005 |
Collection Version |
PAC00001 |
E |
Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. |
One or more required fields are missing |
Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. |
The record is missing the field {0}. |
005 |
Collection Version |
PAC00201 |
E |
Field exceeds its maximum length |
Field exceeds its maximum length |
Field exceeds its maximum length. |
The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s). |
005 |
Collection Version |
PAC00401 |
E |
CollectionVersion must match '2025ALL1.0PSACourseAssign' |
CollectionVersion must be '2025ALL1.0PSACourseAssign' |
The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the CollectionVersion must be '2025ALL1.0PSACourseAssign' |
005 |
Collection Version |
PAC01612 |
E |
There must be at least one Annual CTE Reimbursement |
There are no Annual CTE Reimbursement |
There must be at least one Postsecondary/Adult Course Assignment record. |
010 |
Current School Year |
PAC00402 |
E |
CurrentSchoolYear must match '2025' |
CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025' |
The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2025'. |
025 |
Reporting District Code |
PAC00441 |
E |
ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. |
Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code |
The ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code. |
025 |
Reporting District Code |
PAC00700 |
E |
ReportingDistrictCode must match the SRM user's district code. |
The student is not from this district |
The student's ReportingDistrictCode does not equal that of the trial. |
030 |
Reporting School Code |
PAC00602 |
E |
ReportingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (Reporting District Code) Use MOSIS Attendance Center tables. |
Invalid ReportingSchoolCode |
The Reporting School Code is not a valid school code in the Reporting District Code. |
050 |
PAC00460 |
E |
The Social Security Number must 9 digits with no extra characters such as spaces and dashes. |
EDSSN must be 9 digits |
The Social Security Number must be specified as 9 digits. |
050 |
PAC00462 |
E |
EDSSN cannot have more than 99 assignments grouped by collectionversion,currentSchoolYear,reportingdistrictcode, reportingschoolcode, edssn, CTEProgramCode. |
EDSSN has too many assignments |
EDSSN has over 99 assignments. |
EDSSN {0} has over 99 assignments. |
050 |
PAC00464 |
W |
If EDSSN occurs more than once and CTEProgramCode ending in both 10 and 07. |
Unexpected CTEProgramCode |
CTEProgramCodes ending with 07 and 10 have been reported for the institution. It is unexpected to have both CTEProgramCodes reported by the same ReportingDistrictCode. |
050 |
PAC00482 |
E |
If the sum ContactHours are greater than or equal to 500 grouped by EDSSN, CTEProgramCode, and CIPCode and the AdultTermLength is equal to FT then a record matching EDSSN and CIPCode must exist in DESE_CERTIFIED_ADULT_EDUCATOR unless ReportingDistrictCode equals 508313. |
EDSSN is not certified |
EDSSN is not certified for the reported CIPCode. |
050 |
PAC00482 |
E |
If the sum ContactHours are greater than or equal to 500 grouped by EDSSN, CTEProgramCode, and CIPCode and the AdultTermLength is equal to FT then a record matching EDSSN and CIPCode must exist in DESE_CERTIFIED_ADULT_EDUCATOR unless ReportingDistrictCode equals 508313. |
EDSSN is not certified |
EDSSN is not certified for the reported CIPCode. |
070 |
Position Code |
PAC00468 |
E |
Must be 10, 50, or 60 |
Invalid PosCode code |
PosCode must be one of 10, 50, or 60. |
070 |
Position Code |
PAC00502 |
E |
If PosCode is 10, CTEProgramCode must be 1110 or 1107. |
PosCode is invalid for CTEProgramCode |
PosCode is invalid for CTEProgramCode since PosCode is 10 CTEProgramCodes must be 1110 or 1107. |
070 |
Position Code |
PAC00504 |
E |
If PosCode is 50, CTEProgramCode must be 0910 or 0907. |
PosCode is invalid for CTEProgramCode |
PosCode is invalid for CTEProgramCode since PosCode is 50 CTEProgramCodes must be 0910 or 0907. |
130 |
CIP Code |
PAC00499 |
E |
CipCode must exist in DESE_DC_CIP for the CurrentSchoolYear and CTEProgramCode |
Invalid CIP Code code |
CIPCode is not valid. |
130 |
CIP Code |
PAC00500 |
E |
CipCode is required since PosCode is 60. |
CIP Code is required |
CIPCode is required. |
130 |
CIP Code |
PAC00501 |
E |
If CTEProgramCode is 0907, 0910, 1107, or 1110 and PosCode is 10 or 50 then CipCode must be null. |
CIP Code is now valid for CTEProgramCode and PosCode |
CIPCode is not allowed for CTEProgramCode and PosCode. |
190 |
Course Semester |
PAC00446 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Course_Semester_Codes) |
Invalid CourseSem code |
CourseSem is not valid. |
210 |
CTE Program Code |
PAC00448 |
E |
Must be in code set: (CTE_Program_Code) or be 0910, 0907, 1110, 1107. |
Invalid CTEProgramCode code |
CTEProgramCode is not valid. |
210 |
CTE Program Code |
PAC00450 |
E |
If ReportingDistrictode is less than 116000 then CourseProgramCode cannot end with 07 |
Invalid CTEProgramCode code for ReportingDistrictCode |
Invalid CTEProgramCode code for ReportingDistrictCode. |
210 |
CTE Program Code |
PAC00452 |
E |
CTEProgramCode must end with 10 or 07. |
Invalid CTEProgramCode code for Reimbursement |
Invalid CTEProgramCode code for Reimbursement. Only CTEProgramCode ending with 10 or 07 are allowed. |
210 |
CTE Program Code |
PAC00454 |
E |
If (CTEProgramCode ends with 07 and is not 0907 or 1107) or (CTEProgramCode ends with 10 and is not 0910 or 1110) then a record matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgramCode, and CIPCode must exist in the DESE_APPROVED_POSTSEC_ADULT_COURSE table. |
CTEProgramCode/CIPCode is not approved |
CTEProgramCode/CIPCode is not approved. CTEProgramCode/CIPCode combination was not found on the approved list for this institution. |
210 |
CTE Program Code |
PAC00478 |
E |
If the sum ContactHours are greater than or equal to 500 grouped by EDSSN, CTEProgramCode, CIPCode and the AdultTermLength is equal to FT then a record matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgramCode, and CIPCode must exist in the DESE_APPROVED_POSTSEC_ADULT_COURSE table. |
CTEProgramCode/CIPCode is not approved |
CTEProgramCode/CIPCode is not approved. CTEProgramCode/CIPCode combination was not found on the approved list for this institution. |
210 |
CTE Program Code |
PAC00479 |
E |
If AdultTermLength is not null, then the CTE ProgramCode must end with 10 and PosCode equals 60. |
CTEProgramCode and PosCode are not valid for AdultTermLength |
CTEProgramCode and PosCode are not valid. |
210 |
CTE Program Code |
PAC00480 |
E |
If CTEProgramCode ends with 07, then AdultTermLength must be null. |
CTEProgramCode is not valid for AdultTermLength |
CTEProgramCode is not valid. |
220 |
Contact Hours |
PAC00456 |
E |
If the CTEProgCode is equal to 0110, 0210, 0410, 0510, 0610, 0710, or 0810 then ContactHours are required to be greater than zero. |
ContactHours are required |
ContactHours are required since CTEProgCode ends with 10. |
220 |
Contact Hours |
PAC00470 |
W |
If ContactHours are greater than 1800 |
ContactHours appear too high |
ContactHours appear too high. |
220 |
Contact Hours |
PAC00472 |
E |
If ContactHours are greater than 2000 |
ContactHours are too high |
ContactHours are too high. |
220 |
Contact Hours |
PAC00473 |
E |
If AdultTermLength equals FT and sum of ContactHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 1 or 2, then ContactHours cannot be less than 250. |
ContactHours are too low |
ContactHours are too low. |
220 |
Contact Hours |
PAC00474 |
E |
ContactHours must be an integer. |
ContactHours must be whole number |
ContactHours must be a whole number. |
220 |
Contact Hours |
PAC00475 |
E |
If AdultTermLength equals FT and sum of ContactHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 1, then ContactHours cannot be less than 250. |
ContactHours are too low |
ContactHours are too low. |
220 |
Contact Hours |
PAC00476 |
E |
If AdultTermLength equals FT and sum of ContactHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 0, then ContactHours cannot be less than 500. |
ContactHours are too low |
ContactHours are too low. |
220 |
Contact Hours |
PAC00481 |
E |
If the CTEProgramCode begins with 09 or 11 then ContactHours are required to be greater than zero. |
ContactHours are required |
ContactHours are required since CTEProgCode begins with 09 or 11. |
220 |
Contact Hours |
PAC00507 |
E |
If AdultTermLength equals ST and sum of ContactHours grouped by EDSSN, CTEProgramCode, then ContactHours cannot be greater than 500. |
ContactHours are too high |
ContactHours are too high. |
230 |
Credit Hours |
PAC00484 |
E |
If PosCode is 60 and CTEProgramCode ends with 07 then CreditHours are required to be greater than zero. |
CreditHours are required |
CreditHours are required since PosCode is 60 and CTEProgramCode ends with 07. |
230 |
Credit Hours |
PAC00485 |
E |
If the CTEProgramCode is 0907, 0910, 1107, or 1110 then CreditHours are not allowed. |
CreditHours are not allowed |
CreditHours are not allowed since CTEProgCode is 0907, 0910, 1107, or 1110. |
230 |
Credit Hours |
PAC00486 |
E |
If the CTEProgCode is equal to 0107, 0207, 0407, 0507, 0607, 0707, or 0807 then CreditHours are required to be greater than zero. |
CreditHours are required |
CreditHours are required since CTEProgCode ends with 07. |
230 |
Credit Hours |
PAC00488 |
E |
CreditHours must be an integer. |
CreditHours must be whole number |
CreditHours must be a whole number. |
230 |
Credit Hours |
PAC00492 |
E |
If sum of CreditHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 0, 1, 2 or 3 cannot be greater than 38. |
CreditHours are too high for regular year |
CreditHours are too high. Sum of CreditHours for the educator during the regular year cannot be greater than 38. |
230 |
Credit Hours |
PAC00493 |
E |
If sum of CreditHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 1 cannot be greater than 15. |
CreditHours are too high for semester |
CreditHours are too high. Sum of CreditHours for the educator during the first semester cannot be greater than 15. |
230 |
Credit Hours |
PAC00494 |
E |
If sum of CreditHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 3 cannot be greater than 8. |
CreditHours are too high for summer semester |
CreditHours are too high. Sum of CreditHours for the educator during the summer semester cannot be greater than 8. |
230 |
Credit Hours |
PAC00495 |
E |
If sum of CreditHours grouped by EDSSN where CourseSem is 2 cannot be greater than 15. |
CreditHours are too high for semester |
CreditHours are too high. Sum of CreditHours for the educator during the second semester cannot be greater than 15. |
235 |
Caseload (Enrollment) |
PAC00496 |
E |
If Caseload is not null it must be an positive integer zero or greater. |
Caseload must be an whole number |
Caseload must be a whole number. |
235 |
Caseload (Enrollment) |
PAC00497 |
E |
If CTEProgramCode is 0907, 0910, 1107, or 1110 and PosCode is 10 or 50 then Caseload must be null. |
Caseload is not valid for CTEProgramCode and PosCode |
Caseload is not allowed for CTEProgramCode and PosCode. |
235 |
Caseload (Enrollment) |
PAC00498 |
E |
If PosCode is 60 then Caseload must be greater than zero. |
Caseload is required |
Caseload is required since PosCode is 60. |
240 |
Adult Term Length |
PAC00505 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Adult_Term_Length_Codes). |
Invalid AdultTermLength code |
AdultTermLength must be FT, or ST. |
240 |
Adult Term Length |
PAC01650 |
E |
AdultTermLength is required if CTE ProgramCode ends with 10 and PosCode equals 60. |
Adult Term Length is required since CTE Program Code ends with 10 and Position Code equals 60 |
Adult Term Length is required since CTE Program Code ends with 10 and Position Code equals 60. |