Item_Number Item_Name Collection_Rule_ID Severity Business_Rule Short_Title General_Message Detailed_Message
005 Collection Version EDP00001 E Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. One or more required fields are missing Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. The record is missing the field {0}.
005 Collection Version EDP00201 E Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length. The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s).
005 Collection Version EDP00401 E CollectionVersion must match '2020ALL1.0EDPrep' CollectionVersion must be '2020ALL1.0EDPrep' The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the Collection Version must be '2020ALL1.0EDPrep'.
005 Collection Version EDP00705 E Field (For Item Numbers 140-225) does not have a valid format. It must be between 0 and 4 with a single decimal point (#.#) or 'NA'. Field has an invalid format Field does not have a valid format. It must be between 0 and 4 with a single decimal point (#.#) or 'NA'. {0} does not have a valid format. It must be between 0 and 4 with a single decimal point (#.#) or 'NA'.
010 Current School Year EDP00402 E CurrentSchoolYear must match '2020' CurrentSchoolYear must be '2020' The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2020'.
025 Reporting Ed Prep Program EDP00441 E ReportingEdPrepProgram must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. Invalid ReportingEdPrepProgram code ReportingEdPrepProgram code is not a valid county district code.
025 Reporting Ed Prep Program EDP00700 E ReportingEdPrepProgram must match the SRM user's district code. The student is not from this district The student's ReportingEdPrepProgram code does not equal that of the trial.
080 Date of Birth EDP00446 E DateOfBirth must be a valid date. DateOfBirth is not a valid date The date is not valid. A date must be in MM/DD/YYYY format and be a valid date.
080 Date of Birth EDP00448 E DateofBirth is not a valid date. It must be over the age of 16 and under the age of 100 as of September 1 of the current school year. Unexpected Date of Birth The date of birth reported is unexpected. Please verify the data. Based on reported date of birth, teacher candidate appears to be {1} years old.
085 Social Security Number EDP00445 E The Social Security Number must 9 digits with no extra characters such as spaces and dashes. EDSSN has an invalid format The Social Security Number must be specified as 9 digits. SSN cannot be (999999999)
085 Social Security Number EDP00450 W If there are records in DESE_LIC_COMPLETERS not found in the submission when matching on compyear, ssn, reportingEdPrepProgram, and subjectArea, display records for verification from DESE_LIC_COMPLETERS where reportingEdPrepProgram=CNTY_DIST_CODE and COMPYEAR = currentschoolyear. Found missing completion Additional completion(s) found. Please confirm. Completion for Educator is missing for LastName/FirstName/last four digits of SSN/CompYear/SubjectArea: {1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}
100 Gender EDP00405 E Must be in code set: (Gender_Codes). Gender must be M or F Gender must be M or F.
105 Race/Ethnicity EDP00406 E Must be in code set: (PAP_Race_Ethnicity). RaceEthnicity must be A, B, H, I or W, P, M, or O RaceEthnicity must be A, B, H, I or W, P, M, or O.
110 Cert. Subject Area EDP00409 E SubjectArea must be in table DESE_LIC_APPROVED_PROGRAM_INFORMATION_MOSIS matching on compyear and ReportingEdPrepProgram (County_District_Code) Subject Area is not valid. Subject Area is not valid.
110 Cert. Subject Area EDP00410 E SubjectArea is required if ReportingEdPrepProgram exists in DESE_DISTRICT_ED_PREP and the Preptype is 4. Subject Area is required Subject Area is required since the Reporting Ed Prep Program is a 4 year.
110 Cert. Subject Area EDP00416 E Must be in code set: (Ed_Prep_Certification_Subject_Area_Codes) Invalid EdPrepCertificationSubjectArea code EdPrepCertificationSubjectArea code is not valid.
115 GPA Type EDP00407 E Must be in code set: (Ed_Prep_GPA_Type_Codes) GPAType must be C, P, or N GPAType must be C, P, or N.
115 GPA Type EDP00411 E GPAType is required if GPA is provided. GPA Type is required GPA Type is required since GPA is provided.
115 GPA Type EDP00412 E GPA_TYPE must match GPA_ALLOWED_TYPE in DESE_LIC_APPROVED_PROGRAM_INFORMATION_MOSIS matching on  compyear and ReportingEdPrepProgram (County_District_Code) and SubjectArea GPA Type is not valid for subject area GPA Type is not valid for subject area.
120 Content/Program GPA EDP00414 E GPA is requred IF GPA_TYPE is C or P for the SubjectArea code in DESE_LIC_APPROVED_PROGRAM_INFORMATION_MOSIS matching on  compyear and ReportingEdPrepProgram (County_District_Code) and SubjectArea GPA is required GPA is required for subject area.
120 Content/Program GPA EDP00444 E GPA does not have a valid format. It may have 1 digit followed by an optional decimal point and 1, or 2 digits and cannot exceed 4. GPA has an invalid format GPA does not have a valid format. It may have 1 digit followed by an optional decimal point and 1, or 2 digits and cannot exceed 4.
125 Ed Prep Program Type EDP00408 E Must be in code set: (Ed_Prep_Program_Type_Codes) Invalid EdPrepProgramType code EdPrepProgramType must be a valid code in the Ed Prep Program Type Codes.
125 Ed Prep Program Type EDP00413 E If PrepProgramType is TD then ReportingEdPrepProgram must exists in DESE_DISTRICT_ED_PREP and the Preptype is 4. PrepProgramType is not valid for ReportingEdPrepProgram PrepProgramType is not valid for 4 year ReportingEdPrepProgram.
125 Ed Prep Program Type EDP00760 E Item numbers 140-225 should be reported with 0-4, when Ed Prep Program Type is TD or NT and Subject area is in (25, 85, 245, 295, 305, 415, 479, 495, 515, 535, 575, 605, 625, 635, 911, 1015, 1025, 1555, 1695, 1977, 2511, 2525, 4377, 4776, 4879, 5077, 5679, 5877, 5879, 6577, 6579, 6777, 6779, 7212, 7512, 13879, 14279, 14679, 15979, 16677, 16679, 23879, 24279, 24679, 25079, 25477, 25479, 25979, 34379). Field has an invalid format Field has an invalid format for the reported EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea {0} does not have a valid format for the reported  EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea.  If EdPrepProgramType is TD or NT and Subject area is one of (25, 85, 245, 295, 305, 415, 479, 495, 515, 535, 575, 605, 625, 635, 911, 1015, 1025, 1555, 1695, 1977, 2511, 2525, 4377, 4776, 4879, 5077, 5679, 5877, 5879, 6577, 6579, 6777, 6779, 7212, 7512, 13879, 14279, 14679, 15979, 16677, 16679, 23879, 24279, 24679, 25079, 25477, 25479, 25979, 34379) , then {0} must be between 0 and 4. 
125 Ed Prep Program Type EDP00765 E Item number 230 should be reported with NA, when Ed Prep Program Type is TD or NT and Subject area is in (25, 85, 245, 295, 305, 415, 479, 495, 515, 535, 575, 605, 625, 635, 911, 1015, 1025, 1555, 1695, 1977, 2511, 2525, 4377, 4776, 4879, 5077, 5679, 5877, 5879, 6577, 6579, 6777, 6779, 7212, 7512, 13879, 14279, 14679, 15979, 16677, 16679, 23879, 24279, 24679, 25079, 25477, 25479, 25979, 34379). Field has an invalid format Field has an invalid format for the reported EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea {0} does not have a valid format for the reported  EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea. If EdPrepProgramType is TD or NT and Subject area is one of (25, 85, 245, 295, 305, 415, 479, 495, 515, 535, 575, 605, 625, 635, 911, 1015, 1025, 1555, 1695, 1977, 2511, 2525, 4377, 4776, 4879, 5077, 5679, 5877, 5879, 6577, 6579, 6777, 6779, 7212, 7512, 13879, 14279, 14679, 15979, 16677, 16679, 23879, 24279, 24679, 25079, 25477, 25479, 25979, 34379), then {0} must be NA. 
125 Ed Prep Program Type EDP00770 E Item numbers 140-230 should be reported with NA, when Ed Prep Program Type is AT and Subject area is in (25, 85, 245, 295, 305, 415, 479, 495, 515, 535, 575, 605, 625, 635, 911, 1015, 1025, 1555, 1695, 1977, 2511, 2525, 4377, 4776, 4879, 5077, 5679, 5877, 5879, 6577, 6579, 6777, 6779, 7212, 7512, 13879, 14279, 14679, 15979, 16677, 16679, 23879, 24279, 24679, 25079, 25477, 25479, 25979, 34379). Field has an invalid format Field has an invalid format for the reported EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea {0} does not have a valid format for the reported  EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea.If EdPrepProgramType is AT and Subject area is one of (25, 85, 245, 295, 305, 415, 479, 495, 515, 535, 575, 605, 625, 635, 911, 1015, 1025, 1555, 1695, 1977, 2511, 2525, 4377, 4776, 4879, 5077, 5679, 5877, 5879, 6577, 6579, 6777, 6779, 7212, 7512, 13879, 14279, 14679, 15979, 16677, 16679, 23879, 24279, 24679, 25079, 25477, 25479, 25979, 34379), then {0} must be NA. 
125 Ed Prep Program Type EDP00775 E Item numbers 140-160 and 185-205 should be reported with 0-4, when Ed Prep Program Type is TD or NT and Subject area is in (793, 799) Field has an invalid format Field has an invalid format for the reported EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea {0} does not have a valid format for the reported  EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea. If EdPrepProgramType is TD or NT and Subject area is one of (793, 799), then {0} must be between 0 and 4. 
125 Ed Prep Program Type EDP00780 E Item numbers 165-180 and 210-230 should be reported with NA, when Ed Prep Program Type is TD or NT and Subject area is in (793, 799) Field has an invalid format Field has an invalid format for the reported EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea {0} does not have a valid format for the reported  EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea..  If EdPrepProgramType is TD or NT and Subject area is one of (793, 799), then {0} must be NA. 
125 Ed Prep Program Type EDP00785 E Item number 230 should be reported with 0-16, when Ed Prep Program Type is TD or NT and Subject area is in (115, 183, 189, 1877, 8000819) Field has an invalid format Field has an invalid format for the reported EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea {0} does not have a valid format for the reported  EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea. If EdPrepProgramType is TD or NT and Subject area is one of (115, 183, 189, 1877, 8000819), then {0} must be between 0 and 16. 
125 Ed Prep Program Type EDP00790 E Item numbers 140-225 should be reported with NA, when Ed Prep Program Type is TD or NT and Subject area is in (115, 183, 189, 1877, 8000819) Field has an invalid format Field has an invalid format for the reported EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea {0} does not have a valid format for the reported  EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea. If EdPrepProgramType is TD or NT and Subject area is one of (115, 183, 189, 1877, 8000819), then {0} must be NA. 
125 Ed Prep Program Type EDP00795 E Item number 140-230 should be reported with NA, when Ed Prep Program Type is TD or NT and Subject area is in (105, 205, 235, 785, 815, 2055, 3779, 16412, 17179, 9968085, 99680276) Field has an invalid format Field has an invalid format for the reported EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea {0} does not have a valid format for the reported  EdPrepProgramType and SubjectArea. If EdPrepProgramType is TD or NT and Subject area is one of (105, 205, 235, 785, 815, 2055, 3779, 16412, 17179, 9968085, 99680276), then {0} must be NA. 
130 Completion Year EDP00415 E CompletionYear must match current school year. CompletionYear is not a valid year CompletionYear must be the same as the current school year.
230 MPEA Performance Score EDP00757 E MPEA Performance score must be between 0 to 16 with a single decimal point or NA. Field has an invalid format MPEA Performance score does not have a valid format. It must be between 0 and 16 with a single decimal point (##.#) or 'NA'.