Item_Number Item_Name Collection_Rule_ID Severity Business_Rule Short_Title General_Message Detailed_Message
005 Collection Version CRS00001 E Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. One or more required fields are missing Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. The record is missing the field {0}.
005 Collection Version CRS00002 E If CRS.EDSSN is not null then each course assignment record there must be a certified record that matches the key in the 2022 Educator School file. Key is CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictcode, ReportingSchoolCode, EDSSN, CTEProgType, PosCode. Educator School Record missing Each course assignment record must match a certified Educator School record. The certified Educator School record must have matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, EDSSN, PosCode, and CTEProgType.
005 Collection Version CRS00201 E Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length. The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s).
005 Collection Version CRS00401 E CollectionVersion must match '2022Oct1.0CrsAssign' CollectionVersion must be '2022Oct1.0CrsAssign' The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the CollectionVersion must be '2022Oct1.0CrsAssign'.
010 Current School Year CRS00402 E CurrentSchoolYear must match '2022' CurrentSchoolYear must be '2022' The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2022'.
025 Reporting District Code CRS00441 E ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code The ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code.
025 Reporting District Code CRS00700 E ReportingDistrictCode must match the SRM user's district code. The student is not from this district The student's ReportingDistrictCode does not equal that of the trial.
030 Reporting School Code CRS00602 E ReportingSchoolCode must be a valid school code in the Reporting District (Reporting District Code) Use MOSIS Attendance Center tables. Invalid ReportingSchoolCode The Reporting School Code is not a valid school code in the Reporting District Code.
050 ED SSN CRS00003 E There must be at least 1 Course Assignment record for every record in the certified Educator School File. Matching on key is CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictcode, ReportingSchoolCode, EDSSN, CTEProgType, PosCode. Course Assignment Record missing for Educator Course Assignment for Educator is missing. Educator found in the Educator School file and does not have any Course Assignments. Course Assignment for Educator is missing. ReportingDistrictCode/ReportingSchoolCode: {0}/{1}EDSSN/PosCode/CTEProgType: {2}/{3}/{4}
050 ED SSN CRS00460 E The Social Security Number must 9 digits with no extra characters such as spaces and dashes. EDSSN must be 9 digits The Social Security Number must be specified as 9 digits.
050 ED SSN CRS00461 E EDSSN is required if (STA.ReportingDistrictCode is not 118118 and (STA.ReceivingCollDistCode is equal to STA.ReportingDistrictCode or STA.ReceivingCollDistCode is null)) and courseprogramcode is not 50. EDSSN is required EDSSN is required since ReceivingCollDistCode is equal to ReportingDistrictCode or ReceivingCollDistCode is null and Course Program Code is not 50.
050 ED SSN CRS00462 W EDSSN cannot have more than 99 assignments grouped by collectionversion,currentSchoolYear,reportingdistrictcode, reportingschoolcode, edssn, poscode, cteprogtype (Exclude blank, null, or SSN that don't have length of 9). EDSSN has too many assignments EDSSN has over 99 assignments. EDSSN {0} has over 99 assignments.
050 ED SSN CRS03000 E EDSSN is not allowed if course program code is 50. EDSSN is not allowed EDSSN is not allowed since course program code is 50.
070 Position Code CRS00442 E Must be in code set: (Position_Codes). Invalid PosCode code Position Code is not valid.
070 Position Code CRS02900 W If CRS.PosCode = 10 Then CRS.CourseNum must be (990088, 990099, 880000, 880010, 999915, 992000, 992010) or begin with 881 PosCode 10 should have courses that begin with 881 PosCode 10 should have courses that begin with 881.
070 Position Code CRS02901 W If CRS.PosCode = 20 Then CRS.CourseNum must be (990088, 990099, 880000, 880010, 999915, 992000, 992010) or begin with 882 PosCode 20 should have courses that begin with 882 PosCode 20 should have courses that begin with 882.
070 Position Code CRS02902 W If CRS.PosCode = 30 Then CRSCourseNum must be (990088, 990099, 880000, 880010, 999915, 992000, 992010, 880020) or begin with 883 or end with 97. PosCode 30 should have courses that begin with 883 PosCode 30 should have courses that begin with 883.
070 Position Code CRS02903 W If CRS.PosCode = 40 Then CRSCourseNum must be (990088, 990099, 880000, 880010, 999915, 992000, 992010, 992020) or begin with 884 PosCode 40 should have courses that begin with 884 PosCode 40 should have courses that begin with 884.
070 Position Code CRS02904 W If CRS.PosCode = 50 Then CRSCourseNum must be (990088, 990099, 880000, 880010, 999915, 992000, 992010) or begin with 885 PosCode 50 should have courses that begin with 885 PosCode 50 should have courses that begin with 885.
070 Position Code CRS02905 W If CRS.PosCode = 60 Then CRSCourseNum can be (990088, 990099, 880000, 880010, 999915, 992000, 992010, 992015, 992020) and cannot begin with 881 or 882 or 883 or 884 or 885 or 887 or 888 or 889 PosCode 60 should not have courses that begin with 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 887, 888 or 889 PosCode 60 should have courses that do not begin with 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 887, 888 or 889
070 Position Code CRS02906 W If CRS.PosCode = 70 Then CRSCourseNum must be (990088, 990099, 880000, 880010) or begin with 887. PosCode 70 should have courses that begin with 887. PosCode 70 should have courses that begin with 887 or (990088, 990099, 880000, 880010).
070 Position Code CRS02907 W If CRS.PosCode = 80 Then CRSCourseNum can be (990088, 990099, 880000, 880010) and cannot begin with 881 or 882 or 883 or 885 or 887 or end with 97 or 98. PosCode 80 should not have courses that begin with 881, 882, 883, 885 or 887 or end with 97 or 98. PosCode 80 should not have courses that begin with 881, 882, 883, 885 or 887 or end with 97 or 98 or (990088, 990099, 880000 or 880010).
070 Position Code CRS02908 W If CRS.PosCode = 90 Then CRSCourseNum must be (990088, 990099, 880000, 880010) or must begin with 889. PosCode 90 should have courses that begin with 889. PosCode 90 should have courses that begin with 889 or (990088, 990099, 880000, 880010).
070 Position Code CRS02909 W CRS.PosCode must be 60 or 80 if CRS.CourseProgCode is in (06, 09, 16, 17, 19) and the CRS.CourseNum begins with 19 PosCode is not valid for CourseNum and CourseProgCode PosCode must be 60 or 80 when CourseProgCode is in (06, 09, 16, 17, 19) and the CourseNum begins with 19.
070 Position Code CRS02910 W CRS.PosCode cannot be 20, 40 or 50 if CRS.CourseProgCode is in (06,09,16,17,19) PosCode is not valid for CourseProgCode PosCode cannot be 20, 40, or 50 when CourseProgCode is in (06, 09, 16, 17, 19).
070 Position Code CRS02911 W CRS.PosCode is not 60 and CRS.CourseNum is not in (887800, 999915, 992000, 992010, 992020) then no records matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgType, PosCode, AssignNum should exist in Student Assignment file. Enrollment is not allowed for PosCode and CourseNum Enrollment is not allowed since PosCode is not 60. Must not have student assignment records for course assignment.
070 Position Code CRS02919 W If CRS.PosCode is 80 and CourseNum is not 888100 and CRS.DeliverySys is not PA and (CRS.ProgramCode = 03 or srm.dbo.attendance_center.title_1_school = S for CRS.CurrentSchoolYear, CRS.ReportingDistrictCode, and CRS.ReportingSchoolCode then the certified Educator Core Record which matches the CRS.CurrentSchoolYear, CRS.ReportingDistrictCode, CRS.ReportingSchoolCode, CRS.EDSSN must have EDC.EDHighDegree of 60HR, PARA, ASOC, BACC, MAST, SPEC or DOCT. Educator's Highest Degree is not compatible. Educator's highest degree is not compatible with Poscode. Highest Degree must be 60HR, PARA, ASOC, BACC, MAST, SPEC or DOCT. Update the highest degree in the educator's Educator Core record and re-certify your Educator Core submission. Then revalidate this submission.
080 CTE Program Type CRS00443 E Must be in code set: (CTE_Program_Type_Codes) Invalid CTEProgType code CTEProgType is not valid.
080 CTE Program Type CRS02800 E If CRS.CTEProgType is not null and CTEProgType is not equal to 0904, 1104, 1204, 2204, or 2404 and CRS.CourseNum (is not 990088 , 990000) or (end with 97 or 98) then CRS.CourseNum must exist in table DESE_DC_APPROVED_VOC_COURSE where CurrentSchoolYear = FK_DIST_YEAR and ReportingDistrictCode = FK_DIST_CNTY_DIST and ReportingSchoolCode = FK_SCHOOL_CODE and and CTEProgType = FK_PROGRAM_TYPE and CourseNum = FK_COURSE_CODE. CourseNum is not an approved vocational course CourseNum is not an approved vocational course.
080 CTE Program Type CRS02801 W CRS.CTEProgType is required if CRS.CourseGradeLevel is in (09,10,11,12,13) and CRS.CourseNum is in DESE_DC_APPROVED_VOC_COURSES where FK_Dist_Year = CRS.CurrentSchoolYear and FK_Course_Year = CRS.CurrentSchoolYear and FK_Dist_Cnty_Dist = CRS.ReportingDistrictCode and FK_School_Code = CRS.ReportingSchoolCode and FK_Course_Code = CRS.CourseNum. CTEProgType is required for CourseGradeLevel and CourseNum CTEProgType is required when CourseGradeLevel is in (09, 10, 11, 12, 13) and CourseNum is an approved vocational course.
080 CTE Program Type CRS02802 E If CRS.CTEProgType is not null and not 0904, 2404, or 2204 and CRS.PosCode = 60 and (CRS.CourseNum is not in (990000, 016785, 990088, 880000) or CRS.CourseNum does not ends with 98) and CRS.DeliverySys is not 1 through 9 then one or more records matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgType, PosCode, AssignNum should exist in Student Assignment file. Enrollment is required for CTEProgType Enrollment is required since CTEProgType is provided and not 0904 and the CourseNum is not 990000, 016785, 990088, 880000 or end with 90 and CourseDeliverySys is not 1 through 9. Must have student assignment record for course assignment.
090 Assignment Number CRS00452 E AssignNum cannot match another AssignNum with the same CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, EDSSN, CTEProgType, and PosCode. AssignNum must be unique for EDSSN AssignNum cannot match another AssignNum with the same CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, ReportingSchoolCode, EDSSN, CTEProgType, and PosCode.
130 State Course Number CRS00449 E Must be in code set: (State_Course_Codes) Invalid CourseNum code CourseNum is not valid.
130 State Course Number CRS01200 W CourseNum is required if ReportingSchoolCode is less than or equal to 2999 and CourseGradeLevel is not ' K' or 'PK' CourseNum should be reported for this ReportingSchoolCode and CourseGradeLevel A CourseNum should be reported when the ReportingSchoolCode is less than 3000 and the CourseGradeLevel is not K or PK
130 State Course Number CRS01300 E CourseNum must not be blank if CourseGradeLevel is 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, or 17. CourseNum is required when CourseGradeLevel is between 9 and 17 The State Course Number is required if the Course Grade Level is 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, or 17.
130 State Course Number CRS01400 E If CourseNum is 054840 and CourseDeliverySys is PU, then CourseGradeLevel must be K, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16. Invalid CourseGradeLevel and/or CourseDeliverySys for CourseNum 054840 State Course Number 054840 requires Course Delivery System of PU and Course Grade Level of K, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16.
130 State Course Number CRS01500 E If CourseNum is 998899 then ReportingDistrictCode must be 096119. Invalid CourseNum for ReportingDistrictCode State Course Number 998899 is only valid for Reporting District Code 096119.
130 State Course Number CRS01600 E If CourseNum is 195000 then CourseGradeLevel must not be PK. CourseNum 195000 is invalid for PK Course Grade Level PK is not valid for State Course Number 195000.
130 State Course Number CRS01602 W If CRS.CourseNum = 994400 then CRS.ReportingSchoolCode must be 1015 and CRS.PosCode must be in (60,80) and CRS.CourseProgCode must be 16 CourseNum is not valid for ReportingSchoolCode, PosCode, and CourseProgCode CourseNum 994400 is not valid unless ReportingSchoolCode is 1015 and PosCode is 60 or 80 and CourseProgCode is 16.
130 State Course Number CRS01604 W If ((CRS.CourseNum is 990000,990088,998800), or (CRS.CourseNum begins with 88 excluding 887800,887900,880020) or (CRS.CourseNum ends with 98 or 97)) then no records matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgType, PosCode, AssignNum should exist in Student Assignment file. Enrollment is not allowed for CourseNum Enrollment is not allowed since CourseNum is in 990000, 990088, or 998800; or CourseNum begins with 88 excluding 887800, 887900, or 880020; or CourseNum ends with 98 or 97. Must not have student assignment records for course assignment.
130 State Course Number CRS01605 W If CRS.CourseGradeLevel is IT then CRS.CourseNum must be in (887600,887800,887897,887900). CourseNum is not valid for CourseGradeLevel CourseNum must be in (887600, 887800, 887897, 887900) since CourseGradeLevel is IT.
130 State Course Number CRS01606 W If CRS.CourseNum is 994400 then CRS.CourseGradeLevel must be in (04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) CourseNum is not valid for CourseGradeLevel CourseNum 994400 is not valid since CourseGradeLevel is not in (04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17).
130 State Course Number CRS01607 E If CRS.CourseNum is 195400 then CRS.CourseGradeLevel must be in (PK, (space K)) and CRS.CourseProgCode must be in (06, 17,19) and Course DeliverySys must be in (CO, IG, SC, IN, LI, PA or H). CourseNum is not valid for CourseGradeLevel, CourseProgCode, CourseDeliverySys CourseNum 195400 is not valid for CourseGradeLevel, CourseProgCode, or CourseDeliverySys.
130 State Course Number CRS01608 W If CRS.CourseNum is in (195610,195620,195630,195640,195700,195800) then CRS.CourseGradeLevel must be in (05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15) CourseNum is not valid for CourseGradeLevel CourseNum is not valid since CourseGradeLevel is not in (05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
130 State Course Number CRS01610 W If CRS.CourseNum is in (054840,054891,115891) then (CRS.PosCode must be 60 or 80) and (CRS.CourseProgCode must be 00, 03, 13, 31, 37, or 43). CourseNum is not valid for PosCod and CourseProgCode CourseNum is only valid for PosCode 60 or 80 and CourseProgCode must be 00, 03, 13, 31, 37, or 43.
130 State Course Number CRS01611 E One or more student assignment records are required matching the key (CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictcode, ReportingSchoolCode, EDSSN, CTEProgType, PosCode, AssignNum) unless (1) Position is not 60; (2) Course is 016785, 054840, 054891, 115891, 193000, 193100, 990000, 990088, 990099, 994015, 996300, 996800, 998800, 998899, 999999, 88XXXX (except 887800), XXXX97 or XXXX98; (3) Delivery System is 0-9, IG, CO, or IC; (5) Program Type code is 0904; or (6) Program Code is 03 or 13; or (7) Caseload is greater than zero. No Student Assignment records found matching this Course Assignment This Course Assignment requires enrollments to be reported in the Student Assignment file that match the key (CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictcode, ReportingSchoolCode, EDSSN, CTEProgType, PosCode, AssignNum).
130 State Course Number CRS01612 W If CRS.CourseNum is 888300 and CRS.CourseProgCode is 02 then the certified Educator Core Record which matches the CRS.CurrentSchoolYear, CRS.ReportingDistrictCode, CRS.ReportingSchoolCode, CRS.EDSSN must have EDC.EDHighDegree of 60HR, PARA, ASOC, BACC, MAST, SPEC or DOCT. Educator's Highest Degree is not compatible Educator's highest degree is not compatible with CourseNum. Highest Degree must be 60HR, PARA, ASOC, BACC, MAST, SPEC or DOCT. Update the highest degree in the educator's Educator Core record and re-certify your Educator Core submission. Then revalidate this submission.
130 State Course Number CRS01617 E If CRS.CourseNum is 054841 then CRS.CourseDeliverySys must be Blank, IC, V, VH, 0-9, or T1-T9. CourseNum is not valid for CourseDeliverySys CourseDeliverySys is not valid for CourseNum since CourseDeliverySys is not Blank, IC, V, VH, 0-9, or T1-T9.
130 State Course Number CRS01618 E If CRS.CourseNum is 054841 and CRS.CourseProgCode is 03, or 43  then CRS.CourseDeliverySys must be IC. CourseDeliverySys is not valid for CourseNum 054841 and  CourseProgCode 03, or 43 CourseDeliverySys must be IC if CourseNum is 054841 and CourseProgCode is 03, or 43.
130 State Course Number CRS01619 E If CRS.CourseNum is 054841 and CRS.CourseProgCode is 03, 20, or 43 then CRS.PosCode must be 60. PosCode is not valid for CourseNum and CourseProgCode CourseNum 054841 is only valid for PosCode 60 and CourseProgCode 03, 20, or 43.
130 State Course Number CRS01620 E If CRS.CourseNum is 115800 and (CRS.CourseProgCode is 03, 38, or 43) then (CRS.CourseDeliverySys must be IC). CourseDeliverySys is not valid for CourseNum and  CourseProgCode CourseDeliverySys must be IC if CourseNum is 115800 and CourseProgCode is 03, 38, or 43.
130 State Course Number CRS01621 E If (CRS.CourseNum is 881700 and CRS.ProgCode is 21) OR  (CRS.CourseNum is 888400 and CRS.ProgCode in (21,43)) then CRS.ReportingSchoolCode must be 1000. ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for CourseNum and CourseProgCode ReportingSchoolCode is not valid for CourseNum and CourseProgCode.
130 State Course Number CRS01622 E If CourseNum is 996002, then STA.StudentGradeLevel must be 11, or 12. Invalid StudentGradeLevel for CourseNum 996002 State Course Number 996002 requires Student Grade Level of 11, or 12.
130 State Course Number CRS03007 E If CRS.CourseNum equals 887800 then CRS.PosCode must equal 70 and CRS.CourseProgCode must equal 07. PosCode and CourseProgCode are not valid for CourseNum Position Code must be 70 and Course Program Code must be 07 if Course Number is 887800.
130 State Course Number CRS03008 E If CRS.CourseNum equals 887897 then CRS.PosCode must be 30 and CRS.CourseProgCode must equal 07. PosCode and CourseProgCode are not valid for CourseNum Position Code must be 30 and Course Program Code must be 07 if Course Number is 887897.
130 State Course Number CRS03009 E No record found for CRS.CourseNum 887897. No record found for CourseNum 887897 for Parents as Teachers Supervisor There must be at least one record reported with Course Number 887897 for the Parents as Teachers Supervisor.
130 State Course Number CRS03010 E If CRS.CourseNum 887800 is only reported one time, there cannot be another record with the same EDSSN with CRS.CourseNum 887897. CourseNum 887897 cannot be reported If Course Number 887800 for Parent Educator is only reported once, then course number 887897 for Parents as Teachers Supervisor cannot be reported with the same EDSSN.
140 Assignment Start Date CRS01700 E AssignStartDate must be specified as mm/dd/yyyy AssignStartDate is not a valid date Dates are specified using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
140 Assignment Start Date CRS01710 E AssignStartDate must be a valid date between and including July 1 of the current school year minus 1 and June 30 of the current school year. AssignStartDate must be a date within the Current School Year AssignStartDate must be a date within the current school year (July 1 to June 30).
140 Assignment Start Date CRS01900 E AssignStartDate cannot occur after AssignEndDate. AssignStartDate is after AssignEndDate AssignStartDate cannot occur after AssignEndDate.
140 Assignment Start Date CRS01901 W CRS.AssignStartDate cannot occur prior to PLANNED_BEGIN_DATE in Calendar Header table AssignStartDate prior to calendar begin date AssignStartDate cannot occur prior to calendar begin date.
150 Assignment End Date CRS01800 E AssignEndDate must be specified as mm/dd/yyyy AssignEndDate is not a valid date Dates are specified using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
150 Assignment End Date CRS01810 E AssignEndDate must be a valid date between and including July 1 of the current school year minus 1 and June 30 of the current school year. AssignEndDate must be a date within the Current School Year AssignEndDate must be a date within the current school year (July 1 to June 30).
150 Assignment End Date CRS01811 W CRS.AssignEndDate cannot occur after PLANNED_END_DATE in DESE_Calendar_Header_Planned table. AssignEndDate after calendar end date AssignEndDate cannot occur after calendar end date.
170 Course Sequence Number CRS00444 E Must be in code set: (Course_Seq_Num_Codes) Invalid CourseSeqNum code CourseSeqNum is not valid.
170 Course Sequence Number CRS02700 W CRS.CourseSeqNum must be 0 or null if CRS.CourseNum is Null. CourseSeqNum must be 0 or Null CourseSeqNum must be 0 or null since CourseNum is null.
180 Course Grade Level CRS00450 E Must be in code set: (Assignment_Grade_Level_Codes) Invalid CourseGradeLevel code CourseGradeLevel is not valid.
180 Course Grade Level CRS00463 W If CourseGradeLevel = 17 then PosCode cannot be 60 CourseGradeLevel not allowed for PosCode CourseGradeLevel 17 should not be reported for PosCode 60.
180 Course Grade Level CRS02403 W If CRS.CourseNum = 887897 then CRS.CourseGradeLevel must be in (PK,IT) CourseGradeLevel is not valid for CourseNum CourseGradeLevel must be PK or IT since CourseNum is 887897.
180 Course Grade Level CRS02404 W If CRS.CourseProgCode is 07 then CRS.CourseGradeLevel must be in (PK,IT) CourseGradeLevel is not valid for CourseProgCode CourseGradeLevel must be PK or IT since CourseProgCode is 07.
180 Course Grade Level CRS02405 E CRS.CourseGradeLevel is required if CRS.CourseNum is NULL or not in (880000,990088,990000, 193000, 193100, 198600) CourseGradeLevel is required for CourseNum CourseGradeLevel is required since CourseNum is not 880000,990088,990000, 193000, 193100, or 198600.
180 Course Grade Level CRS02406 W CRS.CourseGradeLevel must be null if CRS.CourseNum is in (880000,990088) CourseGradeLevel must be null for CourseNum CourseGradeLevel must be null since CourseNum is 880000 or 990088.
180 Course Grade Level CRS02407 W If CRS.CourseGradeLevel is in (01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12) and CRS.ReportingDistrictCode is not in (096119,078013) then CRS.CourseGradeLevel must be inclusively between the Begin_Grade and End_Grade in the Attendance_Center table where the CRS.CurrentSchoolYear, CRS.ReportingDistrictCode, and CRS.ReportingSchoolCode match. CourseGradeLevel is not valid for ReportingSchoolCode CourseGradeLevel is not valid since CourseGradeLevel is not a grade taught in ReportingSchoolCode.
180 Course Grade Level CRS02408 W If CRS.CourseGradeLevel is 13 and CRS.ReportingDistrictCode is not in (096119,078013, 201301) then CRS.ReportingSchoolCode must be in ('0000','7010','7500') or inclusively between 1000-1999 or inclusively between 6000-6999. CourseGradeLevel is not valid for ReportingSchoolCode CourseGradeLevel 13 is not valid since ReportingSchoolCode is not 0000, between 1000-1999, or between 6000-9999.
180 Course Grade Level CRS02409 W If CRS.CourseGradeLevel is 14 and CRS.ReportingDistrictCode is not in (096119,078013) then CRS.ReportingSchoolCode must be inclusively between 1000-3999 or inclusively between 6000-9999. CourseGradeLevel is not valid for ReportingSchoolCode CourseGradeLevel 14 is not valid since ReportingSchoolCode is not between 1000-3999 or between 6000-9999.
180 Course Grade Level CRS02410 W If CRS.CourseGradeLevel is 15 and CRS.ReportingDistrictCode is not in (096119,078013) then CRS.ReportingSchoolCode must be inclusively between 1000-1049 or inclusively between 2000-9999. CourseGradeLevel is not valid for ReportingSchoolCode CourseGradeLevel 15 is not valid since ReportingSchoolCode is not between 1000-1049 or between 2000-9999.
180 Course Grade Level CRS02411 W If CRS.CourseGradeLevel is 16 and CRS.ReportingDistrictCode is not in (096119,078013) then CRS.ReportingSchoolCode must be inclusively between 1000-1049 or inclusively between 3000-9999. CourseGradeLevel is not valid for ReportingSchoolCode CourseGradeLevel 16 is not valid since ReportingSchoolCode is not between 1000-1049 or between 3000-9999.
180 Course Grade Level CRS02920 W If PosCode is 60 and CourseNum is not 990000 and CourseNum does not end with 98 then CourseGradeLevel cannot be 17. CourseGradeLevel 17 should be avoided CourseGradeLevel 17 should be avoided. Please consider reporting a more specific course grade level code.
190 Course Semester CRS00446 E Must be in code set: (Course_Semester_Codes) Invalid CourseSem code CourseSem is not valid.
200 Course Delivery System CRS00447 E Must be in code set: (Course_Delivery_System_Codes) Invalid CourseDeliverySys code CourseDeliverySys is not valid.
200 Course Delivery System CRS02102 W CRS.CourseDeliverySys is required if CRS.CourseProgCode is in (02,03,04,06,07) and CRS.CourseNum Not in (blank, 193000, 193100,198600) and CRS.CourseNum does not begin with 88 or end with 97 or 98 CourseDeliverySys is required CourseDeliverySys is required since CourseProgCode is in (02, 03, 04, 06, 07) and CourseNum Not in (blank, 193000, 193100,198600) and the CourseNum does not begin with 88 or end with 97 or 98.
200 Course Delivery System CRS02103 W CRS.CourseDeliverySys must be null if CRS.CourseNum is 990088 CourseDeliverySys must be null for CourseNum CourseDeliverySys must be null since CourseNum is 990088.
200 Course Delivery System CRS02104 W CRS.CourseDeliverySys must be null, (0 to 9),T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, or H if CRS.CTEProgType is inclusively between 0104 and 1204. CourseDeliverySys is not valid for CTEProgType CourseDeliverySys must be null, (0 to 9), T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, or H since CTEProgType is between 0104 and 1204.
200 Course Delivery System CRS02105 W CRS.CourseDeliverySys cannot be G if CRS.CourseProgCode is null CourseDeliverySys is not valid for CourseProgCode CourseDeliverySys cannot be G since CourseProgCode is not provided.
200 Course Delivery System CRS02109 E If CRS.CourseDeliverySys is in 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,IC then no records matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgType, PosCode, AssignNum should exist in Student Assignment file. Enrollment is not allowed for CourseDeliverySys Enrollment is not allowed since CourseDeliverySys is in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, IC). Must not have student assignment records for course assignment.
200 Course Delivery System CRS02110 W If CRS.CourseDeliverySys is in T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 then one or more records matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgType, PosCode, AssignNum should exist in Student Assignment file. Enrollment is required for CourseDeliverySys Enrollment is required since CourseDeliverySys is in (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9). Must have student assignment record for course assignment.
200 Course Delivery System CRS02111 E If CRS.DeliverySys is M or MH then the certified Educator Core Record which matches the CRS.CurrentSchoolYear, CRS.ReportingDistrictCode, CRS.ReportingSchoolCode, CRS.EDSSN must have an EDC.EDFiscAgentCoDist that does not match the EDC.ReportingDistrictCode. Fiscal Agent cannot be the Reporting District Fiscal Agent cannot be the Reporting District since the Deliverysys is M or MH. Update the fiscal agent district in the educator's Educator Core record and re-certify your Educator Core submission. Then revalidate this submission.
200 Course Delivery System CRS02112 W If CRS.PosCode=80 and CRS.CourseNum begins with 19, then CRS.CourseDeliverySys must be in (CO, IG, IN, SC, LI, PA) CourseDeliverySys is not valid for PosCode, and CourseNum CourseDeliverySys must be CO, IG, IN, SC, LI, or PA since PosCode is 80 and CourseNum begins with 19.
200 Course Delivery System CRS02113 W If CRS.PosCode = 60 and CRS.CourseNum begins with 19 and CRS.CourseNum Not in (193000, 193100,198600) then CRS.CourseDeliverySys must be in (CO, IG, IN, SC, LI, H) CourseDeliverySys is not valid for PosCode, and CourseNum CourseDeliverySys must be CO, IG, IN, SC, LI, or H since PosCode is 60 and CourseNum begins with 19 and CourseNum is not 193000, 193100, or 198600.
200 Course Delivery System CRS02115 E CRS.CourseDeliverySys cannot be IC if CRS.CourseNum is in (054840, or 115891) and CourseProgCode is in (03, 04, 13, 20, 29, 37, 39, 43). CourseDeliverySys is not valid for CourseNum and CourseProgCode CourseDeliverySys cannot be IC since CourseNum is 054840, or 115891 and CourseProgCode is 03, 04, 13, 20, 29, 37, 39, or 43.
210 Course Program Code CRS00448 E Must be in code set: (Course_Program_Code) Invalid CourseProgCode code CourseProgCode is not valid.
210 Course Program Code CRS00454 E If CourseProgCode is 03 then the reportingschoolcode must have a record in the DESE_ATTENDANCE_CENTER for the year matching currentschoolyear and reportingdistrictcode with “T” or “S” as the Title I value unless CourseGradeLevel is PK or CouseDeliverySys is NI or IH or CourseNum is in (881750, 887400, 887600, 887900, 889650, 885200, 885400, 885600, 885000). CourseProgCode is invalid CourseProgCode is not valid since school is not indicated as targeted or schoowide for Title I.
210 Course Program Code CRS00455 E If CRS.CourseNum is 888200 then CRS.CourseProgCode cannot be 03, 20, 38, or 43. CourseProgCode is not valid for CourseNum If CourseProgCode is 03, 20, 38, or 43 then CourseNum cannot be 888200.
210 Course Program Code CRS02602 E If CRS.CTEProgType is not null and CRS.CourseNum exists in table DESE_DC_APPROVED_VOC_COURSE where CurrentSchoolYear = FK_DIST_YEAR and ReportingDistrictCode = FK_DIST_CNTY_DIST and ReportingSchoolCode = FK_SCHOOL_CODE and and CTEProgType = FK_PROGRAM_TYPE and CourseNum = FK_COURSE_CODE then CourseProgCode must be 01. CourseProgCode must be 01 CourseProgCode must be 01 since CourseNum is an approved Career Technical Education course.
210 Course Program Code CRS02603 E If CourseProgCode is 01 and CRS.CourseNum does not exist in table DESE_DC_APPROVED_VOC_COURSE where CurrentSchoolYear = FK_DIST_YEAR and ReportingDistrictCode = FK_DIST_CNTY_DIST and ReportingSchoolCode = FK_SCHOOL_CODE and and CTEProgType = FK_PROGRAM_TYPE and CourseNum = FK_COURSE_CODE. CourseProgCode cannot be 01 CourseProgCode cannot be 01 since CourseNum is not an approved Career Education Technical course.
210 Course Program Code CRS02604 E If CourseProgCode is 13 then the reportingschoolcode must have a record in the DESE_ATTENDANCE_CENTER for the year matching currentschoolyear and reportingdistrictcode with “S” as the Title I value. CourseProgCode is invalid CourseProgCode is not valid since school is not indicated as schoolwide for Title I.
210 Course Program Code CRS03005 E If course program code is 50, course delivery system must be V. Course Delivery System must be V Since course program code is 50, course delivery system must be V.
220 Course Minutes CRS00453 E CourseMins must be an integer CourseMins must be an integer CourseMins must be an integer containing only digits.
220 Course Minutes CRS02500 W If CRS.CourseSem is 0 and CRS.CourseCredit > 0 then CRS.CourseMins must be inclusively between (200 * CourseCredit) and (320 * CourseCredit) for course where CRS.CombinedCourse is not 1-99 or CRS.CourseNum is Not in (999915, 992010, 992000). CourseMins are not valid CourseMins must be inclusively between (200 * CourseCredit) and (320 * CourseCredit) since CombinedCourse is not 1-99 or Course Number is not 999915, 992010, or 992000.
220 Course Minutes CRS02501 E If (crs.coursenum is not 198600, 992000, 992010, or 999915) and (CRS.CourseDeliverySys is not EC) then crs.CourseMin must be greater than zero. CourseMin must be greater than zero CourseMin must be greater than zero since CourseNum is not 198600, 992000, 992010, or 999915 or CourseDeliverySys is not EC.
220 Course Minutes CRS02502 W If CRS.CourseSem is 1 or 2 and CRS.CourseCredit > 0 then CRS.CourseMins must be inclusively between (400 * CourseCredit) and (740 * CourseCredit) for course where CRS.CombinedCourse is not 1-99 or CRS.CourseNum is Not in (999915, 992010, 992000). CourseMins are not valid CourseMins must be inclusively between (400 * CourseCredit) and (740 * CourseCredit) since CombinedCourse is not 1-99 or Course Number is not 999915, 992010, or 992000.
230 Course Credits CRS02300 E CourseCredit does not have a valid format. It may have 1 digit followed by an optional decimal point and 1 or 2 digits. CourseCredit has an invalid format CourseCredit does not have a valid format. It may have 1 digit followed by an optional decimal point and 1 or 2 digits.
230 Course Credits CRS02302 W CourseCredit must be null or zero if CRS.CourseNum is in (086020,990000,990088,998800,999999) CourseCredit must be null or zero for CourseNum CourseCredit must be null or zero for CourseNum (086020, 990000, 990088, 998800, 999999).
230 Course Credits CRS02303 W Course Credit must be zero if CRS.ReportingSchoolCode is between 3000 and 5999 CourseCredit must be null or zero for ReportingSchoolCode CourseCredit must be null or zero for ReportingSchoolCodes between 3000 and 5999.
230 Course Credits CRS02304 W Course Credit must be zero if CRS.CourseGradeLevel not in (09,10,11,12,13) CourseCredit must be null or zero for CourseGradeLevel CourseCredit must be null or zero for CourseGradeLevels not in (09, 10, 11, 12, 13).
230 Course Credits CRS02305 W Course Credit must be zero if (CRS.CourseNum ends with 98 or 97) or (CRS.CourseNum begins with 88) CourseCredit must be null or zero for the specified CourseNum CourseCredit must be null or zero when CourseNum ends with 98 or 97 or begins with 88.
230 Course Credits CRS02306 W Course Credit must be zero if CRS.PosCode = 80 CourseCredit must be null or zero for PosCode CourseCredit must be null or zero for PosCode 80.
230 Course Credits CRS02307 W If Course Credit is not null it must be zero or inclusively be between 0.25 and 7.00 CourseCredit is not in valid range CourseCredit should be between 0.25 and 7.00.
230 Course Credits CRS02308 W If CRS.CourseCredit > 0 then one or more records matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgType, PosCode, AssignNum should exist in Student Assignment file. Enrollment is required for CourseCredit Enrollment is required if CourseCredit is greater than 0. Must have student assignment record for course assignment.
230 Course Credits CRS02312 E Course Credit must be null or zero if CRS.CourseDeliverySys is between 1 or 9. CourseCredit must be null or zero for CourseDeliverySys CourseCredit must be null or zero since CourseDeliverySys is between 1 and 9.
235 Caseload CRS02309 W If CRS.CTEProgType is anything other than Blank, 2204, or 2404 Caseload cannot be greater than zero. Caseload not common for CTE Enrollments Caseload is not common for Career Education assignments.
235 Caseload CRS02310 E If CRS.Caseload > 0 then no records matching CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN, ReportingSchoolCode, CTEProgType, PosCode, AssignNum should exist in Student Assignment file. Enrollment is not allowed with Caseload Enrollments are not allowed in the Student Assignment file since Caseload is greater than 0.
235 Caseload CRS02913 W Caseload is required if CourseNum is inclusively between 195000 and 195640 and CourseDeliverySys is CO or IG. Caseload is required for CourseNum and CourseDeliverySys Caseload is required since CourseNum is inclusively between 195000 and 195640 and CourseDeliverySys is CO or IG and PosCode equals 60.
235 Caseload CRS02914 W Caseload is required if CourseNum is in (054840, 054891, 115891, 135000) and Position Code is 60 and Delivery System is not IC and Course Program Code is 03. Caseload is required for Course Caseload is required since Course is Supplemental Title I.
235 Caseload CRS02915 W Caseload must be null if CourseNum is (195700, 195800, 193000, or 193100) or PosCode is 80 Caseload is not allowed for CourseNum or PosCode Caseload is not allowed since CourseNum is 195700, 195800, 193000, or 193100 or the PosCode is 80.
235 Caseload CRS02916 W Caseload must be null if CourseNum is inclusively between 195000 and 195640 and CourseDeliverySys is IN, SC or LI Caseload is not allowed for CourseNum and CourseDeliverySys Caseload is not allowed since CourseNum is inclusively between 195000 and 195640 and CourseDeliverySys is IN, SC or LI.
235 Caseload CRS02917 E Caseload must be a positive integer Caseload must be a positive integer Caseload must be a positive integer between 1 and 4 digits long.
235 Caseload CRS02918 E Caseload must be null if CRS.CourseDeliverySys is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or IC Caseload is not allowed for CourseDeliverySys Caseload is not allowed since CourseDeliverySys is in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, IC).
240 Course Total Hours CRS01616 E CourseHours must be 0 or null. CourseHours are not allowed CourseHours are not allowed to be reported in October. This field is for reporting total hours in the June Summer Course Assignment.
242 Assignment Comment CRS01615 E AssignComment is required if CourseNum is 887900, 880000, or 880010 and EDS. CourseComm is null. Certified Educator School Record which matches the CRS.CurrentSchoolYear, CRS.ReportingDistrictCode, CRS.ReportingSchoolCode, CRS.EDSSN, CRS.Poscode, and CRS.CTEProgtype. AssignComment is required AssignComment is required since CourseNum is 887900, 880000, or 880010 and the certified Educator School CourseComm is null.
245 Combined Course CRS02930 E If CRS.CombinedCourse is 1-99 then at least 1 other record must have the same CurrentSchoolYear, ReportingDistrictCode, EDSSN, PosCode, CombinedCourse. No matching CombinedCourse found No matching CombinedCourse found for combined course.
245 Combined Course CRS02935 E CombinedCourse must be a positive integer between 1 and 99. CombinedCourse must be between 1 to 99 CombinedCourse must be a positive integer between 1 and 99.