Item Item Name Column Name Required Definition Code Set Data Type Length Precision
005 Collection Version CollectionVersion Required Collection version should contain this value '2019ALL1.0EDPrep' for the 2019 ED Prep File Layout.
Text 50
010 Current School Year CurrentSchoolYear Required The ending year of the current school year. For example, use '2007' for the 2006-2007 school year.
Integer 4
025 Reporting Ed Prep Program ReportingEdPrepProgram Required DESE assigned 6 digit code for the reporting ed prep program. DESE_District_Codes Text 6
060 Legal Last Name LastName Required Legal last name.
Text 60
065 Legal First Name FirstName Required Legal first name.
Text 60
070 Legal Middle Name MiddleName Optional Legal middle name.
Text 60
075 Legal Name Suffix Suffix Optional Legal name suffix. E.g. Jr, Sr
Text 10
080 Date of Birth DateOfBirth Required Date of birth.
Text 10
085 Social Security Number SSN Required Social Security Number. Formats allowed (999999999) but cannot use (999999999).
Text 9
100 Gender Gender Required Gender Gender_Codes Text 1
105 Race/Ethnicity RaceEthnicity Required Pre-defined Race / Ethnic code. PAP_Race_Ethnicity Text 1
110 Cert. Subject Area SubjectArea Conditional Certification Subject Area, see code set for list of codes. Ed_Prep_Certification_Subject_Area_Codes Text 8
115 GPA Type GPAType Conditional Ed Prep GPA Type, see code set for list of codes. Ed_Prep_GPA_Type_Codes Text 1
120 Content/Program GPA GPA Conditional The GPA for approved courses that are listed on file with DESE to meet the content for certification requirements. For example, Mathematics 9-12 requires specific courses in mathematics. An approved program should have a list of approved courses on file with DESE. The GPA for these content courses is what is meant by “Content Area GPA.” Please provide the GPA on a 4.00 scale (two decimal points). Please see the attached list of programs for which Content Area GPA is required. Program-Specific GPA: The cumulative GPA for the specific program. Please provide the GPA on a 4.00 scale (two decimal points). Please see the attached list of programs for which Program-Specific GPA is required.
Number 4 2
125 Ed Prep Program Type EdPrepProgramType Required The “path” taken towards certification as defined in 5 CSR 20-400.320. Traditional refers to Conventional Programs: A program for the preparation of professional school personnel that includes a curriculum of general education, content and professional studies, and clinical experiences designed for candidates who enter college upon graduation from high school and culminates in a bachelor’s or higher degree; Non-Traditional refers to Alternative Programs: A program for the preparation of professional school personnel that provides a curriculum for post-baccalaureate degree candidates without professional education preparation to enable them to meet the requirements for state certification. Ed_Prep_Program_Type_Codes Text 2
130 Completion Year CompYear Required Year of program completion. (Ex. 2019 Ed Prep = AY 2018-2019).
Text 4
135 Comments Comments Optional Additional comments.
Text 500
140 Cooperating Teacher Standard 1 CTStandard1 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
145 Cooperating Teacher Standard 2 CTStandard2 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
150 Cooperating Teacher Standard 3 CTStandard3 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
155 Cooperating Teacher Standard 4 CTStandard4 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
160 Cooperating Teacher Standard 5 CTStandard5 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
165 Cooperating Teacher Standard 6 CTStandard6 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
170 Cooperating Teacher Standard 7 CTStandard7 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
175 Cooperating Teacher Standard 8 CTStandard8 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
180 Cooperating Teacher Standard 9 CTStandard9 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
185 University Supervisor Standard 1 USStandard1 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
190 University Supervisor Standard 2 USStandard2 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
195 University Supervisor Standard 3 USStandard3 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
200 University Supervisor Standard 4 USStandard4 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
205 University Supervisor Standard 5 USStandard5 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
210 University Supervisor Standard 6 USStandard6 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
215 University Supervisor Standard 7 USStandard7 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
220 University Supervisor Standard 8 USStandard8 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
225 University Supervisor Standard 9 USStandard9 Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by this standard. Report a value between 0.0 and 4.0 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 3
230 MPEA Performance Score MPEAPerformanceScore Required The candidate understands the professional skills required by these standards. Report a value between 0 and 16 or NA for Not Applicable.
Text 4