version PAC00201 E Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length. The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s).
005 Collection Version PAC00401 E CollectionVersion must match '2025ALL1.0PSACourseAssign' CollectionVersion must be '2025ALL1.0PSACourseAssign' The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the CollectionVersion must be '2025ALL1.0PSACourseAssign'
005 Collection Version PAC01612 E There must be at least one Annual CTE Reimbursement There are no Annual CTE Reimbursement There must be at least one Postsecondary/Adult Course Assignment record.
010 Current School Year PAC00402 E CurrentSchoolYear must match '2025' CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025' The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025'.
025 Reporting District Code PAC00441 E ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code The ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
025 Reporting District Code PAC00700 E ReportingDistrictCode must match the SRM user's district code. The student is not from this district The student's ReportingDistrictCode does not equal that of the trial.
030 Reporting School Code PAC00602 E ReportingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (Reporting District Code) Use MOSIS Attendance Center tables. Invalid ReportingSchoolCode The Reporting School Code is not a valid school code in the Reporting District Code.
050 ED SSN PAC00460 E The Social Security Number must 9 digits with no extra characters such as spaces and dashes. EDSSN must be 9 digits The Social Security Number must be specified as 9 digits.
050 ED SSN PAC00462 E EDSSN cannot have more than 99 assignments grouped by collectionversion,currentSchoolYear,reportingdistrictcode, reportingschoolcode, edssn, CTEProgramCode. EDSSN has too many assignments EDSSN has over 99 assignments. EDSSN {0} has over 99 assignments.
050 ED SSN PAC00464 W If EDSSN occurs more than once and CTEProgramCode ending in both 10 and 07. Unexpected CTEProgramCode CTEProgramCodes ending with 07 and 10 have been reported for the institution. It is unexpected to have both CTEProgramCodes reported by the same ReportingDistrictCode.
050 ED SSN PAC00482 E If the sum ContactHours are greater than or equal to 500 grouped by EDSSN, CTEProgramCode, and CIPCode and the AdultTermLength is equal to FT then a record matching EDSSN and CIPCode must exist in DESE_CERTIFIED_ADULT_EDUCATOR unless ReportingDistrictCode equals 508313. EDSSN is not certified EDSSN is not certified for the reported CIPCode.
050 ED SSN PAC00482 E If the sum ContactHours are greater than or equal to 500 grouped by EDSSN, CTEProgramCode, and CIPCode and the AdultTermLength is equal to FT then a record matching EDSSN and CIPCode must exist in DESE_CERTIFIED_ADULT_EDUCATOR unless ReportingDistrictCode equals 508313. EDSSN is not certified EDSSN is not certified for the reported CIPCode.
070 Position Code PAC00468 E Must be 10, 50, or 60 Invalid PosCode code PosCode must be one of 10, 50, or 60.
070 Position Code PAC00502 E If PosCode is 10, CTEProgramCode must be 1110 or 1107. PosCode is invalid for CTEProgramCode PosCode is invalid for CTEProgramCode since PosCode is 10 CTEProgramCodes must be 1110 or 1107.
070 Position Code PAC00504 E If PosCode is 50, CTEProgramCode must be 0910 or 0907. PosCode is invalid for CTEProgramCode PosCode is invalid for CTEProgramCode since PosCode is 50 CTEProgramCodes must be 0910 or 0907.
130 CIP Code PAC00499 E CipCode must exist in DESE_DC_CIP for the CurrentSchoolYear and CTEProgramCode Invalid CIP Code code CIPCode is not valid.
130 CIP Code PAC00500 E CipCode is required since PosCode is 60. CIP Code is required CIPCode is required.
130 CIP Code PAC00501 E If CTEProgramCode is 0907, 0910, 1107, or 1110 and PosCode is 10 or 50 then CipCode must be null. CIP Code is now valid for CTEProgramCode and PosCode CIPCode is not allowed for CTEProgramCode and PosCode.
190 Course Semester PAC00446 E Must be in code set: (Course_Semester_Codes) Invalid CourseSem code CourseSem is not valid.
210 CTE Program Code PAC00448 E Must be in code set: (CTE_Program_Code) or be 0910, 0907, 1110, 1107. Invalid CTEProgramCode code CTEProgramCode is not valid.
210 CTE Program Code PAC00450 E If ReportingDistrictode is less than 116000 then CourseProgramCode cannot end with 07 Invalid CTEProgramCode code for ReportingDistrictCode Invalid CTEProgramCode code for ReportingDistrictCode.
210 CTE Program Code PAC00452 E CTEProgramCode must end with 10 or 07. Invalid CTEProgramCode code for Reimbursement Invalid CTEProgramCode code for Reimbursement. Only CTEProgramCode ending with 10 or 07 are allowed.
210 CTE Program Code PAC00454 E If (CTEProgramCode ends with 07 and is not 0907 or 1107) or (CTEProgramCode ends with 10 and is not 0910 or 1110) then a record matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgramCode, and CIPCode must exist in the DESE_APPROVED_POSTSEC_ADULT_COURSE table. CTEProgramCode/CIPCode is not approved CTEProgramCode/CIPCode is not approved. CTEProgramCode/CIPCode combination was not found on the approved list for this institution.
210 CTE Program Code PAC00478 E If the sum ContactHours are greater than or equal to 500 grouped by EDSSN, CTEProgramCode, CIPCode and the AdultTermLength is equal to FT then a record matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgramCode, and CIPCode must exist in the DESE_APPROVED_POSTSEC_ADULT_COURSE table. CTEProgramCode/CIPCode is not approved CTEProgramCode/CIPCode is not approved. CTEProgramCode/CIPCode combination was not found on the approved list for this institution.
210 CTE Program Code PAC00479 E If AdultTermLength is not null, then the CTE ProgramCode must end with 10 and PosCode equals 60. CTEProgramCode and PosCode are not valid for AdultTermLength CTEProgramCode and PosCode are not valid.
210 CTE Program Code PAC00480 E If CTEProgramCode ends with 07, then AdultTermLength must be null. CTEProgramCode is not valid for AdultTermLength CTEProgramCode is not valid.
220 Contact Hours PAC00456 E If the CTEProgCode is equal to 0110, 0210, 0410, 0510, 0610, 0710, or 0810 then ContactHours are required to be greater than zero. ContactHours are required ContactHours are required since CTEProgCode ends with 10.
220 Contact Hours PAC00470 W If ContactHours are greater than 1800 ContactHours appear too high ContactHours appear too high.
220 Contact Hours PAC00472 E If ContactHours are greater than 2000 ContactHours are too high ContactHours are too high.
220 Contact Hours PAC00473 E If AdultTermLength equals FT and sum of ContactHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 1 or 2, then ContactHours cannot be less than 250. ContactHours are too low ContactHours are too low.
220 Contact Hours PAC00474 E ContactHours must be an integer. ContactHours must be whole number ContactHours must be a whole number.
220 Contact Hours PAC00475 E If AdultTermLength equals FT and sum of ContactHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 1, then ContactHours cannot be less than 250. ContactHours are too low ContactHours are too low.
220 Contact Hours PAC00476 E If AdultTermLength equals FT and sum of ContactHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 0, then ContactHours cannot be less than 500. ContactHours are too low ContactHours are too low.
220 Contact Hours PAC00481 E If the CTEProgramCode begins with 09 or 11 then ContactHours are required to be greater than zero. ContactHours are required ContactHours are required since CTEProgCode begins with 09 or 11.
220 Contact Hours PAC00507 E If AdultTermLength equals ST and sum of ContactHours grouped by EDSSN, CTEProgramCode, then ContactHours cannot be greater than 500. ContactHours are too high ContactHours are too high.
230 Credit Hours PAC00484 E If PosCode is 60 and CTEProgramCode ends with 07 then CreditHours are required to be greater than zero. CreditHours are required CreditHours are required since PosCode is 60 and CTEProgramCode ends with 07.
230 Credit Hours PAC00485 E If the CTEProgramCode is 0907, 0910, 1107, or 1110 then CreditHours are not allowed. CreditHours are not allowed CreditHours are not allowed since CTEProgCode is 0907, 0910, 1107, or 1110.
230 Credit Hours PAC00486 E If the CTEProgCode is equal to 0107, 0207, 0407, 0507, 0607, 0707, or 0807 then CreditHours are required to be greater than zero. CreditHours are required CreditHours are required since CTEProgCode ends with 07.
230 Credit Hours PAC00488 E CreditHours must be an integer. CreditHours must be whole number CreditHours must be a whole number.
230 Credit Hours PAC00492 E If sum of CreditHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 0, 1, 2 or 3 cannot be greater than 38. CreditHours are too high for regular year CreditHours are too high. Sum of CreditHours for the educator during the regular year cannot be greater than 38.
230 Credit Hours PAC00493 E If sum of CreditHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 1 cannot be greater than 15. CreditHours are too high for semester CreditHours are too high. Sum of CreditHours for the educator during the first semester cannot be greater than 15.
230 Credit Hours PAC00494 E If sum of CreditHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 3 cannot be greater than 8. CreditHours are too high for summer semester CreditHours are too high. Sum of CreditHours for the educator during the summer semester cannot be greater than 8.
230 Credit Hours PAC00495 E If sum of CreditHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 2 cannot be greater than 15. CreditHours are too high for semester CreditHours are too high. Sum of CreditHours for the educator during the second semester cannot be greater than 15.
235 Caseload (Enrollment) PAC00496 E If Caseload is not null it must be an positive integer zero or greater. Caseload must be an whole number Caseload must be a whole number.
235 Caseload (Enrollment) PAC00497 E If CTEProgramCode is 0907, 0910, 1107, or 1110 and PosCode is 10 or 50 then Caseload must be null. Caseload is not valid for CTEProgramCode and PosCode Caseload is not allowed for CTEProgramCode and PosCode.
235 Caseload (Enrollment) PAC00498 E If PosCode is 60 then Caseload must be greater than zero. Caseload is required Caseload is required since PosCode is 60.
240 Adult Term Length PAC00505 E Must be in code set: (Adult_Term_Length_Codes). Invalid AdultTermLength code AdultTermLength must be FT, or ST.
240 Adult Term Length PAC01650 E AdultTermLength is required if CTE ProgramCode ends with 10 and PosCode equals 60. Adult Term Length is required since CTE Program Code ends with 10 and Position Code equals 60 Adult Term Length is required since CTE Program Code ends with 10 and Position Code equals 60.