005 |
Collection Version |
EDC00001 |
E |
Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. |
One or more required fields are missing |
Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. |
The record is missing the field {0}. |
005 |
Collection Version |
EDC00201 |
E |
Field exceeds its maximum length |
Field exceeds its maximum length |
Field exceeds its maximum length. |
The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s). |
005 |
Collection Version |
EDC00401 |
E |
CollectionVersion must match '2016Oct1.0EdCore' |
CollectionVersion must match '2016Oct1.0EdCore' |
The CollectionVersion identifies the data contained within the file and the Submission for that data. For this collection the CollectionVersion must be '2016Oct1.0EdCore'. |
005 |
Collection Version |
EDC01600 |
E |
There must be at least one Educator Core record |
There are no Educator Core records |
There must be at least one Educator Core record. |
010 |
Current School Year |
EDC00402 |
E |
CurrentSchoolYear must match '2016' |
CurrentSchoolYear must be '2016' |
The CurrentSchoolYear identifies the school year for the data. For this collection the CurrentSchoolYear must be '2016'. |
025 |
Reporting District Code |
EDC00441 |
E |
ReportingDistrictCode must match a valid DESE County District Code. District codes are in DESE District table. |
Invalid ReportingDistrictCode code |
ReportingDistrictCode is not a valid district code. |
025 |
Reporting District Code |
EDC00700 |
E |
ReportingDistrictCode must match the SRM user's district code. |
ReportingDistrictCode does not match that of the trial |
Invalid ReportingDistrictCode. The ReportingDistrictCode is not the same as the trial's district. |
050 |
EDC00445 |
E |
The Social Security Number must 9 digits with no extra characters such as spaces and dashes. |
EDSSN must be 9 digits |
The Social Security Number must be specified as 9 digits. |
050 |
EDC00451 |
E |
EDSSN must be unique in the file. |
Duplicate EDSSN |
There can be only one entry for each educator. An educator is defined by their social security number. |
050 |
EDC00452 |
E |
At least 1 record matching EDSSN must exist in the Educator School file. Match on EDSSN, ReportingDistrictCode, CurrentSchoolYear. |
EDSSN is missing Educator School record. |
No matching record for the EDSSN can be found in the Educator School file. |
080 |
ED Date of Birth |
EDC00446 |
E |
DateOfBirth must be a valid date |
EDDateOfBirth is not a valid date |
Dates are specified using the format mm/dd/yyyy. |
080 |
ED Date of Birth |
EDC01100 |
W |
The educator's age, based on EDDateOfBirth, cannot be older than 80 or younger than 18 on Oct 15 of the current school year. |
EDDateOfBirth is outside the expected range |
EDDateOfBirth is outside expected range. The age is expected to be between 18 to 80 on Oct 15. |
100 |
ED Gender |
EDC00405 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Gender_Codes). |
Invalid Gender code |
Gender must be M or F. |
105 |
ED Race/Ethnicity |
EDC00406 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Race_Ethnicity_Codes). |
Invalid RaceEthnicity code |
RaceEthnicity must be A, B, H, I, W, P or M. |
110 |
ED Email |
EDC00450 |
W |
EDEmail must match a valid email format. A valid email address is one or more characters, a ampersand, one or more characters, a period, one or more characters. |
EDEmail has an invalid email format |
EDEmail has an invalid email format. |
120 |
Extended Contract Duration |
EDC00421 |
E |
EDExtConDur must be an Integer |
EDExtConDur must be an integer |
EDExtConDur must be an integer containing only digits. |
120 |
Extended Contract Duration |
EDC05010 |
E |
EDExtConDur (ED Extended Contract Duration) must be greater than 0 if EDExtConSal (ED Extended Contract Salary) is greater than 0 |
EDExtConDur must be greater than zero |
Extended Contract Duration must be greater than zero if Extended Contract Salary is greater than zero. |
120 |
Extended Contract Duration |
EDC05020 |
W |
If EDExtConDur (ED Extended Contract Duration) greater than 100 |
EDExtConDur is greater than 100 days |
Extended Contract Duration is greater than 100 days. This value has surpassed a threshold and should be verified to be correct. |
130 |
Extended Contract Salary |
EDC00422 |
E |
EDExtConSal must be an Integer |
EDExtConSal must be an integer |
EDExtConSal must be an integer containing only digits. |
130 |
Extended Contract Salary |
EDC05100 |
W |
EDExtConSal (ED Extended Contract Salary) greater than EDRegTermSal (ED Regular Term Salary). |
EDExtConSal should not exceed EDRegTermSal |
Extended Contract Salary should not exceed Regular Term Salary. |
130 |
Extended Contract Salary |
EDC05110 |
W |
EDExtConSal (ED Extended Contract Salary) should not exceed 50000. |
EDExtConSal should not exceed 50000 |
Extended Contract Salary should not exceed 50000. This value has surpassed a threshold and should be verified to be correct. |
140 |
Regular Term Salary |
EDC00423 |
E |
EDRegTermSal must be an Integer |
EDRegTermSal must be an integer |
EDRegTermSal must be an integer containing only digits. |
140 |
Regular Term Salary |
EDC05200 |
W |
If EDRegTermSal (ED Regular Term Salary) exceeds 200000. |
EDRegTermSal should not exceed 200000 |
Regular Term Salary should not exceed 200000. This value has surpassed a threshold and should be verified to be correct. |
140 |
Regular Term Salary |
EDC05201 |
W |
EDRegTermSal must be null or zero if EDC.EDFiscAgentCoDist <> EDC.ReportingDistrictCode. |
EDRegTermSal must be null or zero |
EDRegTermSal must be null or zero if EDFiscAgentCoDist is not the same as ReportingDistrictCode. |
140 |
Regular Term Salary |
EDC05202 |
E |
EDRegTermSal is required to be greater than zero if EDC.EDFiscAgentCoDist = EDC.ReportingDistrictCode and Sum of FTE is greater than zero. |
EDRegTermSal is required to be greater than zero |
EDRegTermSal is required to be greater than zeros since the educators total FTE is greater than zero. |
150 |
Extra Duty Salary |
EDC00424 |
E |
EDExtDutySal must be an Integer |
EDExtDutySal must be an integer |
EDExtDutySal must be an integer containing only digits. |
150 |
Extra Duty Salary |
EDC05300 |
W |
EDExtDutySal (Extra Duty Salary) should not exceed EDRegTermSal (ED Regular Term Salary). |
EDExtDutySal should not exceed EDRegTermSal |
Extra Duty Salary should not exceed Regular Term Salary. |
160 |
Min. Salary Supplement |
EDC00425 |
E |
EDMinSalSupplmt must be an Integer |
EDMinSalSupplmt must be an integer |
EDMinSalSupplmt must be an integer containing only digits. |
160 |
Min. Salary Supplement |
EDC05600 |
W |
EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero if sum of EDS.FTE is zero for that EDSSN. |
EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero |
EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero if total FTE is zero for educator. |
160 |
Min. Salary Supplement |
EDC05601 |
W |
If EDMinSalSupplmt is greater than zero then the sum of EDS.FTE must be greater than zero for that EDSSN. |
Educator total FTE must be greater than zero |
Educator total FTE must be greater than zero if EDMinSalSupplmt is greater than zero |
160 |
Min. Salary Supplement |
EDC05602 |
E |
If the Educator’s EDS.Salary for records in which the (EDC.EDHighDegree is in (MAST, SPEC, DOCT) and EDS.PosCode is in (40, 50, 60) and EDC.EDYrExpPublic > 10) is greater than or equal to [the amount in DC_EDUCATOR_MINIMUM_SALARY times EDS.FTE] where curr |
EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero |
EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero since the educator is already paid at or above the minimum salary established in section 163.172.1, RSMo. |
160 |
Min. Salary Supplement |
EDC05603 |
E |
If Educator’s EDS.Salary (for records that are PosCode 40, 50, or 60) is greater than or equal to [the amount in DC_EDUCATOR_MINIMUM_SALARY times EDS.FTE] where currentschoolyear matches the year and Minimum_Salary_Type = ‘MIN’ and edHighDegree not in (' |
EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero |
EDMinSalSupplmt must be null or zero since the educator is already paid at or above the minimum salary established in section 163.172.1, RSMo. |
170 |
Career Ladder Stage |
EDC00407 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Educator_Career_Ladder_Stages) |
Invalid EDCareerLadr code |
EDCareerLadr must be 1, 2, or 3. |
170 |
Career Ladder Stage |
EDC02080 |
E |
If EDEarlyTermDate (Early Termination Date) is valid and not null then EDCareerLadr (Career Ladder Stage) must be Null. |
EDCareerLadr must be null when EDEarlyTermDate is supplied |
When an Educator is an early termination the EDCareerLadr must be null. |
170 |
Career Ladder Stage |
EDC02090 |
E |
If EDLateHireDate (Late Hire Date) is valid and not null then EDCareerLadr (Career Ladder Stage) must be null. |
EDCareerLadr must be null when EDLateHireDate is supplied |
If Educator was a Late Hire then EDCareerLadr must be null. |
170 |
Career Ladder Stage |
EDC03000 |
W |
If EDCareerLadr (Career Ladder Stage) is 1 then EDYrExpMO must be >= 6. |
Educator must have 6 or more years of MO experience |
Stage 1 - Educator must have 6 or more years of teaching experience in Missouri Public Schools. |
170 |
Career Ladder Stage |
EDC03010 |
W |
If EDCareerLadr (Career Ladder Stage) is 2 then EDYrExpMO must be >= 5 and .EDYrExpPublic >= 8 |
Educator must have 8 or more years of Public school experience |
Stage 2 - Educator must have 8 or more years of Public school experience (5 of which must be Missouri experience) |
170 |
Career Ladder Stage |
EDC03020 |
W |
If EDCareerLadr (Career Ladder Stage) is 3 then EDYrExpMO must be >= 5 and .EDYrExpPublic >= 11 |
Educator must have 11 or more years of Public school experience |
Stage 3 - Educator must have 11 or more years of Public school experience (5 of which must be Missouri experience) |
170 |
Career Ladder Stage |
EDC03030 |
W |
If EDCareerLadr is not null then ReportingDistrictCode must be an approved Career Ladder district as indicated in the DESE_District table with a Y in Column Career_Laddar_Indicator where the column Year matches CurrentSchoolYear. |
EDCareerLadr must be null |
EDCareerLadr must be null since ReportingDistrictCode is not an approved career ladder district. |
170 |
Career Ladder Stage |
EDC03040 |
W |
If EDCareerLadr is not null then the total FTE (across all records for the EDSSN in the Districts EDSchool file) must equal 1.0 |
EDCareerLadr not allowed if Total FTE is less than one |
EDCareerLadr is not allowed since the sum of educators FTE is less than one. |
170 |
Career Ladder Stage |
EDC03050 |
W |
If EDCareerLadr is not null then the EDSSN must have at least .57 FTE (in the EdSchool File) in at least one of these PosCode (40, 50, 60, 70, 90) |
EDCareerLadr must have at least 0.57 FTE |
Educator must have at least 0.57 FTE in the EDSchool file in at least one of these positions (40, 50, 60, 70, or 90) |
180 |
Highest Degree |
EDC00408 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Educator_Highest_Degree) |
Invalid EDHighDegree code |
EDHighDegree is not one of the valid codes. |
190 |
Public School Years - District |
EDC00426 |
E |
EDYrExpDist must be an Integer |
EDYrExpDist must be an integer |
EDYrExpDist must be an integer containing only digits. |
190 |
Public School Years - District |
EDC00430 |
E |
Check prior year October Educator Core EDC and prior year Educator School EDS certified submissions matching the EDSSN unless the prior year EDC.EDEarlyTermDate contains a valid date or EDS.PosCode is 70 or 80., ensure the value for Public School Years - |
EDYrExpDist must be 1 greater than the prior year |
The number of years teaching public school in the district (EDYrExpDist) must be 1 greater than the prior year. |
190 |
Public School Years - District |
EDC04000 |
E |
EDYrExpDist (Public School Years - District) must be 1 or greater. |
EDYrExpDist must be 1 or greater |
The number of years teaching public school in the district (EDYrExpDist) must be 1 or greater. |
190 |
Public School Years - District |
EDC04010 |
E |
EDYrExpDist (Public School Years - District) cannot exceed EDYrExpMO (Public School Years - MO) |
EDYrExpDist cannot exceed EDYrExpMO |
The number of years teaching public school in the district (EDYrExpDist) cannot exceed the number of years teaching public school in Missouri (EDYrExpMO). |
195 |
Public School Years - Missouri |
EDC00427 |
E |
EDYrExpMO must be an Integer |
EDYrExpMO must be an integer |
EDYrExpMO must be an integer containing only digits. |
195 |
Public School Years - Missouri |
EDC00431 |
E |
Check prior year October Educator Core EDC and prior year Educator School EDS certified submissions matching the EDSSN unless the prior year EDC.EDEarlyTermDate contains a valid date or EDS.PosCode is 70 or 80, ensure the value for Public School Years - M |
EDYrExpMO must be 1 greater than the prior year |
The number of years teaching public school in Missouri (EDYrExpMO) must be 1 greater than the prior year. |
195 |
Public School Years - Missouri |
EDC04100 |
E |
EDYrExpMO (Public School Years - MO) cannot exceed EDYrExpPublic (Public School Years - Public) |
EDYrExpMO cannot exceed EDYrExpPublic |
The number of years teaching public school in Missouri (EDYrExpMO) cannot exceed the number of years teaching public school (EDYrExpPublic). |
200 |
Public School Years -Public |
EDC00428 |
E |
EDYrExpPublic must be an Integer |
EDYrExpPublic must be an integer |
EDYrExpPublic must be an integer containing only digits. |
200 |
Public School Years -Public |
EDC00432 |
E |
Check prior year October Educator Core EDC and prior year Educator School EDS certified submissions matching the EDSSN unless the prior year EDC.EDEarlyTermDate contains a valid date or EDS.PosCode is 70 or 80, ensure the value for Public School Years - P |
EDYrExpPublic must be 1 greater than the prior year |
The number of years teaching public school (EDYrExpPublic) must be 1 greater than the prior year. |
200 |
Public School Years -Public |
EDC04200 |
W |
EDYrExpPublic (Public School Years - Public) should not exceed 55. |
EDYrExpPublic should not exceed 55 |
The number of years teaching public school (EDYrExpPublic) should not exceed 55. |
210 |
Late Hire Date |
EDC00447 |
E |
EDLateHireDate must be a valid date |
EDLateHireDate is not a valid date |
Dates are specified using the format mm/dd/yyyy. |
210 |
Late Hire Date |
EDC02050 |
E |
EDLateHireDate must be a valid date between and including July 1 of the current school year minus 1 and June 30 of the current school year. |
EDLateHireDate must be a date within the Current School Year |
EDLateHireDate must be a date within the current school year (July 1 to June 30). |
220 |
Early Termination Date |
EDC00448 |
E |
EDEarlyTermDate must be a valid date |
EDEarlyTermDate is not a valid date |
Dates are specified using the format mm/dd/yyyy. |
220 |
Early Termination Date |
EDC02060 |
E |
EDEarlyTermDate must be a valid date between and including July 1 of the current school year minus 1 and June 30 of the current school year. |
EDEarlyTermDate must be a date within the Current School Year |
EDEarlyTermDate must be a date within the current school year (July 1 to June 30). |
220 |
Early Termination Date |
EDC02070 |
E |
EDEarlyTermDate cannot occur prior to EDLateHireDate. |
EDEarlyTermDate is before EDLateHireDate |
EDEarlyTermDate must be on or after the EDLateHireDate. |
240 |
Fiscal Agent County District |
EDC00409 |
E |
Must be in code set: (Fiscal_Agent_District) |
Invalid EDFiscAgentCoDist code |
EDFiscAgentCoDist is not valid. |
250 |
Min. Salary Days Worked |
EDC00429 |
E |
EDMinSalDaysWrkd must be an Integer |
EDMinSalDaysWrkd must be an integer |
EDMinSalDaysWrkd must be an integer containing only digits. |
250 |
Min. Salary Days Worked |
EDC05500 |
E |
EDMinSalDaysWrkd (Minimum Salary Days Worked) cannot be null if EDMinSalSupplmt (Minimum Salary Supplement) is not null. |
EDMinSalDaysWrkd is required if EDMinSalSupplmt is not null |
Minimum Salary Days Worked is required if Minimum Salary Supplement is not null. |
250 |
Min. Salary Days Worked |
EDC05510 |
E |
EDMinSalDaysWrkd (Minimum Salary Days Worked) must be null if EDMinSalSupplmt (Minimum Salary Supplement) is null. |
EDMinSalDaysWrkd must be null if EDMinSalSupplmt is null |
Minimum Salary Days Worked must be null if Minimum Salary Supplement is null. |
250 |
Min. Salary Days Worked |
EDC05521 |
W |
If EDC.EDMinSalDaysWrkd is greater than zero and not equal to DESE_District.Contract_Days and EDC.EDLateHireDate and EDC.EDEarlyTermDate are both null. |
EDMinSalDaysWrkd does not match contract days |
EDMinSalDaysWrkd does not match contract days and no late hire or early term date has been entered. |
250 |
Min. Salary Days Worked |
EDC05522 |
W |
If EDC.EDMinSalDaysWrkd is greater than 185 |
EDMinSalDaysWrkd is greater than 185 |
EDMinSalDaysWrkd is greater than 185 |