Item_Number Item_Name Collection_Rule_ID Severity Business_Rule Short_Title General_Message Detailed_Message
005 Collection Version PAP00001 E Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. One or more required fields are missing Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. The record is missing the field {0}.
005 Collection Version PAP00201 E Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length. The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s).
005 Collection Version PAP00401 E CollectionVersion must match '2022Jun1.0PAPCore' CollectionVersion must be '2022Jun1.0PAPCore' The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the CollectionVersion must be '2022Jun1.0PAPCore'.
010 Current School Year PAP00402 E CurrentSchoolYear must match '2022' CurrentSchoolYear must be '2022' The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2022'.
025 Reporting District Code PAP00441 E ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
025 Reporting District Code PAP00700 E ReportingDistrictCode must match the SRM user's district code. The student is not from this district The student's ReportingDistrictCode does not equal that of the trial.
030 Reporting School Code PAP00602 E ReportingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (Reporting District Code) Use MOSIS District Table and MOSIS Attendance Center tables. ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for ReportingDistrictCode ReportingSchoolCode is not a valid school code for the ReportingDistrictCode.
035 Fiscal Agent District Code PAP00442 E FiscalAgentCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. Invalid FiscalAgentCode code FiscalAgentCode is not a valid district code.
050 MOSIS Student ID PAP01001 E State ID verified against ID system SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) StateID not found in MOSIS ID The State ID was not found in the MOSIS ID system.
050 MOSIS Student ID PAP01002 E A record is required if StateID exists in the prior year PS-Adult Perkins Core file with a PerkRetentionLeftCode that does not begin with D, G, or T. A record is required for State ID State ID was reported in your prior year PS-Adult Perkins Core certified submission with a Perkins Retention Left Code of Remained or Initial Entry, therefore a record is required to be reported.
050 MOSIS Student ID PAP01003 E PerkCon cannot be N if PerkCon was P or A in the district's prior year PS-Adult Perkins Core matching on reportingdistrictcode and StateID. PerkCon cannot be N PerkCon cannot be N since student was reported last year as PostSecondary, or Adult.
050 MOSIS Student ID PAP01004 E If PerkRetentionLeftCode is R01, G02, G04, G06, G08, D01, D03, or D05, a record must exist in the prior year PS-Adult Perkins Core file matching on ReportingDistrictCode and State ID. A record is required in prior year submission State ID is reported with a Perkins Retention Left Code of R01, G02, G04, G06, G08, D01, D03, or D05, therefore a record is required to be reported in your prior year PS-Adult Perkins Core certified submission.
050 MOSIS Student ID PAP01010 E StateID must be unique across all records in the submission. (No Duplicates allowed) Multiple records with the same StateID The StateID must be unique across all records in the submission. The same StateID was found on more than one record. No Duplicates allowed.
080 Date of Birth PAP00446 E DateOfBirth must be a valid date. DateOfBirth is not a valid date The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date.
080 Date of Birth PAP00447 W Age is 16 or younger as of June, 30 of the currentschoolyear. DateOfBirth is too recent Age calculated as of June 30 of the CurrentSchoolYear should be 17 or higher.
080 Date of Birth PAP01020 E Date of Birth verified against ID system (in conjunction with State ID) SIDMASTER (Date_of_Birth) and SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID) DateOfBirth does not match MOSIS ID The date of birth reported does not match the date of birth in the MOSIS ID system.
085 Social Security Number PAP00445 E The Social Security Number can be specified as ###-##-#### or 9 digits. SSN has an invalid format The Social Security Number can be specified as ###-##-#### or 9 digits.
100 Gender PAP00405 E Must be in code set: (Gender_Codes). Gender must be M or F Gender must be M or F.
105 Race/Ethnicity PAP00406 E Must be in code set: (PAP_Race_Ethnicity). RaceEthnicity must be A, B, H, I or W, P, M, or O. RaceEthnicity must be A, B, H, I or W, P, M, or O.
120 Perkins ADA PAP00432 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) PerkADA must be Y or N PerkADA must be Y or N.
125 Perkins Economically Disadvantaged PAP00415 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) PerkEconDis must be Y or N PerkEconDis must be Y or N
135 Perkins Non-traditional PAP00417 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) PerkNonTrad must be Y or N PerkNonTrad must be Y or N
135 Perkins Non-traditional PAP00437 E If NonTradStudent is N and Gender matches NONTRADITIONAL_GENDER in the dese_dc_program_type table for the year and CTE_program_type. NonTradStudent code is not valid NonTradStudent code is not valid since the Gender reported is the traditional gender expected.
135 Perkins Non-traditional PAP00438 E If NonTradStudent is Y and Gender does not match NONTRADITIONAL_GENDER in the dese_dc_program_type table for the year and CTE_program_type. NonTradStudent code is not valid NonTradStudent code is not valid since the Gender reported is the traditional gender expected.
140 Perkins Single Parent PAP00418 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) PerkSingleParent must be Y or N PerkSingleParent must be Y or N
145 Perkins Displaced Homemaker PAP00419 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) PerkDisplaced must be Y or N PerkDisplaced must be Y or N
150 Perkins Migrant PAP00420 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) PerkMigrant must be Y or N. PerkMigrant must be Y or N.
155 Perkins LEP PAP00421 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) PerkLEP must be Y or N PerkLEP must be Y or N
160 Primary CTE Program Code PAP00422 E Must be in code set: (CTE_Program_Type_Codes) Invalid CTEProgramCode code CTEProgramCode must be a valid CTE_Program_Type_Codes code.
160 Primary CTE Program Code PAP00434 E CTEProgramType must end with 07 or 10. CTEProgramCode is not valid for PostSecondary Education CTEProgramCode is not valid for PostSecondary Education since it does not end with 07 or 10.
160 Primary CTE Program Code PAP00439 E CTEProgamCode must match the appropriate CTECluster in the dese_dc_program_type table for the year CTEProgramCode is not valid for CTE Cluster reported CTEProgramCode is not valid for the CTECluster reported
165 Perkins Career Cluster PAP00423 E Must be in code set: (CTE_Cluster_Codes) Invalid PerkCareerCluster code PerkCareerCluster must be 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16.
165 Perkins Career Cluster PAP00449 E If PerkPart or PerkCon is equal to a S, P, or A then PerkCareerCluster is required PerkCareerCluster is required PerkCareerCluster is required since PerkPart or PerkCon is S, P, or A.
170 Perkins Participant PAP00424 E Must be in code set: (Perkins_Student_Type) Invalid PerkPart code PerkPart must be a valid Perkins_Student_Type code.
170 Perkins Participant PAP00425 W If PerkTechPrep in (S,P,A) then PerkPart must match PerTechPrep. PerkPart should match PerkTechPrep PerkPart should match PerkTechPrep since most TechPrep individuals are participants.
170 Perkins Participant PAP00427 W If PerkPart = N and PerkCon in (S,P,A) PerkPart is expected to match PerkCon PerkPart expected to match PerkCon since most concentrators are participants.
170 Perkins Participant PAP00450 E if left(Reportingdistrictcode,3) is < 116 the PerkPart cannot be “P” PerPart cannot be "P" PerPart cannot be "P" since ReportingDistrictCode is less than 116000.
170 Perkins Participant PAP00453 E if left(Reportingdistrictcode,3) is > 116 the PerkPart cannot be “A” PerPart cannot be "A" PerPart cannot be "A" since ReportingDistrictCode is greater than 116000.
170 Perkins Participant PAP00456 E If CTEProgramCode ends with “10” then PerkPart must be be “A” or “N” PerPart must be A or N PerPart must be A or N since CTEProgramCode ends with 10.
170 Perkins Participant PAP00458 E If CTEProgramCode ends with “07” then PerkPart must be be “P” or “N” PerPart must be P or N PerPart must be P or N since CTEProgramCode ends with 07.
175 Perkins Concentrator PAP00426 E Must be in code set: (Perkins_Student_Type) Invalid PerkCon code PerkCon must be a valid Perkins_Student_Type code.
175 Perkins Concentrator PAP00451 E if left(Reportingdistrictcode,3) is < 116 the PerkCon cannot be “P” PerkCon cannot be "P" PerkCon cannot be "P" since ReportingDistrictCode is less than 116000.
175 Perkins Concentrator PAP00454 E if left(Reportingdistrictcode,3) is > 116 the PerkCon cannot be “A” PerkCon cannot be "A" PerkCon cannot be "A" since ReportingDistrictCode is greater than 116000.
175 Perkins Concentrator PAP00457 E If CTEProgramCode ends with “10” then PerkCon must be be “A” or “N” PerkCon must be A or N PerkCon must be A or N since CTEProgramCode ends with 10.
175 Perkins Concentrator PAP00459 E If CTEProgramCode ends with “07” then PerkCon must be be “P” or “N” PerkCon must be P or N PerkCon must be P or N since CTEProgramCode ends with 07.
180 Perkins Tech Prep PAP00428 E Must be in code set: (Perkins_Student_Type) InvalidPerkTechPrep code PerkTechPrep must be a valid Perkins_Student_Type code.
180 Perkins Tech Prep PAP00452 E if left(Reportingdistrictcode,3) is < 116 the PerkTechPrep cannot be “P” PerkTechPrep cannot be "P" PerkTechPrep cannot be "P" since ReportingDistrictCode is less than 116000.
180 Perkins Tech Prep PAP00455 E if left(Reportingdistrictcode,3) is > 116 the PerkTechPrep cannot be “A” PerkTechPrep cannot be "A" PerkTechPrep cannot be "A" since ReportingDistrictCode is greater than 116000.
185 Perkins Tech Prep Start Date PAP00430 E PerkTPStartDate cannot be null if PerkTechPrep in (S,P,A). PerkTPStartDate is required PerkTPStartDate is required since PerkTechPrep is S, P, or A.
185 Perkins Tech Prep Start Date PAP00431 E If PerkTechPrep in (S,P,A) and PerkTechPrep from prior year is the same as the current year PerkTechPrep then prior year PerkTPStartDate must equal current PerkTPStartDate (note this is warning for 2009 year, and Error starting in 2010) PerkTPStartDate must be the same as prior year Since PerkTechPrep is S, P, or A then PerkTPStartDate must be the same as prior year's PerkTPStartDate if reported.
185 Perkins Tech Prep Start Date PAP00433 E PerkTPStartDate must be a valid date. PerkTPStartDate is not a valid date The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date.
190 Perkins Technical Skills Attainment PAP05005 E Must be in code set (CTE_TSA_Testing_Codes) Invalid PerkCTETSA code PerkCTETSA must be one of PT (Passed Test), FT (Failed Test), NT (Not Tested), NA (Not Available), NE (Not Eligible), or PR (Pending Results).
195 Perkins Retention Left Code PAP00435 E Must be in code set: (Perkins_RetentionLeft_Codes) Invalid CTEProgramCode code CTEProgramCode must be a valid Perkins_RetentionLeft_Codes code.
200 Perkins Bureau of Indian Affairs PAP00436 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No) Invalid PerkBIA code PerkBIA must be Y or N.
205 Homeless PAP05010 E Must be in code set: (Homeless_Codes) Invalid Homeless code Homeless must be a valid Homeless_Codes code.
210 Foster Care PAP05015 E Must be in code set: (Yes_No). Invalid Foster Care code Foster Care must be Y or N.
215 Youth with Military Parents PAP05020 E Must be in code set: (Military_Codes). Invalid Military code Youth with Military Parents must be a valid Military_Codes code.