Item_Number Item_Name Collection_Rule_ID Severity Business_Rule Short_Title General_Message Detailed_Message
005 Collection Version SEA00001 E Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. One or more required fields are missing Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. The record is missing the field {0}.
005 Collection Version SEA00201 E Field exceeds its maximum length. NOTE: This rule applies to many fields but is tied to CollectionVersion due to DataSpecs constraints. Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length. The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s).
005 Collection Version SEA00401 E CollectionVersion must match '2024Jun1.0StuEnrlAttnd' CollectionVersion must be '2024Jun1.0StuEnrlAttnd' The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the CollectionVersion must be '2024Jun1.0StuEnrlAttnd'.
005 Collection Version SEA01401 E 2024 June Enrollment and Attendance cannot contain zero records. An error should occur so to prevent user from certifying the trial. There are no StuEnrlAttnd records There must be at least one Student Enrollment and Attendance record.
010 Current School Year SEA00402 E CurrentSchoolYear must match '2024' CurrentSchoolYear must be '2024' The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2024'.
015 Attending District Code SEA00407 E AttendingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in v_DESE_DISTRICT_PUB_HIGH_STATE matching the current school year. Invalid AttendingDistrictCode code AttendingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
020 Attending School Code SEA00601 E AttendingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Attending District (Attending District Code). Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. AttendingSchoolCode is not valid for AttendingDistrictCode AttendingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the AttendingDistrictCode.
020 Attending School Code SEA00611 E If AttendingSchoolCode = 1000 then StudentGradeLevel must be 'PK' AttendingSchoolCode is not valid for StudentGradeLevel AttendingSchoolCode of 1000 is not allowed for grades K-12.
020 Attending School Code SEA00887 E ReportingSchoolCode cannot begin with 102 or 103 unless (ReportingDistrictCode is 002017) or (ReportingDistrictCode/ReportingSchoolCode combination is 010093/1020 or 090078/1030). AttendingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 AttendingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 since school codes which begin with 102 and 103 are reserved for schools which do not have enrollments.
025 Reporting District Code SEA00408 E ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in v_DESE_DISTRICT_PUB_HIGH_STATE matching the current school year. Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
025 Reporting District Code SEA00700 E Reporting District Code must match the SRM users district code. The student is not from this district The student's ReportingDistrictCode does not equal that of the trial.
030 Reporting School Code SEA00602 E ReportingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (Reporting District Code) Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for ReportingDistrictCode ReportingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the ReportingDistrictCode.
030 Reporting School Code SEA00612 E If ReportingSchoolCode = 1000 then StudentGradeLevel must be 'PK' ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for StudentGradeLevel ReportingSchoolCode of 1000 is not allowed for grades K-12.
030 Reporting School Code SEA00888 E ReportingSchoolCode cannot begin with 102 or 103 unless (ReportingDistrictCode is 002017) or (ReportingDistrictCode/ReportingSchoolCode combination is 010093/1020 or 090078/1030). ReportingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 ReportingSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 since school codes which begin with 102 and 103 are reserved for schools which do not have enrollments.
035 Resident District Code SEA00409 E ResidentDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in v_DESE_DISTRICT_PUB_HIGH_STATE matching the current school year. Invalid ResidentDistrictCode code ResidentDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
040 Resident School Code SEA00603 E ResidentSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Resident District Code. Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. ResidentSchoolCode is not valid for ResidentDistrictCode ResidentSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the ResidentDistrictCode.
040 Resident School Code SEA00613 E If ResidentSchoolCode = 1000 then StudentGradeLevel must be 'PK' ResidentSchoolCode is not valid for StudentGradeLevel ResidentSchoolCode of 1000 is not allowed for grades K-12.
040 Resident School Code SEA00889 E ReportingSchoolCode cannot begin with 102 or 103 unless (ReportingDistrictCode is 002017) or (ReportingDistrictCode/ReportingSchoolCode combination is 010093/1020 or 090078/1030). ResidentSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 ResidentSchoolCode should not begin with 102 or 103 since school codes which begin with 102 and 103 are reserved for schools which do not have enrollments.
045 MOSIS Student ID SEA01001 E State ID must match a Student ID in the MOSIS ID system SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) StateID not found in MOSIS ID State ID was not found in the MOSIS ID system.
045 MOSIS Student ID SEA01005 E Must match a state ID in the district's student core file for June. StateID not found in the student core file State ID does not match any State ID found in the student core file. There must be a matching State ID in the district's student core file.
075 Date of Birth SEA00418 E DateOfBirth must be a valid date Invalid DateOfBirth The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date.
075 Date of Birth SEA01020 E Date of Birth should match the date of birth in the MOSIS ID system (in conjunction with State ID) SIDMASTER (Date_of_Birth) and SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) DateOfBirth does not match MOSIS ID DateOfBirth does not match the date of birth in the MOSIS ID system.
075 Date of Birth SEA01050 W The Student's age must fall within an age range appropriate for their grade level. Reference the Age Grade Range excel document for more information. Unexpected student age for grade level The age of the student falls outside the expected bounds. Birth dates for grade {0} are expected to fall between {2} and {3}.
080 Student Grade Level SEA00403 E Must be in code set: (Student_Grade_Level_Codes). Invalid StudentGradeLevel code Student Grade Level must be a valid code in the Student Grade Level Codes.
080 Student Grade Level SEA01060 E The StudentGradeLevel must be taught in the attending school. Reference MO-2007-21-2007-K8 Indicator Business Rules-V1.2-JY.doc StudentGradeLevel not taught in attending school The StudentGradeLevel is not taught in the school the student is attending.
080 Student Grade Level SEA01061 E The StudentGradeLevel must be taught in the resident school. Reference MO-2007-21-2007-K8 Indicator Business Rules-V1.2-JY.doc StudentGradeLevel not taught in resident school The StudentGradeLevel is not taught in the student's resident school.
080 Student Grade Level SEA01062 W If StudentGradeLevel = KA then verify record exists in Calendar_Header table where reportingdistrictcode = fk_dist_cnty_dist and currentschoolyear = fk_dist_year and begin_grade = (space K) and end_grade = (space K) and KINDERGARTEN_INDICATOR = A StudentGradeLevel does not exist in Calendar StudentGradeLevel KA does not exist in Core Data Calendar.
080 Student Grade Level SEA01063 W If StudentGradeLevel = KP then verify record exists in Calendar_Header table where reportingdistrictcode = fk_dist_cnty_dist and currentschoolyear = fk_dist_year and begin_grade = (space K) and end_grade = (space K) and KINDERGARTEN_INDICATOR = P StudentGradeLevel does not exist in Calendar StudentGradeLevel KP does not exist in Core Data Calendar.
080 Student Grade Level SEA01070 W If June STC PKEligStateAid is marked Y and StudentGradeLevel = PKA then verify record exists in Calendar_Header table where reportingdistrictcode = fk_dist_cnty_dist and currentschoolyear = fk_dist_year and begin_grade = PK and end_grade = PK and KINDERGARTEN_INDICATOR = A. StudentGradeLevel does not exist in Calendar StudentGradeLevel PKA does not exist in Core Data Calendar.
080 Student Grade Level SEA01071 W If June STC PKEligStateAid is marked Y and StudentGradeLevel = PKP then verify record exists in Calendar_Header table where reportingdistrictcode = fk_dist_cnty_dist and currentschoolyear = fk_dist_year and begin_grade = PK and end_grade = PK and KINDERGARTEN_INDICATOR = P. StudentGradeLevel does not exist in Calendar StudentGradeLevel PKP does not exist in Core Data Calendar.
090 Residency Status SEA00404 E Must be in code set: (Resident_Status_Codes). Invalid ResidencyStatus code ResidencyStatus must be R1, R2, NR, DI, PT, or FL.
090 Residency Status SEA00426 W If residencystatus = R2 then AttendingDistrictCode must exist in DESE_APPROVED_NONPUBLIC_DISTRICT Where AttendingDistrictCode = MOSIS_COUNTY_DISTRICT and CurrentSchoolYear = Year Residentstatus cannot be "R2" Residentstatus cannot be "R2" since the AttendingDistrictCode is not an approved non-public attendance site.
090 Residency Status SEA02750 E If ResidencyStatus = 'R1' then Reporting District Code, Resident District Code, Attending District Code must be the same value. Invalid district codes for ResidencyStatus 'R1' When the Residency Status is 'R1' then Reporting District Code, Attending District Code, and Resident District Code must be the same.
090 Residency Status SEA02800 E If ResidencyStatus = 'FL' then Attending District Code must be one of these 3 values (051155 or 085046 or 019652). AttendingDistrictCode must be 051155, 085046 or 019652 When the student's residency status is Federal Lands (FL), the attending district code must be 051155, 085046 or 019652.
090 Residency Status SEA02801 E If ResidencyStatus = 'FL' then Reporting District Code must be one of these 3 values (051155 or 085046 or 019652). ReportingDistrictCode must be 051155, 085046 or 019652 When the student's residency status is Federal Lands (FL), the reporting district code must be 051155, 085046 or 019652.
090 Residency Status SEA02802 E If ResidencyStatus = 'FL' then Resident District Code must be one of these 3 values (051155 or 085046 or 019652). ResidentDistrictCode must be 051155, 085046 or 019652 When the student's residency status is Federal Lands (FL), the resident district code must be 051155, 085046 or 019652.
090 Residency Status SEA02850 E If ResidencyStatus = 'NR' or 'DI' or PT' then Reporting District Code and Attending District Code must be the same value. Reporting and Attending Districts must be equal for this ResidencyStatus When the student's residency status is Non-Resident (NR), Desegregated Inbound (DI) or Parent Tuition (PT) the reporting and attending district codes must be the same.
090 Residency Status SEA02875 E If ResidencyStatus = 'NR' or 'DI' or (PT and StudentGradeLevel is not PK) then Resident District Code cannot match Reporting District Code or Attending District Code. Note: This rule is not to be ran if the residencystatus is PT and the studentgradelevel is PK. Resident District cannot be the same as the Reporting or Attending District When the student's residency status is Non-Resident (NR), Desegregated Inbound (DI), or Parent Tuition (PT) the resident district code cannot match the reporting or attending district codes.
090 Residency Status SEA02900 E If ResidencyStatus = 'R2' then Reporting District Code and Resident District Code must be the same value. Reporting and Resident District must be the same when ResidencyStatus is R2 When the Residency Status is Resident II (R2) the Reporting District Code and Resident District Code must be the same.
090 Residency Status SEA02901 E If ResidencyStatus = 'R2' then Exit Code cannot begin with G or D. If Residency Status is R2, then Exit Code cannot begin with G or D. When the Residency Status is Resident II (R2) the Exit Code cannot begin with G or D.
090 Residency Status SEA02925 E If ResidencyStatus = 'R2' then Attending District Code cannot match the Reporting District Code. Attending district cannot match Reporting district when ResidencyStatus is R2 When Residency Status is Resident II (R2) the Attending District Code cannot be the same as Reporting District Code.
090 Residency Status SEA02934 E If residencyStatus = 'R1', 'FL', 'NR','DI','PT' then AttendingSchoolCode, ReportSchoolCode must be the same value. ResidencyStatus not valid for ReportingSchoolCode and AttendingSchoolCode ResidencyStatus not valid for ReportingSchoolCode and AttendingSchoolCode combination. Attending and Reporting school codes must be the same if ResidencyStatus is R1, FL, NR, DI, or PT.
090 Residency Status SEA02935 E If residencyStatus = 'R2' then ReportSchoolCode, ResidentSchoolCode must be the same value. ResidencyStatus not valid for ReportingSchoolCode and ResidentSchoolCode ResidencyStatus not valid for ReportingSchoolCode and ResidentSchoolCode combination. Resident and Reporting school codes must be the same if ResidencyStatus is R2.
090 Residency Status SEA03867 W If October STC EnrolledonCntDate is Y and StudentGradeLevel is not PK and ResidencyStatus is not R2 Then ResidencyStatus should exist in June SEA file in at least 1 segment for the student in the same ReportingDistrictCode for the same CurrentSchoolYear. Student's ResidencyStatus from your district's certified October Student Core does not match or does not exist in the June Student Enrollment and Attendance. Student's ResidencyStatus from your district's certified October Student Core does not match or does not exist in the June Student Enrollment and Attendance. If a student was marked as enrolled on the count date in October then at least 1 June enrollment segment should match the ResidencyStatus reported for the student in the October Student Core. The Residency Status for StateID {0} in the certified October Student Core does not match or does not exist in the June Student Enrollment and Attendance. If a student was marked as enrolled on the count date in October then at least 1 June enrollment segment should match the ResidencyStatus reported for the student in the October Student Core.
090 Residency Status SEA03868 W If February STC EnrolledonCntDate is Y and StudentGradeLevel is not PK and ResidencyStatus is not R2 Then ResidencyStatus should exist in June SEA file in at least 1 segment for the student in the same ReportingDistrictCode for the same CurrentSchoolYear. Student's ResidencyStatus from your district's certified February Student Core does not match or does not exist in the June Student Enrollment and Attendance. Student's ResidencyStatus from your district's certified February Student Core does not match or does not exist in the June Student Enrollment and Attendance. If a student was marked as enrolled on the count date in February then at least 1 June enrollment segment should match the ResidencyStatus reported for the student in the February Student Core. The Residency Status for StateID {0} in the certified February Student Core does not match or does not exist in the June Student Enrollment and Attendance. If a student was marked as enrolled on the count date in February then at least 1 June enrollment segment should match the ResidencyStatus reported for the student in the February Student Core.
095 Regular Hrs Attended SEA00411 E RegHrsAttended does not have a valid format. It may have 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 to 4 digits. RegHrsAttended must be a number Regular Hours Attended must be reported as a number with 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 to 4 digits.
095 Regular Hrs Attended SEA00422 E Unless SEA.StudentGradeLevel is PK, PKA, PKP and June.STC.PKEligStateAid is N,  then SUM of RegHrsAttended + RegHrsAbsent for the StateID Where SEA.ResidencyStatus in (R1,NR,DI,FL,PT) grouped by Year, District, School, Grade cannot be greater than REG_TERM_TOTAL_CAL_HRS +1 in the DESE_SFIN_ADA table matching Year, District, School, Grade. RegHrsAttended plus RegHrsAbsent are too high Total Regular Hours Attended plus Absent Hours for this state id exceed the Calendar Hours (Core Data Screen 10). Total hours and absence are calculated across all records containing this state id for the school and grade. Total Regular Hours Attended plus Absent Hours for this state id ({0}) exceed the Calendar Hours (Core Data Screen 10). Total hours and absence are calculated across all records containing this state id for the school and grade.
095 Regular Hrs Attended SEA02950 W If Student Grade Level <> 'PK', 'PKA', or 'PKP' and entry date <> exit date then value cannot be null and must be greater than Zero unless a June Course Completion record matching ReportingDistrictCode and StateID is found where the October Course Assignment CRS.DeliverySystem equals 'V' matching on ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, EDSSN, PosCode, CTEProgType, and AssignNum. RegHrsAttended is required Regular hours attended must be reported.
095 Regular Hrs Attended SEA03870 W RegHrsAttended + RegHrsAbsent must be less than or equal to number of days in attendance times 7. Calculate number of days in attendance by adding the date difference of the segements for the student where RegHrsAttended or RegHrsAbsent are greater than zero. RegHrsAttended plus RegHrsAbsent appear too high for number of days attended RegHrsAttended plus RegHrsAbsent appear too high for number of days attended
095 Regular Hrs Attended SEA04520 E Sum of RegHrsAttended and RegHrsAbsent cannot be 0 if Jun.STC.MOQPK-LEA is Y, or PKEligStateAid is Y matching on CurrentSchoolYear and StateID. RegHrsAttended and RegHrsAbsent are invalid Sum of Attendance Hours and Absent Hours cannot equal 0 if June Student Core MOQPK-LEA or PKEligStateAid is Y.
095 Regular Hrs Attended SEA04530 W If SUM of RegHrsAttend for the StateID where the ReportingSchoolCode = 8000, and the StudentGradeLevel = K,KA,KP,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 grouped by Year, District, Grade cannot be greater than 94% x REG_TERM_TOTAL_CAL_HRS + 1 in the DESE_SFIN_ADA table matching Year, District, School, Grade OR if SUM of RegHrsAttend for the StateID where the ReportingSchoolCode = 8000, and the StudentGradeLevel = 9,10,11,12, and Aplus = N,  grouped by Year, District Grade cannot be greater than 94% x REG_TERM_TOTAL_CAL_HRS + 1 in the DESE_SFIN_ADA table matching Year, District, School, Grade RegHrsAttended are invalid Total Regular Hours Attended for this state id reported in a Host School Building exceed 94% of the Calendar Hours (Core Data Screen 10). Total hours are calculated across all records containing this state id for the Host School building and grade.
095 Regular Hrs Attended SEA04535 W If SUM of RegHrsAttend for the StateID where the ReportingSchoolCode = 8000 with a “Y” or “C” in the “Aplus”  grouped by Year, District Grade being 9, 10, 11, or 12 cannot be greater than 95% x REG_TERM_TOTAL_CAL_HRS + 1 in the DESE_SFIN_ADA table matching Year, District, School, Grade. RegHrsAttended are invalid Total Regular Hours Attended for this state id reported in a Host School Building exceed 94% of the Calendar Hours (Core Data Screen 10). Total hours are calculated across all records containing this state id for the Host School building and grade.
100 Regular Hrs Absent SEA00412 E RegHrsAbsent does not have a valid format. It may have 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 to 4 digits. RegHrsAbsent must be a number Regular Hours Absent must be reported as a number with 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 to 4 digits.
100 Regular Hrs Absent SEA03000 W If Student Grade Level <> 'PK' and ResidencyStatus does not equal 'HS' and entry date <> exit date then value must be greater than Zero. Regular Hours Absent is reported as zero Regular Hours Absent is reported as zero.
105 Remedial Hrs Attended SEA00413 E RemHrsAttended does not have a valid format. It may have 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 to 4 digits. RemHrsAttended must be a number Remedial Hours Attended must be reported as a number with 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 to 4 digits.
105 Remedial Hrs Attended SEA00424 E SUM of RemHrsAttended for the StateID is greater than 348 (not greater than or equal to). Total RemHrsAttended are higher than allowed Total Remedial Hours Attended for this state id are greater than 348 which is higher than allowed. Total hours are calculated across all records containing this state id. Total Remedial Hours Attended for this state id ({0}) are greater than 348 which is higher than allowed. Total hours are calculated across all records containing this state id.
105 Remedial Hrs Attended SEA00425 W SUM of RemHrsAttended for the StateID is greater than 174 and less than or equal to 348. Total RemHrsAttended are higher than expected Total Remedial Hours Attended for this state id are greater than 174 which is higher than expected. Total hours are calculated across all records containing this state id. Total Remedial Hours Attended for this state id ({0}) are greater than 174 which is higher than expected. Total hours are calculated across all records containing this state id.
110 Hours in Session SEA00416 E HrsInSession does not have a valid format. It may have 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 or 2 digits. HrsInSession has an invalid format HrsInSession does not have a valid format. It may have 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 or 2 digits.
110 Hours in Session SEA03100 E Hours in Session for all records with residency status of 'R2' (See rule R009850) for an attending district code and attending school code and grade level must be the same. HrsInSession does not match peers All students with a residency status of R2 in the same attending district, attending school, and grade level must have the same hours in session.
110 Hours in Session SEA03150 E Value is required if ResidencyStatus is 'R2'. HrsInSession is required if ResidencyStatus is 'R2' Hours in session must be reported if the student's residency status is resident II.
110 Hours in Session SEA03151 E Value must be null if is not ResidencyStatus is 'R2' HrsInSession is not allowed unless ResidencyStatus is R2 Hours In Session is not allowed unless Residency Status is 'R2'.
110 Hours in Session SEA03200 E If HrsInSession is not null then value must be greater than or equal to 1044 and less than 1200 HrsInSession is not valid HrsInSession should be a numeric value between 1044 and 1200.
115 Summer Attendance SEA00112 E SummerAttendance is not allowed in the June Core, Enrollment and Attendance Cycle Submission. SummerAttendance is not allowed SummerAttendance is not allowed in the June Core, Enrollment and Attendance Cycle Submission.
115 Summer Attendance SEA00414 E SummerAttendance does not have a valid format. It may have 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 to 4 digits. SummerAttendance must be a number Summer Attendance must be reported as a number with 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 to 4 digits.
120 Summer Membership SEA00113 E SummerMembership is not allowed in the June Core, Enrollment and Attendance Cycle Submission. SummerMembership is not allowed SummerMembership is not allowed in the June Core, Enrollment and Attendance Cycle Submission.
120 Summer Membership SEA00415 E SummerMembership does not have a valid format. It may have 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 to 4 digits. SummerMembership must be a number Summer Membership must be reported as a number with 1 to 4 digits followed by an optional decimal point and 1 to 4 digits.
125 Entry Date SEA00419 E EntryDate must be a valid date EntryDate is not a valid date The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date.
125 Entry Date SEA03400 E Valid date for the current school year. (Date must be after July 1) EntryDate must be in current school year The student's entry date must be a valid date within the current school year. EntryDate must be in the current school year. The school year begins on {0} and ends on {1}.
125 Entry Date SEA03450 E Entry Date must be on or before the exit date. EntryDate is after ExitDate EntryDate must be prior to ExitDate or the same as the ExitDate.
130 Entry Code SEA00405 E Must be in code set: (Entry_Codes). Invalid EntryCode code EntryCode is not a valid code.
130 Entry Code SEA03525 W If entry code is E100 then StudentGradeLevel must be ' K', 'KA', 'KP', 'PK', 'PKA', or 'PKP'. EntryCode is E100 but StudentGradeLevel is not ' K', 'KA', 'KP' or 'PK', 'PKA', or 'PKP'. Entry Code may not be valid if student is not in pre-school or kindergarten. Students who are initially entering education should enter at a pre-school or kindergarten grade level.
130 Entry Code SEA03862 E If exit code begins with T then subsequent entry code (if exists) must begin with T. The subsequent entry code is the record with the first entry date on or after the exit date. ExitCode does not match the subsequent EntryCode Exitcode is marked as a transfer-out and another record for this student has been located with an EntryDate subsequent to this record's ExitDate which is not marked as a transfer-in.
130 Entry Code SEA03863 W If exit code begins with S then subsequent entry code (if exists) must begin with S. The subsequent entry code is the record with the first entry date after the exit date. ExitCode does not match the subsequent EntryCode Exitcode is marked as a Stopout:Exit and another record for this student has been located with an EntryDate subsequent to this record's ExitDate which is not marked as a Stopout:Entry.
130 Entry Code SEA03864 W If exit code begins with R then subsequent entry code (if exists) must begin with R and the last 2 characters must match the prior exit code. For example if a student's record had Entry Date of 1/1/2008 with Entry Code of T102 and an Exit date of 1/30/2008 with Exit Code of R004. If that student had additional records the record with an entry date closest but after 1/30/2008 must have an Entry Code of RX04. (X being variable.) Unexpected EntryCode EntryCode is expected to be a matching Remained code since the previous segment had an ExitCode of Remained for this student.
130 Entry Code SEA03866 E The initial entry code of a student cannot be S100 after the last Wednsday in September for the CurrentSchoolYear - 1. For instance in the 2009 School year 10/24/2008 would be the as of date. This rule needs to be dynamic so that it does not need udpated each year. EntryCode of StopOut: Entry is not valid EntryCode of StopOut: Entry is not valid since the entry date is after the September Count date (Last Weds. In September)
130 Entry Code SEA03869 W If the entrycode is S100 or S101 then the datediff of the prior exitcode of S000 or S001 must be at least 21 or more days. StopOut is invalid StopOut is invalid since student was not dropped out for more than 20 days.
135 Exit Date SEA00420 E ExitDate must be a valid date ExitDate is not a valid date The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date.
135 Exit Date SEA03550 E Valid date for the current school year. Date must be prior to June 30 ExitDate must be in current school year ExitDate must be in the current school year. The school year begins on {0} and ends on {1}.
140 Exit Code SEA00406 E Must be in code set: (Exit_Codes). Invalid ExitCode code ExitCode is not a valid code
140 Exit Code SEA03855 E If a MOSIS ID occurs multiple times in enrollment and attendance and one of the records contains an exit code equal to S001, T009, R001, R002, D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, G01, or G03 then it must be the record with the latest exit date otherwise it is an error. (This is saying that if a kid is a drop out then his final exit code of the year must be the drop out code.) ExitCode is only valid for final exit Student cannot be reported as a stopout suspension, transfer deceased, remained advanced or retained, graduate or dropped out prior to exit status with the latest date.
140 Exit Code SEA03856 E StateId cannot have overlapping entry/exit date segments. Entry/Exit Date segment overlaps another segment. Entry/Exit Date segment overlaps another segment.
140 Exit Code SEA03857 E Check prior year June Student Enrollment and Attendance certified submission matching the ReportingDistrictCode and locate all exit codes with the value of S000, S001, respectively. If the record is the record with the latest exit date for that student (the last exit of the year) then a record must exist in the current year Student Enrollment and Attendance file with an entry date of S100 and it must be the earliest entry date (the student's first segement of the year). This rule is ensuring that a student who exited the year as a stopout exit enters the following year as a stopout entry. Missing StopOut Entry for student Student was reported as ending the prior year as a StopOut Exit and therefore must be reported as StopOut Entry for current year. {FirstName} {LastName} StateID {0} first entry date must have an entry code of S100 or S101.
140 Exit Code SEA03858 E If exit code begins with G then studentgradelevel must be 12. Graduates must be reported as twelfth graders. Students reported with graduation exit codes must have StudentGradeLevel of 12.
140 Exit Code SEA03859 E If exit code is R004 it cannot be the students final exit for the year. Student cannot have Remained: Changed Grade (R004) as final exit of the school year Student cannot have Remained: Changed Grade (R004) as final exit of the school year. Use exit code R001 or R002 to mark natural progression of a student who will remain in your district for next year.
140 Exit Code SEA03860 E If exit code is R003 it cannot be the students final exit for the year. Student cannot have Remained: Other (R003) as final exit of the school year Student cannot have Remained: Other (R003) as final exit of the school year. Use exit code R001 or R002 to mark natural progression of a student who will remain in your district for next year.
140 Exit Code SEA03861 E If exit code is T002 it cannot be the students final exit for the year. Student cannot have Transferred Out: Tfer to pub schl within district (T002) as final exit of the school year Student cannot have Transferred Out: Tfer to pub schl within district (T002) as final exit of the school year. Use exit code R001 or R002 to mark natural progression of a student who will remain in your district for next year.
140 Exit Code SEA03865 E If exitcode is D04 then student must be age 20 or older as of December 1 of the CurrentSchoolYear. Maximum Age not reached ExitCode of D04 should not be reported unless student is Age 20 or older as of December 1 of the current school year.
140 Exit Code SEA03871 E If StudentGradeLevel = 12 then ExitCode cannot be R001 ExitCode cannot be R001 ExitCode cannot be R001 since StudentGradeLevel is 12.
140 Exit Code SEA03872 E Check prior year June Student Enrollment and Attendance certified submission matching the ReportingDistrictCode and locate all exit codes with the value of R001, R002, respectively, for grades 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 unless studentgradelevel is 8 and elementary only indicator in dese_district table is Y. If the record is the record with the latest exit date for that student (the last exit of the year) then a record must exist in the current year Student Enrollment and Attendance file with an entry date of R101, R102 and it must be the earliest entry date (the student's first segment of the year). This rule is ensuring that a student who exited the year as remained enters the following year as a remained entry. Missing Remained Entry for Grade 8-12 student Grade 8-12 student was reported as ending the prior year as Remained and therefore must be reported with the matching Remained entry for current year. {FirstName} {LastName} StateID {0} first entry date must have an entry code of {entryCode}.
140 Exit Code SEA03873 W Check prior year June Student Enrollment and Attendance certified submission matching the ReportingDistrictCode and locate all exit codes with the value of R001, R002, respectively, for grades PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. If the record is the record with the latest exit date for that student (the last exit of the year) then a record must exist in the current year Student Enrollment and Attendance file with an entry date of R101, R102 and it must be the earliest entry date (the student's first segement of the year). This rule is ensuring that a student who exited the year as remained enters the following year as a remained entry. Missing Remained Entry for Grade PK-7 student Grade PK-7 student was reported as ending the prior year as Remainedand therefore must be reported with the matching Remained entry for current year. {FirstName} {LastName} StateID {0} first entry date must have an entry code of {entryCode}.
140 Exit Code SEA03880 E If SEA.ExitCode equals G03, then STC.IEPDisability cannot be 00 matching on CurrentSchoolYear,ReportingDistrictCode, StateID. Graduates with alternate standards (G03) must have an IEP code other than 00. Students reported with exit code G03 must have an IEP Disability code other than 00 reported in the Student Core.
140 Exit Code SEA03881 E If ExitCode = T010 or T011 then ReportingSchoolCode must = 8000. ExitCode is not valid for ReportingSchoolCode. ExitCode is only valid for ReportingSchoolCode of 8000.
145 Exit Destination District Code SEA00410 E Value must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. Invalid ExitDestDistrictCode code ExitDestDistrictCode is not a valid district code
145 Exit Destination District Code SEA03650 E Value is required if ExitCode ='T002', 'T001', 'T010', or 'T011'. ExitDestDistrictCode is required when ExitCode is T001, T002, T010, or T011 Exit destination district code is required if the Exit Code is 'T001', 'T002', 'T010', or 'T011'.
145 Exit Destination District Code SEA03675 E Value is required to be null if ExitCode is not 'T002', 'T001', 'T010', or 'T011'. ExitDestDistrictCode is not allowed unless ExitCode is T001, T002, T010, or T011 Exit destination district code is not allowed unless the Exit Code is 'T001', 'T002', 'T010', or 'T011'.
150 Exit Destination School Code SEA03750 E Value is required if ExitCode ='T002', 'T001', 'T010', or 'T011'. ExitDestSchoolCode is required when ExitCode is T001, T002, T010, or T011 Exit destination school code must be reported when the student transfers to another school in the state - T001, T002, T010, or T011.
150 Exit Destination School Code SEA03775 W Exit destination school code is not allowed unless the Exit Code is 'T001', 'T002', 'T010', or 'T011'. ExitDestSchoolCode is not allowed unless ExitCode is T001, T002, T010, or T011 Exit destination school code cannot be reported unless the student transfers to another school in the state - T001, T002, T010, or T011.
150 Exit Destination School Code SEA03800 W Value must match a valid DESE School Code and value must be a valid school code in the Exit Destination District Code. Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. ExitDestSchoolCode is not valid for ExitDestDistrictCode Exit destination school code is not a valid school code associated with the exit destination district.
155 Exit Destination Comment SEA03850 E Value is required if ExitCode = 'T003' or 'T004' or 'T005' or 'T006' or 'T007' or 'T008' ExitDestComment is required for the ExitCode Exit destination comment is required if the student did not transfer to another school district in the state - T003, T004, T005, T006, T007 or T008.
156 School Choice SEA00421 E Must be in code set: (School_Choice_Codes) Invalid SchoolChoice code SchoolChoice must be A, E, O or R.
157 Extended School Hours SEA00117 E ExtSchlHours is not allowed in the June Enrollment and Attendance Cycle Submission ExtSchlHours is not allowed ExtSchlHours is not allowed in the June Enrollment and Attendance Cycle Submission.
158 Chronic Absenteeism SEA04000 E If ChronicAbsent * (DESE_SFIN_ADA.Standard_Day_Length / 2) > regHrsAbsent ChronicAbsent exceeds the number of hours reported in regHrsAbsent ChronicAbsent multiplied by half the standard day length exceeds the regHrsAbsent.
158 Chronic Absenteeism SEA04002 E If ChronicAbsent > 0 then If regHrsAbsent / (DESE_SFIN_ADA.Standard_Day_Length / 2) <= ChronicAbsent RegHrsAbsent is too low RegHrsAbsent is too low. RegHrsAbsent must be greater than the ChronicAbsent multiplied by half the standard day length.
158 Chronic Absenteeism SEA04003 E ChronicAbsent must be an integer ChronicAbsent has an invalid format ChronicAbsent should be an integer that is 1 to 3 digits long.