Item_Number Item_Name Collection_Rule_ID Severity Business_Rule Short_Title General_Message Detailed_Message
005 Collection Version EDS00001 E Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. One or more required fields are missing Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. The record is missing the field {0}.
005 Collection Version EDS00201 E Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length. The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s).
005 Collection Version EDS00202 E Record must be unique based on CurrentSchoolYear, EDSSN, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgType, POSCode Educator School Record is not unique Educator School record must be unique based on CurrentSchoolYear, EDSSN, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgType, POSCode.
005 Collection Version EDS00203 W If no records exist in the current October Course Assignment matching on CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode. Course Assignment file has not been certified Course Assignment file has not been certified. This is an informational message.
005 Collection Version EDS00401 E CollectionVersion must match '2024Oct1.0EdSchool' CollectionVersion must match '2024Oct1.0EdSchool' CollectionVersion must match '2024Oct1.0EdSchool'
005 Collection Version EDS01600 E There must be at least one Educator School record. There are no Educator School records There must be at least one Educator School record.
010 Current School Year EDS00402 E CurrentSchoolYear must match '2024' CurrentSchoolYear must match '2024' CurrentSchoolYear must match '2024'
025 Reporting District Code EDS00441 E ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
025 Reporting District Code EDS00700 E ReportingDistrictCode must match the SRM user's district code. ReportingDistrictCode does not match user's district The user cannot process the record because the record's ReportingDistrictCode is not the same as the user's district.
030 Reporting School Code EDS00602 E ReportingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (ReportingDistrictCode). Use the MOSIS Attendance Center tables. ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for the reporting district The Reporting School Code is not a school code in the Reporting District.
050 ED SSN EDS00500 E The Social Security Number must 9 digits with no extra characters such as spaces and dashes. EDSSN has an invalid format The Social Security Number must be specified as 9 digits.
050 ED SSN EDS00503 W If there is a certified October Assignment file check (EDS00203) then there must be at least 1 Course Assignment record for every record in the Educator School File. Matching on key is CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictcode, ReportingSchoolCode, EDSSN, CTEProgType, PosCode. Course Assignment Record missing for Educator Course Assignment for Educator is missing. Educator found in the Educator School file and does not have any Course Assignments. Course Assignment for Educator is missing. ReportingDistrictCode/ReportingSchoolCode: {0}/{1}EDSSN/PosCode/CTEProgType: {2}/{3}/{4}
050 ED SSN EDS03000 E (Rule Refers to Educator Core File) EDSchool.EDSSN must exist in EDCore.EDSSN and match CurrentSchoolYear and ReportingDistrictCode. EDSSN must exist in Educator Core EDSSN must exist in the Educator Core file.
070 Position Code EDS00403 E Must be in code set: (Position_Codes). Invalid PosCode code PosCode must be 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, or 90.
070 Position Code EDS02000 W (Rule Refers to Educator Core File) If EDSchool.PosCode (Position Code) is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 then EDHighDegree (Highest Degree) should be BACC, MAST, DOCT, SPEC, or CVOT. EDHighDegree should be BACC, MAST, DOCT, SPEC, or CVOT A PosCode of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 indicates that that the Highest Degree should be BACC, MAST, DOCT, SPEC, or CVOT.
070 Position Code EDS02010 E If CTEProgType (CTE Program Type) is '1104' or '1204' then PosCode (Position Code) must be 10. PosCode must be 10 for CTEProgType 1104 or 1204 Position Code must be 10 if CTE Program Type is 1104 or 1204.
070 Position Code EDS02011 W If (EDS.PosCode is in (10, 20, 30, 80) and no other EDS record for that EDSSN contains EDS.PosCode (40,50,60,70,90)) and EDC.EDCareerLadr is not null. CareerLadr is not valid for PosCod Career Ladder reported for position other than 40,50,60,70,90.
080 CTE Program Type EDS00404 E Must be in code set: (CTE_Program_Type_Codes) Invalid CTEProgType code CTEProgType is not valid.
090 FTE EDS00501 E FTE does not have a valid format. It may have 1 digit followed by an optional decimal point and 1 or 2 digits. FTE has an invalid format FTE may have 1 digit followed by an optional decimal point and 1 or 2 digits.
090 FTE EDS01810 W (Rule Refers to Educator Core File) If Sum of EDSchool.FTE is zero for the Educator's SSN then EDCore.EDFiscAgentCoDist (Fiscal Agent County District) cannot be equal to EDSchool.ReportingDistrictCode (Reporting District Code). Record match is made with EDSSN and ReportingDistrictCode from Educator Core and Educator School. EDFiscAgentCoDist cannot equal ReportingDistrictCode When FTE is zero the Fiscal Agent County District cannot equal Reporting District Code.
090 FTE EDS01850 E Sum of FTE by EDSSN cannot be greater than 1.0 plus the count of end dates for the EDSSN. For example an educator has 3 valid end dates the total FTE for that educator could be 4. Total FTE cannot be greater than 1 Total FTE for educator cannot be greater than 1
090 FTE EDS03104 E If Salary is Greater than Zero then FTE must be greater than zero. FTE must be greater than zero FTE must be greater than zero since Salary is greater than zero.
100 Salary EDS00406 E Salary must be an integer Salary must be an integer Salary must be an integer containing only digits.
100 Salary EDS03100 W If EDS.PosCode is 40, 50, or 60 and EDS.Salary / EDS.FTE greater than or equal to 100000. Salary rate appears to be too high Salary rate (salary / FTE) appears to be too high for PosCode.
100 Salary EDS03101 E Sum of EDS.Salary must be within +/- 1 of EDC.EDRegTermSal + EDC.EDExtConSal for matching EDSSN excluding records that have an Early End Date. Total Salary does not match total regular and extended contract salaries Sum of the Educator's Salaries in the Educator School file does not match the sum of the educator's regular and extended contract salaries in the Educator Core file.
100 Salary EDS03102 W EDC.EDMinSalSupplmt is null or zero and EDC.EDHighDegree is in (MAST, SPEC, DOCT) and EDC.EDYrExpPublic > 10 then EDS.Salary must be greater than or equal to [the amount in DC_EDUCATOR_MINIMUM_SALARY times EDS.FTE] where EDS.currentschoolyear matches the year and Minimum_Salary_Type = ‘10PLUSMASTER’. (Key between EDC and EDS is CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN or Trial_ID and EDSSN). Salary does not meet minimum salary requirement Salary does not meet minimum salary requirement established in section 163.172.1, RSMo.
100 Salary EDS03103 W (EDC.EDHighDegree is NOT in (MAST, SPEC, DOCT) or EDC.EDYrExpPublic <= 10) and EDC.EDMinSalSupplmt is null or zero then EDS.Salary must be greater than or equal to [the amount in DC_EDUCATOR_MINIMUM_SALARY times EDS.FTE] minus 1 where EDS.currentschoolyear matches the year and Minimum_Salary_Type = ‘MIN’. (Key between EDC and EDS is CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN or Trial_ID and EDSSN). Salary does not meet minimum salary requirement Salary does not meet minimum salary requirement established in section 163.172.1, RSMo.
100 Salary EDS03105 E If FTE is Greater than Zero then Salary must be greater than zero. Salary must be greater than zero Salary must be greater than zero since FTE is greater than zero.
100 Salary EDS03106 E EDS.Salary / EDS.FTE cannot be greater than 999999. Salary rate is too high Salary rate (salary / FTE) is too high. Salary / FTE cannot be greater than 999,999.
110 CTE Month EDS00405 E CTE Month must be greater than 0 and less than 13. CTEMonth must be 1 to 12 CTEMonth must be greater than or equal to 1 or less than or equal to 12.
110 CTE Month EDS00407 E CTEMonth must be an integer CTEMonth must be an integer CTEMonth must be an integer containing only digits.
110 CTE Month EDS02500 E CTEMonth must be null unless CTEProgType is not null. CTEMonth cannot be reported without CTEProgType specified CTEMonth cannot be reported unless a CTEProgType is specified.
110 CTE Month EDS02510 E CTEMonth is required and must be greater than zero if CTEProgType is not null. CTEMonth is required when CTEProgType is specified CTEMonth is required and must be greater than zero when CTEProgType is specified.
120 Late Start Date EDS01700 E LateStartDate must be a valid date LateStartDate is not a valid date Dates are specified using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
120 Late Start Date EDS01710 E LateStartDate must be a valid date between and including July 1 of the current school year minus 1 and June 30 of the current school year. LateStartDate must be a date within the Current School Year LateStartDate must be a date within the current school year (July 1 to June 30).
120 Late Start Date EDS01820 E (Rule Refers to Educator Core File) EDSchool.LateStartDate must on or after EDCore.EDLateHireDate (Late Hire Date). Record match is made with EDSSN and ReportingDistrictCode from Educator Core and Educator School. LateStartDate must be on or after LateHireDate LateStartDate must be on or after LateHireDate.
130 Early End Date EDS01750 E EarlyEndDate must be a valid date EarlyEndDate is not a valid date Dates are specified using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
130 Early End Date EDS01760 E EarlyEndDate must be a valid date between and including July 1 of the current school year minus 1 and June 30 of the current school year. EarlyEndDate must be a date within the Current School Year EarlyEndDate must be a date within the current school year (July 1 to June 30).
130 Early End Date EDS01775 E EarlyEndDate (Early End Date) must occur on or after LateStartDate (Late Start Date). EarlyEndDate must be on or after the LateStartDate EarlyEndDate must be on or after the LateStartDate.
130 Early End Date EDS01830 E (Rule Refers to Educator Core File) EDSchool.EarlyEndDate (Early End Date) must occur on or prior to EDCore.EDEarlyTermDate (Early Termination Date). Record match is made with EDSSN and ReportingDistrictCode from Educator Core and Educator School. EarlyEndDate must be on or before the EarlyTermDate EarlyEndDate must be on or before the EarlyTermDate.
150 Baseline Salary Grant EDS03110 E BaselineSalaryGrant must be an Integer BaselineSalaryGrant must be an integer BaselineSalaryGrant must be an integer containing only digits.
150 Baseline Salary Grant EDS03115 E Sum of EDS.BaselineSalaryGrant records must equal EDC.BaselineSalaryGrant matching on currentschool year, reportingdistrictcode, EDSSN. BaselineSalaryGrant does not match between Educator Core and Educator School files The sum of the Baseline Salary Grant in the Educator School records does not equal the Educator Core Baseline Salary Grant amount.
150 Baseline Salary Grant EDS03120 E If EDS.BaselineSalaryGrant is not null or 0, then Educator School record must exist where EDS.PosCode must equal 40, 50, or 60. BaselineSalaryGrant is not allowed BaselineSalaryGrant is only allowed to be reported for position codes 40, 50, or 60.
150 Baseline Salary Grant EDS03130 E If EDS.BaselineSalaryGrant is not null then the EDSSN must have at least .01 FTE (in the EdSchool File) in at least one of these PosCode (40, 50, 60). EDSSN must have at least 0.01 FTE. Educator must have at least 0.01 FTE in the EDSchool file in at least one of these positions (40, 50, 60).